To Shaw, who lost consciousness, Sands nearly panicked. But Crown Prince Stewart tells me I need to see a therapist soon, and I agree to bring Shaw to the embassy.

"The body will be picked up here"

I am not interested in removing Sir Zaycroft's body, falling on the grass, to the Kingdom of Salaam, but wildly. But James had doubts that Sir Zaycroft was sneaking some poison into his pants.

"Please wait a moment! Prince Shaw's injuries are not enough to cause him to lose consciousness. Let me see Sir Zaycroft's sword."

The warlords of the Kingdom of Salam were also aware of the unnatural movements during the duel, but were killed the common son of the king of their country.

"How disrespectful!" If they know of injustice, they will be ashamed, and they will hang their hands on the sword of their hips.

"Dear Stewart, please bring Prince Shaw to the embassy! I'll get the sword and then I'll head out."

Stewart also had doubts that he had poisoned the sword, so I agree that it would be better to know the type of poison.

"But not just one! I'll stay too!

There is only one escort in the Kingdom of Salam, but with some of you, Version worries.

"We have to hurry Master Shaw to the embassy. Besides, this isn't a duel, so James' dragon rider is going to kill him!

I can't carry King Shaw Prince by myself. The version rides on Prince Stewart's dragon-riding, holding Prince Shaw.

"Just get cleaned up!

To James, say so and head to the embassy in the Southeast Islands. Of course Sands is coming with me.

The remaining samurai officers of the Kingdom of Salaam are cowardly for the dragons to join the war! and made noise, but stopped the futile resistance. I was scared of angry dragons. I don't want to be a mince.

James cuts off some of his sword and pants and heads to the embassy in the Southeast Islands.

"You have to make it!

The edge of the sword and trousers wrapped in the jacket had a sticky object on it. James hurries to the embassy, angry at the cowardly M.O.

In an effort to save Shaw's life, Foreign Secretary Bacchus was also rushing to New Paloma when Sir James was rushing to the embassy in the Southeast Islands.

"Marion! We have to hurry!

Captain Regnum, a dragon knight with an urgent letter from Ambassador Pasham, met Foreign Minister Bacchus in the mailing on his way to Reite. Bacchus was on his way to receive a report that Sir Zaycroft had appeared in Jungfrau.

"Whatever! I tried to kidnap Lady Melissa! And duel with Prince Shaw! Shit..."

I was going to end the shame in you myself! Fly Marion through the night.

"In time! I can't believe Prince Shaw is a duel!

But ruthlessly the night dawns. Bacchus, nevertheless, hastened Marion without rest.

At the embassy, Ambassador Pasham, who found out that Prince Shaw had gone to a duel with his version before dawn, waited without even living comfort.

"Prince Shaw!

Ambassador Pasham, who looked up at the sky with Sands roar, looked at King Shaw's prince, whom the version held, and nearly passed out. But not if you are passing out or anything.

"Carry it quickly! I need to see a therapist!

The martial arts officers carry King Shaw's Prince inside the embassy. The therapist rushes to his room and starts treating him.

Ambassador Pasham finally realized there was Prince Stewart. Until now, only Prince Shaw had eyes.

"Prince Stewart, could they have been present?

I would like to question the version of how this happened, but refrain from doing so in front of the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Cazaria.

"Sir Zaycroft may have poisoned his sword in the middle of a duel. He imitated cowardly, knowing that he would never die."

Ambassador Pasham changed his complexion when he heard of poison, but tries to get Prince Stewart to take it from him in his presence. This is not the case if you are concerned about the Crown Prince of another country.

"Prince Stewart, I'm afraid... what is it! Noisy!"

Prince Shaw was so badly wounded that he lost consciousness, the embassy of the Southeast Islands is under strict precaution. There, Sir James came in late with a dragon, so let him through! I won't let you through! I was rubbing it.

"It's Sir James! Ambassador Pasham, I asked you to bring me the sword that Zaycroft used. Because it's better to know what type of poison it is!

Running out of the room, halfway through the version of the word. Ambassador Pasham has the momentum to roll down, and when he receives the sword and cloth from Sir James, he lets the martial officer take it to his therapist.

"Sir James, I apologize for your disrespect. Thank you very much for your kindness."

Crown Prince Stewart and Sir James assumed that Ambassador Pasham wanted him to resign from the embassy. I'm worried about the condition, but right now we're just in the way even if we're here.

"I hope Prince Shaw recovers"

When the two leave, Ambassador Pasham accompanies Prince Shaw in his treatment. I can't do anything, but I don't feel like leaving the side.

"Ballooner Master! What do you think?

The therapist examines the delivered sword and cloth with a serious face. I have stopped the wounds on my face and shoulder, but the poison type is too bad.

"This... is the poison of moudkukiiro toads that live on the Golce continent. Still, it's strangely poisonous to have the breath of King Shaw's son."

Ambassador Pasham is beaten by a ballooner master when he hears that it is strange that he has breath. But he looks back at his blurb and trembling fist with a face full of anger, grabbed by disappointment later.

"Ambassador Pasham, stay out of the way of the therapist!

Foreign Minister Bacchus scolds me to be calm and crashes to the floor.

"Master Shaw!

Melissa, awakened by the noise, reaches the room in a fluttering foothold that still has the effect of sleeping pills. Bacchus took it when he saw Shaw lying in bed and passed out.

"Therapist! Whatever you do, help King Shaw!

When you leave Lady Melissa, who has passed out, to the Lady Ambassador, take Ambassador Pasham and her version out of the room. The therapist needs to focus on treatment.

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