Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

32 Sea baths with little dragons

In discussions with Foreign Minister Bacchus, Shaw became mentally tired.

"It's time to send Esmeralda to Izmal Island..."

As soon as I mouth it, I take a deep sigh. I remember the disturbances in the cabbage fields.

On a full moon night, Esmeralda and Cabbage were picked, and it was good to make soup and drink, but Leticia and Lara also cursed. Apparently, if the country is different, the curse is effective, and all three have signs of fertility.

Already pregnant, Rosina has more pregnant women one after another and is somewhat in a bad mood. Shaw has heavy legs moving on to the rear womb, which is full of pregnant women. But after sailing to Izmal Island, he wanted to investigate Sir Zaycroft.

"It's going to be another long voyage. I want to play with my daughters."

You don't have to worry about taking care of your pregnant wives because Lily is good. Of course, I can safely take care of my daughters, but I wanted to change my mood.

"Father ~" Ayesha and Leila, who were playing with child dragons and little dragons in the yard of the rear palace, rush to their feet. Shaw hugs them both up and laughs that they've gotten heavy.

"It's not heavy," Angry Aisha said, already a fine princess. The gorgeous face inherits the beauty of Leticia.

"Father, I want to bathe in the sea," sweet Leila grows up to be a beautiful pretty princess with straight dark hair similar to Lara's.

Men in the Southeast Islands are sweet to their daughters. On top of that, the dragons also said, "Seawater bath! 'and made a scene.

"Let's all go to the sea bath!

The parent dragons also have no eyes in the seawater bath. It became a busy sea bath. My wives also enjoy dipping their feet in the water or eating the fish Shaw caught burning.

"Luca looks like she's having a lot of fun."

Esmeralda laughs, sitting on a deck chair placed on the beach, watching Luca enjoy a sea bath with the Sands and the Son Dragons.

"You swim well with packs, flules and pipins."

Rudy, Mail and Verne, the little dragons who have grown up, are in trouble.

"Aren't you tired, Rosina?

Esmeralda enjoys watching the dragons bathe in the sea, and Lara and Leticia are laughing as they take care of their daughters. But Rosina seems to be getting a little tired of it.

"I'm a little tired in the sun."

Shaw takes Rosina's hand, which is getting pretty big, and sends her to the rear palace, careful not to fall. Lara and Leticia laugh bitterly that Rosina has distracted Master Shaw.

"Will Master Rosina be all right? It's not good if you're tired in the second trimester."

As a witch princess in the village of Messina, Esmeralda, who is also learning to treat her from her mother, looks behind the two, honestly worried. Is Lara and Leticia serious? And when I looked at Esmeralda's face in awe, I was surprised that he did not know the men's and women's rushes and manipulations.

"Rosina would be fine! Besides, Master Shaw has noticed."

Leticia chuckles as her cousin Lara unequivocally affirms.

"Huh! Can I do it in the back house?

In Lara's words, Esmeralda sighs deeply as she glimpses the rush of the Ladies of the Back Palace.

"Lady Esmeralda, stay put."

Esmeralda doesn't know why, smiled Leticia of just dazzling beauty.

"Master Shaw doesn't like the arguments of the Ladies. Lady Esmeralda has divided the cabbage among us. Shaw will be grateful for your forgiveness."

Lara and Leticia thank him again for the cabbage, and Esmeralda brings it together.

"Esmeralda, watch the pippins! We're all going to dive, so don't let us in the ocean. '

The dragons were told by their parents to come up to the beach. There are only dragon knights here Esmeralda, so tell the dragons not to go to the sea.

Zabburn! Zabburn! ZABAHN! Esmeralda's anxiety to live in the rear palace was also blown away by the luxurious landscape of the dragons diving into the sea one after the other.

Shaw came home laughing as he told the child dragons, who were excited at his feet, that he could not go to the sea.

"Pack, Fleur, Pippin! You can't fly yet, but diving is dangerous. '

Packs made with chick dragons can fly a little! and protested, but it sure doesn't seem possible to dive.

"Shaw! Let's dive together!

Diving with Sands is great for a change of mood!

"Father! I want to dive with Sands too!

Beautiful Aisha, but a pretty old lady. Shaw asked Leticia, "Is that good?" and speak up. Leticia nods that Shaw will not risk her daughter.

"Sands, from the low."

'I know!

Hold Aisha tightly and dive into the sea. You're more right about slipping in than diving in. But Aisha is very satisfied with her first time riding a dragon and jumping into the sea.

"Please do it again!" Aisha hugging at Shaw's feet, but stripped by harsh Leticia.

"Is Leila good?" I chew the sand on Lara's side with my feet, so I speak.

"I'd love to ride the Sands, but I'm scared to dive into the ocean"

Unlike the active Ayesha, Leila is a little dear. I like to read books similar to Lara. The daughters who each have their own personality, Shaw can't be loved.

"Then let's fly a little in the Sands!

When I hold up Leila, who seems happy, I circle over the sea at Sands.

"Thank you, Sands"

Email advances to Leila, who says thank you to Sands for the ride.

"Layla, I can give you a ride anytime!

Mail loves Layla.

"It's still early! 'Sands and Shaw shouted at the same time.

Verne also sees Aisha inviting her to dive with her, and Shaw tells her two daughters she can't until she's seven. Of course, Sands is too busy telling two heads.

'Come on, let's dive for the last time!

The other dragons are nap time after a seawater bath, but Shaw wanted to dive in with the Sands. If I send Esmeralda to Izmal Island, I'm going to head to the Kingdom of Salaam. He believes that relaxing and enjoying a sea bath is only after he has defeated Sir Zaycroft.

"Shaw? Don't be impotent!

Dive from high and rise from the sea. Hearing Sands's worrying voice, Shaw laughed off that he was okay.

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