Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

1 I'll grab Sir Zaycroft's ass!

"Esme, take care of yourself."

I worried that I would suffer from obstruction during my voyage, but Luca, the dragon rider, was covering Esmeralda's physical condition. The village of Messina is home to a therapist's mother, and Esmeralda is likely to have a baby in peace.

"Master Shaw, don't do anything dangerous."

I don't remember telling you about Sir Zaycroft, but looking into Esmeralda's worried eyes, Shaw reflects that he felt something for himself that was crunchy. Don't make pregnant women anxious!

"I won't allow Sands to impersonate me."

Esmeralda decides to believe in the dragon's instincts in trying to protect the dragon knight of bondage. I kissed her goodbye and dropped off Shaw flying off at Sands.

Having successfully delivered Esmeralda to the village of Messina, Shaw tells Captain Wonder to head to the Kingdom of Salam.

"Can we sail directly to the Kingdom of Salam?

Captain Wonder will carefully consider confirming the route from Morrison in the captain's office, but hopefully not encountering a pre-summer storm. You can't expose Prince Wang to dangerous eyes.

"I don't think there's a problem with distance, but I'm worried there's no shelter in case of a storm."

It can be made from Morrison Bay to via Sands Island, but it has to go pretty south. If you're from the Kenan base in the east of Ishmal Island, a course that goes directly to the Kingdom of Salam is also not possible if you're on the Braves.

"Brother Nash is developing a Kenan base. Because I want to inspect it once..."

Wonder wondered if it would make sense to inspect Prince Nash as he became chief administrative officer of the Kenan base because it was very recent, but I understand he wants to rush to the Kingdom of Salam. Shaw sighed heavily when he had to explain to Captain Wonder about Lord Zaycroft.

"Captain Wonder would find it odd for me to rush to the Kingdom of Salaam"

Indeed, Wonder was wondering if there was a rush case for the poor Kingdom of Salam.

"Do you think pirates in the Kingdom of Salam are the problem?

Despite the fact that pirates in the Kingdom of Salaam are a major problem for the northern part of the Kingdom of Kazalia, and if the eastern part of Ishmal is developed any time soon, I don't think it would be a bad idea for pirates to travel to those waters, but I don't think it's necessary to do something about it right now as a southeastern archipelago.

"Pirates in the Kingdom of Salam are certainly a problem. But I rush to the Kingdom of Salaam because a diplomat named Sir Zaycroft is doing harm to the Southeast Islands. I'm sick of going around wiping his ass. I'll grab Sir Zaycroft's tail!

Shaw tells them Sir Zaycroft is rumored to be Barbarossa's son.

"Whatever! Was his son alive!

When I heard that Barbarossa's orphan, who was also prepared to die, was alive in the matter of his grandfather, Minister of Military Affairs Zahan, a wonder who did not put his emotions on the face every day was sudden.

"I will succeed or fail!

I'll cut you to death! Shaw rushes to stop Captain Wonder, who accidentally put his hand on the knife on his hips.

"Well, well, I don't know if he's Barbarossa's son. They say he's King Hertz's bastard at first... and we need to find out where he is, and we won't talk about it."

Besides, Captain Wonder had no intention of succeeding or losing. I'm going to settle for myself.

"Hasn't Ambassador Globe of the Kingdom of Salaam grabbed his place?

Wonder knew how capable his ambassadors were, so I doubt it.

"Sir Zaycroft says he travels while switching merchant ships, so it's hard to find a place to stay... and this is my suspicion... doesn't Foreign Minister Bacchus want to finish himself off? But I was entrusted by my father to the end of Lord Zaycroft!

Ha Wonder also returns to me and stops King Shaw from having to put his hands down directly.

"You can't do that! Let me finish my grandfather!

Shaw is dismayed at what they think is so heppocratic.

"I won't lose to the diplomat Lord Zaycroft."

Wonder thought that Prince Wang did not have to commit the danger himself, but first he had to grab Sir Zaycroft and his tail.

... You can't beat King Shaw Prince with your mouth! As soon as we find Lord Zaycroft, we just have to do it! ……

Captain Wonder, who travelled with him to the deck, told the officer, "Head to Kenan base!" Seeing as he was ordering, Shaw was depressed to see if his sword skill was so heppocratic.

"Shaw is not Heppoko!

I still leave my chick Fleur with Merrill the Parent Dragon to be comforted by Sands who went on voyage with Shaw.

'I don't think I'm Heppocco either. But my father and others...'

I stopped saying I couldn't help being stupid about Sands, but every time everyone shelters themselves, I get annoyed. I decided to join the cadets because the version of the cadet is letting them train the sword.

"Version! You won't lose this time!

The cadets glance at the ghostly strong version of the officer seriously doing sword arches with King Shaw Prince.

"If I let Prince Wang get hurt, it would be bad..."

Hiccups drink hard spit. I respected Prince Shaw, but I also respect the familiar version of the officer, so I don't want to see either lose.

"That was a pretty good fight."

Ha ha, shake hands with the version as I examine the rough breath. Shaw can't help but regret that he could have won one in two before this.

"Version! When did you give me your arm?

Captain Wonder laughs bitterly at King Shaw Prince, who is dampening his remorse for winning only two out of five.

"Prince Shaw, the version won the officer's swordsmanship tournament."

In Captain Wonder's words, Shaw is dismayed.

"With that said, the version would have won even when I was a cadet"

The cadets flaunt their shoulders that they should be as strong as ghosts.

"No, because only to the lieutenant for an officer's swordsmanship tournament. Some are stronger."

Shaw only sighs, huh?

"Then have them accompany you to practice during your voyage! For some reason, all around me are masters of swords."

Wonder if you should put on an escort because he's a king prince? I almost stopped looking at the seriousness of my eyes, but Sir Zaycroft and I weren't going to give it to him.

"Prince Shaw, let me go along with the sword archery too!

Duh! And the cadets scream. Occasionally I watched Captain Wonder mourn the officers.

"I know Wonder is strong."

Brother Karin, I don't think Shaw can beat Captain Wonder of the same strength.

"Then Sir Zaycroft will give it to me"

Knowing Wonder's intentions, Shaw stares at him with a tight eye that he can't give up all this. The cold air flowed at sea in the summer, but Shaw said, "You can't beat it! If I win, I'll get 100 marks! Shout," Wonder goes for a bet, too. Officers, cadets and crew will also bet against those who think they will each win.

"Che! Even though the Braves are my flagship, Captain Wonder has a better advantage"

To the bumpy, foolish Prince Shaw, I shoulder to shoulder that I had no choice but to make a version.

"On the Braves, Captain Wonder is God."

Well, in a warship, the captain's orders are the voice of God, so there's no choice, and Shaw gives up, but asks the version to be the target of special training.

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