Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

8 Dueling Morning!

"Sands, it's time to go."

I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night worried too much. Sands woke up at dawn, but at Shaw's call.

"Not yet, it's dark..."

If the night hasn't dawned yet, Sands will be foolish. I don't want them to fight.

"Sands, you can wait for me at the embassy..."

"I'm coming with you! 'And Shaw be quiet, Sands protesting with his legs jittered! and forgive.

"Prince Shaw, you're going to a duel! You nominated me as your escort, and you were going to leave me!

Though I nominated the version as an escort, then there was a change of time and place, so I didn't want to get involved in a duel or anything when I could. But the version said it would be tough if they left, and it was my turn to sleep in front of the dragon house.

"Well, don't be so angry. I didn't mean to leave you."

Is that true? and turned his suspicious and profound gaze, the version, for a moment, does not leave the side.

"Sands, I need you to go to the woods halfway between New Paloma and Lexington Harbor."

I didn't want to involve the version in the duel, but if I had no choice, I'd leave. But outside the embassy, Crown Prince Stewart and Sir James were waiting.

"Master Shaw, which way are you going so early in the morning?

Oh, boy, you know, flatter your shoulders.

"If you came to stop me, it's no use."

I didn't have to tell Shaw, and Stewart thought it was useless to stop him. If I were to say I would stop, I wouldn't have a duel from the beginning.

"You will be dueling with the diplomats of the Kingdom of Salam. I have always considered myself close to Master Shaw. So I'm running for the stand."

I got into trouble, but I have trouble rubbing it here and being late.

"Not to Master Stewart, is it? But please accept your position as a witness."

Declare yourself useless in the duel and head to the dueling place. The eastern sky became brighter and the dark woods were visible.

"Is that carriage from the embassy of the Kingdom of Salam?

One carriage is parked in an empty area in the woods. It's not a picnic this early in the morning. Shaw and the others drop the dragon a little further away.

"Prince Shaw! Did you bring a helper? Isn't this, His Royal Highness Prince Stewart!

Prince Stewart mumbles at Sir Zaycroft's ridicule as he stepped out of the carriage.

"I am the witness to this duel! Be careful what you say! Protect your moderation as a gentleman."

A samurai officer from the embassy of the Kingdom of Salam discusses it with Crown Prince Stewart and Lieutenant Version as an escort to Sir Zaycroft. Can't Crown Prince Stewart and Sir James finish the discussion? Why don't you just bleed out and finish it? and make a final confirmation.

"No way! You just realized you were scared!

Shaw is also the limit of patience to Sir Zaycroft's provocation.

"It will succeed and defeat you!

Both Crown Prince Stewart and Sir James were angry with Sir Zaycroft's attitude, but as a stander, he patiently maintains neutrality.

"Both Prince Shaw and Sir Zaycroft find each other unforgivable. Then we'll have to fight a duel! An escort of both names, don't give a hand!

Let each other's escorts inspect their weapons. It's an alert dueling procedure that poisons the tip of a sword or a cowardly whistle.

The version was seriously examined that Sir Zaycroft could paint it as poisonous as it was, but nothing was found to have changed. The samurai officer of the Kingdom of Salam also examines the sword of King Shaw's Prince and returns it to the witness.

"Are you sure you want to duel?

Prince Stewart makes the final confirmation, and the two nod. Sands is all worried and mad, but he keeps his promise to Shaw and watches him patiently.

"Can my sword be received by the spoiled king Prince?

To Sir Zaycroft, who scoffs, Shaw strikes hard. The version discerned Sir Zaycroft as a diplomat but with arms to stand.

"Master Shaw! Don't be alarmed."

Shaw also exchanges swords two or three times and realizes Sir Zaycroft is quite skilled. But I'm not willing to forgive the person who tried to kidnap Melissa.

It was a very intense battle, but Shaw's sword blurred Sir Zaycroft's left arm. Crown Prince Stewart, a sitting man, calls out to interrupt him once he has finished this, but he doesn't listen to me at all.

"Dear Stewart, I can't do this! If you go in there, you'll be slaughtered and killed."

His Majesty King Edoardo is also said to be impotent! James advises Crown Prince Stewart, who tries to stop him, that he has no choice but to watch.

Lord Zaycroft, whose blood seeps into his shirt, is pressed one by one by Prince Shaw.

... Chip! The spoiled king prince will kill you! But I'm not gonna die alone! I'll take you to hell...

Zycroft around ready was poisoning beside his pants because he knew the sword could be examined before the duel. Anyway, if you're going to die, try to kill the King Prince of the Southeast Islands before you do one last trick.

"There's no way I can kill a sweetheart like you!

Neither can Shaw's anger be contained by Lord Zaycroft's provocation.

"You're the one who's going around doing all the bad things, and I'm going to beat you here!

Don't ride the provocation! Version cautioned that if he lost his cool, he would make mistakes. That's when Sir Zaycroft's sword plundered Shaw's face.

"Master Shaw!" The version screams. Sands also fluttered his wings worryingly.

There is a muscle scratch on his cheek and blood runs off. In that gap Zycroft rubbed his sword against the poison in his pants.

"What did you do!

Crown Prince Stewart, the witness, and Sir James, notice Sir Zaycroft's suspicious move and try to stop the duel.

But in exchange for his own death, Sir Zaycroft was in his final attack to kill King Shaw's Prince.

When Shaw's sword pierced Sir Zaycroft's chest, a poisoned sword was slapped down on his shoulder.

"Now... my parents have taken their revenge..."

Sir Zaycroft collapsed on the grass and Shaw felt a burning pain on his shoulder, kneeling.

"Prince Shaw! Are you all right, sir?

Version rushes over to Shaw to see how the injury is.

"Shaw! Hold on!

Sands was relieved that the duel was over, but he flew to his side saying something was wrong.

"Sands, you're worried..."

The bright blue face of the version trying to rip his shirt and stop the blood from flowing out of his shoulder wound and the worrying golden eyes of Sands get bogged down.

"Master Shaw!

The version holds Prince Shaw in his arms.

"Shaw! Shaw! Hold on!

Shaw tries to tell Sands he's okay, but falls into a dark world. There was a hateful Sir Zaycroft laughing high.

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