Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

2 Kingdom of Salaam!

Get in the enemy formation! We arrived in the Kingdom of Salaam with that intention, but in the summer but chilly climate, Shaw's tension drops somewhat.

"This landscape is similar to the Hedge Kingdom."

Shaw doesn't seem to be the only one who feels sad. He said he had completed a long voyage from Kenan Station, but the crew of the Braves didn't tense up either.

"Because we have something in common about being a poor island nation..."

From the western side you arrive from Izmal Island, sail to the eastern side, where the capital Barakis is located, to admire the land where the rocks stand out.

"That's right! It's time to fight."

We must not postpone our battle with Captain Wonder. 100 marks means nothing to Shaw or Wonder, but at some point we were betting on our right to defeat Lord Zaycroft.

"Shouldn't you give up?

King Shaw's sword muscles are good, but not enough to kill! Wonder thinks he doesn't want to make a serious stand with Sir Zaycroft.

"No way! I can fight my version on an equal footing now!

Sure, if you practice, you raise your arms, but if your personality isn't right, Wonder feels it.

Apparently, presuming it was a battle between Prince Shaw and Captain Wonder, the crew would also stop by the railings on the deck to open the place.

"Shaw! Good luck!

I got the Sands' encouragement, but I know I'm the one to lose if I normally compete. Shaw covers his sword with the intention of taking out Zaycroft, who fuelled the cause of troubling Zelia, instead of competing with Wonder, who he has known since he was a boy.

As soon as the sword was politely crossed, Wonder realized he had to keep his mind on it.

... This is serious! ……

Everyone who was looking around was amazed at the calm Prince Shaw attacking him as if to his enemies.

"Isn't this better to stop?

An ancient ginseng officer asks a version of the officer close to Prince Shaw.

"No, King Shaw Prince is stubborn when he says it out. I'm guessing there's some kind of 100 + mark bet."

He's usually King Shaw's Prince of the royal beautiful sword muscle, but he shoots in hard. Of course, Captain Wonder has been in action many times, and the unscrupulous shooting takes place successfully. But gradually it becomes more serious.

Gatsun! The sword and sword collide, and the two face each other.

"I can't give up Zaycroft!

Captain Wonder lost the strength of King Shaw's feelings. I felt like I was carrying a different cause than my grandfather.

If you lose with feelings, it won't be a battle. Shaw felt Wonder retreat and pushed his sword back with all his might.

Karan! and Wonder's sword got out of his hand.

"You're lying!" screams the crew. "No way!" said the officers, knowing Captain Wonder's arm, so they can't hide their surprises.

"We lost! Prince Shaw, you've got your arm up."

Ha ha, exhale, and hold the hand offered.

"I don't think you can win any more times."

Wonder regretted that, for a moment only, he should have fought three times, but nodded that this skill would be fine. The crew were mostly betting on Captain Wonder, so a few who were betting on King Shaw got extraordinary bonuses.

"Is that the capital, Barakis?

It is not uncommon for an island country to have a port as its capital. The United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands is also the capital of Leyte, as are the Kingdom of Hedge and the Principality of Malta. But I get a better impression than Luminous in the Hedge Kingdom.

"Maybe it's more lively than Luminous, but it stinks worse in this northern country"

Even in the summer it is the chilly Kingdom of Salam, but the port of Luminous has leftovers and other things floating around, and the stench is terrible. In the laite, sewers and garbage collection systems are developed. Besides, there are no undelivered people throwing leftovers and such in the port of Leyte.

"I can't believe you filthy Marl, the goddess of the sea!

The crew of the southeastern islands living in the sea turn their contempt gaze towards the leftovers floating in the harbor. If he dies during the voyage, the body is entrusted to Marr, the goddess of the sea. Even when he dies on land, it is common to attribute the ashes he cremates to the goddess of the sea.

"To the embassy, I'll take the Sands, but would Captain Wonder like to join me?

Captain Wonder was also pointing his contempt glance at the dirty sea level, but he decided to change his mind and follow him when he investigated Sir Zaycroft's footsteps at the embassy.

"I'll give it to you too!

We lost the battle, so even the table can't disagree, but Captain Wonder expects Ambassador Globe to make some sort of conspiracy or something.

Looking at Luminous from the sky, there's a mess of big and small buildings even though it's the capital, and I can't feel a city plan or anything at all. Still, as we leave the harbor, a large mansion will be built.

"That's the embassy of the Southeast Islands!

Captain Wonder tells me that it's a northern country, so I dance down at Sands in the embassy's front yard, which I made into a Southeast Island-style building. Large windows of the building had armor outside that looked sturdy. Ambassador Globe ran down the stairs as Shaw watched that the embassy in the Hedge Kingdom was similarly designed.

