Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

7 People of the Kingdom of Cazaria on the eve of the duel

Even in the royal palace of the Kingdom of Cazaria, the rubbing at the University of Paloma by the martial officers of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands and the Kingdom of Salaam had become a great scoop. Even in the outhouse inhabited by Crown Prince Stewart, the young proximity gathers to make a noise like a hive.

"What! Master Shaw will duel with the diplomats of the Kingdom of Salam?

Crown Prince Stewart knows Prince Shaw from an early age, so he's amazed at what happened. Always calm, not like the capable King Shaw Prince.

"Looks like he tried to kidnap Lady Melissa!

Crown Prince Stewart's proximity is astonished by Sir Benjamin's uncontrollable anger, which does not remove the mask of a good diplomat on a daily basis. But since they all have a fondness for Lady Melissa, one voice of anger rose after another at the mouth of the despicable Kingdom of Salam.

"Nevertheless, why did the Kingdom of Salaam imitate itself like selling fights to the Southeast Islands? You want me to seal off the sea? For my country, I'd appreciate it if you could seal up the pirates..."

James, son of the Foreign Secretary, lights up Crown Prince Stewart, who speaks of swallowing things.

"In the unlikely event that King Shaw's Prince is injured or his life is otherwise, the Kingdom of Kazaria will also be in trouble. Not if you're saying such a swallowing thing. It could be a war with the Kingdom of Salaam!

The Kingdom of Cazaria, which is being vandalized north by pirates sheltered by the Kingdom of Salam, does not declare war because the Navy is too crude. If it wasn't an island country, it would be attacking and destroying.

"It's a declaration of war to the Kingdom of Salam! I will form an alliance with the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands and destroy them all at once!

Young proximates, it's war! and making a scene. James fears that his national identity, which he likes to argue but has a romantic feeling for women, is thriving on Lady Melissa's attempted kidnapping. At times, Benjamin, who goes around with me to contain me, is the best, smashing up the war theory.

"Dear Stewart, it's a mess! Benjamin has too many valves standing. As it is, it will truly be a war with the Kingdom of Salam"

Stewart, too, noticed that Benjamin was hiding it, but he was in love with Lady Melissa, so I think this is really bad.

"Here! Don't speak a mild word. Nor do we know why the diplomats of the Kingdom of Salaam tried to kidnap Lady Melissa. Simply, I may have just admired it. Then, as Shaw's husband, we just have to settle for a duel!

Yokohama! The noisy neighbors also remember the beauty of Lady Melissa and shrugged that there might be some.

But only Benjamin was burning a flame of anger in his dark eyes. Crown Prince Stewart and James stare at each other, trying to keep an eye out for stupid imitations.

King Edoardo also listens to King Shaw's duel and discusses measures with the heavy ministers.

"How about arresting a diplomat from that Salam kingdom? The embassy of the Kingdom of Salaam is easy to control."

To the Minister of Military Affairs' tough proposal, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sir Magellan, frowns that it is dangerous to invalidate diplomatic privileges. We cannot risk the following diplomats stationed in the Kingdom of Salaam:

"You can't do that! Even though the Kingdom of Salam is not a decent nation, it cannot fall to the same level as his country until the Kingdom of Cazaria"

As the three kingdoms independent of the old empire, King Eduardo, of high pride, dismisses that there is no reason to direct soldiers to the embassy.

"Then how about arresting Sir Zaycroft, who showed up at the duel place tomorrow morning? He tried to kidnap an international student at the University of Paloma."

Sir Shepherd, who until this time had been a resident ambassador to the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, does not sound like a diplomat, but gives an opinion close to the military ministry. I have also met King Shaw Prince many times, and if anything happens in the Kingdom of Kazaria, I will not hide my frustration if I do not apologize to King Aslan.

"Julian, you'd think that was over there, too. I'm sure they'll hit me to change the place and time of the duel. We used to make duel noises when we were students, too!

The Minister of the Interior, Sir Giuliano, reminds us of his adolescence when he fought over his lover or when the debate got too heated and he repeated the duel over and over. The University of Paloma forbids dueling, so I had a hard time finding out secrets.

"Well, that was... but when we saw the blood, it was a duel over the implicit rule of punishment there. It wasn't about exchanging lives, it was about proving my correctness, and it wasn't that dangerous."

King Edoardo, his only son, did not make a duel noise on the boulders, but his schoolmates' duel entourage had done so many times. They also stood on the arm of the sword, and they were just letting their opponent's arm or leg get a little hurt to finish.

"Prince Shaw is going to kill Lord Zaycroft... I mean, do you reject the rule that ends if one of them becomes dueling impossible? Within the Kingdom of Cazaria, if the King Prince of the Southeast Islands dies, it's a big problem!

I had heard the dueling noise, but King Eduardo had mistaken it for a duel of his own schoolmates. I know it's a life-threatening duel, and I make a scene.

Now what! And the heavy ministers are frightened. It's a big problem, so this is how we're discussing it.

"Minister of Foreign Affairs, let us keep an eye on the embassies of the Southeast Islands and the Kingdom of Salaam! You can't forgive a life-threatening duel. Yes! Stewart must be close to Prince Shaw. Send that one to the embassy! Let him be a witness, and let him stop when the blood is shed."

The embassies of both countries are already on the lookout, but the Magellan Foreign Secretary follows King Eduardo's orders. I don't think Prince Stewart can stop the duel, but it's better than nothing.

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