At a close distance,

Jiang Li could more clearly feel the golden power of the Demon King flowing in Kivat.

And this power of the Demon King was of the same origin as the one in his body! Jiang Li was puzzled.

When he left the dungeon, Kivat had not even half of its parts made. How could he inject his own power of the Demon King into it? At the same time, although Chu Guang had tried his best to lower his voice when he exclaimed just now, Jiang Li still heard it very clearly. The other party actually called the kivat”the stolen belt”.


Kivat III spread his wings, saying that he didn’t know what was going on.

He only knew that he was created by the old soldier and the old soldier, but he fell into a deep sleep not long after he was born, and somehow came to this world during his sleep. Kivat was excited to explore this strange world at first, but because he couldn’t find the king and the vampires he knew, he became more and more bored and spent most of his time sleeping.

As for the multiple”changes of hands” during this period?……


“The situation of turning back and forth between these two is actually……I know everything!” When he said this, Kivat curled his lips and said,”Sometimes it’s humans, and then some weirdos and puppet beasts. They all want to use me to transform.”

“But they are not qualified to use me, so I never responded to them. Well, I am too lazy to care.”

After saying this with disdain for the previous holder, kivat was delighted again:”It was not until I sensed the power of the Demon King and the noble aura in you just now that I completely woke up!”

After these words,

Jiang Li obviously noticed that Chu Guang’s expression not far away became a little unnatural.

Obviously, the other party heard what kivat said.

But Jiang Li didn’t think there was anything wrong.

After all, as a powerful weapon used exclusively by the Demon King, arrogance is the nature of kivat. If he meets anyone casually, he will respond to the other party’s call and transform…….That’s the problem.

Even if it’s Red Dad, a large part of the reason is because of his status as a son-in-law and fighting for Maya and Red Cross, he barely won the recognition of Bat II…….

“”Damn it!!!”

Watching Jiang Li and Kivat III communicating intimately as if no one was around, especially when Kivat was still disdainful of her,

Medusa’s eyes were red with anger. She was extremely angry.

At this moment,

Medusa completely forgot the gap between herself and Jiang Li. Her heart was filled with endless murderous intent towards Jiang Li, and she only wanted to brutally kill him!

“You all go to hell!!”


Medusa swung her long hair violently.

Countless snakes of hair flew and swelled in the wind, transforming into several giant pythons that bit and came at her!


Jiang Li had been paying attention to it, so when Medusa launched an attack, he grabbed it with his bare hands, and the power of the Demon King instantly condensed into a golden blade, which flashed a cold light in the air.

The next moment.

The twisting bodies of several giant pythons froze, and the huge snake heads fell to the ground.

But it was only a breath.

Countless long hairs stretched out from the top of the Medusa puppet beast’s head again, condensing into a new snake head.

Seeing this scene, kivat, who originally wanted to rush out to show off in front of the king, suddenly braked and drifted 180 degrees to turn around, while flapping his wings faster, retreating behind Jiang Li at the fastest speed.

Until the snake head was cut off by Jiang Li again, kivat dared to step forward and look at Jiang Li

“King, let’s transform!”

Kivat Bat III is ready to fight……Well, rubbing its wings, looking impatient.

God knows it is a transformation device.

How frustrating it is to have never transformed since birth?

Now that the king has finally arrived, it is natural to release my power!

Jiang Li happened to have the same idea…….Although his own strength is enough to easily defeat Medusa, after all, how can he not use a new toy in his hand?

“Come on, Kiva!”

Jiang Liping raised his right hand.

Kivat III was so excited that he flew up and down:”I have finally waited for this day! However, should I say something at this time to make my first transformation more handsome?……”


Jiang Li looked at the kivat that was taking a long time to stabilize, and then glanced at the giant python that was already killing him. He shook his head helplessly and could only reach out and grab the kivat, then put it on his left hand.


Kivat, who was suddenly pulled down, blinked his big red eyes twice, a little confused, but when he saw the palm so close, he subconsciously opened his two fangs and bit down hard:”Gabu! (I bite!)”

A power of the devil flowed into Jiang Li’s body along the fangs.

At the same time.

The power of the devil in Jiang Li’s body seemed to feel it and began to jump for joy!

When the two powers of the devil touched and merged, black lines immediately spread from the palm to the whole body.

When the colored glass-like lines appeared on Jiang Li’s face, the silver chain began to rotate rapidly around his waist, so fast that it even rubbed out countless sparks, and finally condensed into a scarlet Kiva buckle!


At this point, Jiang Li suddenly felt his heartbeat speed up, and he was excited for the first time in a long time. He took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then buckled the kivat on his belt with his backhand…….



With Jiang Li’s loud shout, a sound wave that ordinary people could not perceive suddenly spread!

First, a layer of black undercoat covered Jiang Li’s body…….This is a strong base coat made of black dragon leather, which can perfectly withstand extreme environments such as extreme heat or extreme cold.

Next is the Lucifer metal outer armor similar to DarkKiva, shining silver all over, symbolizing the ultimate defense that is indestructible!


After the fusion, the red Demon King Force was guided to the chest and hand armor, dyeing the originally silver Lucifer metal into blood…….As the part where the Demon King’s power is most accumulated, it can burst out infinite power at any time!

In the end, the chain made of sealed silver was wrapped around his shoulders. In an instant, the terrifying aura surging from Jiang Li suddenly dropped. However, this is not the end!

The sealed silver turned into a bat-shaped”Hell’s Gate” restraint, which bound his right foot and firmly sealed the three Demon King stones on it to prevent any trace of power from leaking out!

Kamen Rider Kiva Basic Form (?)……

Officially debut!!

“This is Kiva……”

Jiang Li clenched his fist.

This was a completely different feeling from Saga, DarkKiva, and Ixa.

Saga and Ixa were the kind that you could see the end of at a glance, with a clear upper limit.

DarkKiva was the opposite, with almost infinite power, and only the final movement could touch the edge.

And Kiva………It was very strange.

Although he could clearly feel his power being suppressed and sealed, Jiang Li did not feel uncomfortable at all, because there was a volcanic sensation in his body…….No, a force far more violent than a volcanic eruption is gathering momentum and ready to erupt at any time!

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