"Prince Shaw, I didn't know you were coming to the Kingdom of Salaam."

Globe ambassadors who are somewhat short and round-bodied, symmetrical to the slightly longer Dinam ambassadors in the Principality of Malta, look a little like hamsters walking.

"We have sailed from Ishmal to the Kingdom of Salaam. This is Captain Wonder of the Braves."

I don't think we should judge it by its appearance, but Captain Wonder also turns his attention to suspicion that the chickens were appointed ambassadors of this poor country because of their inferior abilities.

"It's a long voyage, and you must be tired. I'll get you a bath."

Calm down your ambassador Globe on a sudden visit.

"Bath is fine later! Calm down and sit down!

Shaw thought this was going to be difficult to navigate, but surprisingly, the hamster was highly capable. Even so, answer questions about Sir Zaycroft.

"Sir Zaycroft is rumored to be King Hertz's bastard, but I think his mother is King Hertz's bastard. Because those cold gray eyes look alike. It is unclear whether Sir Zaycroft is Barbarossa's son, but it is clear that he is not a child of the husband of a petty servant. Because of this, her mother has three children with her current husband, but she is unlike Sir Zaycroft in appearance and ability."

Shaw reviewed that he had only been appointed ambassador, albeit a country poor in boulders.

"Why did I miss Sir Zaycroft?

My predecessor, Ambassador Kish, also had doubts that an ambassador from the Southeast Islands would have had excellent abilities.

"Sir Zaycroft seems to have been raised in the countryside since he was young. I wasn't in Barakis, so I couldn't find out. From the time Ambassador Kish fell ill, he seemed to visit the Royal Palace from time to time, but was thought to be surrounded by Prince Piotr"

"Prince Piotr? I've never met him before, but who is he?

If Zaycroft is the bastard son of King Hertz, Piotr will be an old uncle. If it was thought to be surrounding, I guess it's pretty intimate.

"Prince Piotr has many different problems than King Hertz"

King Hertz, who defends pirates, also has many problems. Shaw mutters.

"No way, the same hobby as Lord Hernandez or something?

Ambassador Globe laughs couscous, recalling his male favorite, Lord Hernandez. Two big front teeth! As that smile increasingly resembles a hamster, Shaw endures that he is likely to blow out.

"No, Prince Piotr likes a rooted woman. But that's the same for King Hertz, not so much a problem as to say otherwise. We serve the light-headed woman of our choice."

As for the southeastern islands, where women like kings and princes of other countries and are likely to have some common children, it is not just a matter of honeytrapping them. After all, Shaw sighs when Hamster is also an ambassador to the Southeast Islands who loves conspiracies.

"Then what's the problem?

Except for the lady lover, an adhesion to pirates, but already covered by King Hertz.

"Prince Piotr is a great idiot. I don't think King Hertz is as smart either, but it's hard to find such a fool in the world. At first, he was foolish enough to find out who the women who brought him closer were and wonder if they were acting stupid."

Around the corner, Ambassador Globe moans when he sets up a honey trap but is too stupid to make sense. Shaw doesn't know Prince Piotr, but if he's a fool, he knows Prince Jenas. I sighed, wondering which was more foolish.

"So, where is Lord Zaycroft now?

Give up the comparison of barren fools and ask for their original purpose.

"I'm pretty sure you're not in Barakis. Prince Piotr trusts Sir Zaycroft and will call him when he returns home. Lord Zaycroft is planning to make Prince Piotr his puppet and leave the Kingdom of Salaam as he thinks it is."

Indeed, I sighed that Sir Zaycroft, who is plotting a conspiracy in various countries, would have better abilities than Prince Piotr, a fool who likes women.

"Isn't King Hertz a prince other than King Piotr's Prince?

Phew, Ambassador Globe unfortunately took a big sigh.

"I'm so fond of women, but I didn't let you give birth to anything but King Piotr's Prince with the Queen. If there were any other prince, I could make it obsolete..."

He's just a conspiracy-loving ambassador! and Shaw shook his head.

"Does Prince Piotr have children?

Because I like women, I hear there are many between me and the queen and my mistress, and I shrug my shoulders. Captain Wonder was asking a lot, but he wonders if he can't conspire against Sir Zaycroft.

"Why did you leave Sir Zaycroft alone?

If you're such a conspiracy lover, you bump into anger that you just need to eliminate the cause.

"Well, that's..."

It is clear that Ambassador Globe, with his toasts and mouths, is following instructions from Raythe, and he is not going to conspire against Sir Zaycroft.

"Captain Wonder, your father has entrusted me with the fate of Lord Zaycroft."

Captain Wonder shut his mouth, as he was told. If they bring up King Aslan, they can't say anything.

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