“The power of the Demon King form?……”

Jiang Li suddenly understood.

As we all know, the Demon King form is Kiva’s basic form!

So the terrifying power he felt now should be the power of the Demon King in the fully liberated state!

“Unfortunately, you will never have the chance to feel Kiva’s power.”

After a short period of adaptation,

Jiang Li looked at the Medusa puppet beast and walked forward slowly while speaking.

“but……I can allow you to die under the power of kiva!” At the moment he finished speaking, Jiang Li began to run faster, with his hands slightly outward.

In the crisp sound of the collision of the seal lock, Jiang Li’s figure flashed, dodging the blue-purple giant python that was biting at him, and rushed to the front of the Medusa puppet beast like lightning.

“Don’t even think about it……”Ahem!”

The Medusa puppet tried to dodge, but the scarlet hand grabbed its neck!

With the powerful force bursting out, Jiang Li lifted up the Medusa puppet and dragged it backwards. The wall in front was knocked down, and the ruins behind were also not spared. A passage was forcibly knocked out in front and behind.

Finally, with a loud bang,

Medusa was thrown out heavily, and a standing stone pillar was broken into two pieces.


In the smoke splashed by the stone pillar falling to the ground, the painful voice of Medusa was faintly heard.


But in the next moment, a giant snake with a waist circumference of at least three meters broke through the smoke. It raised its head and hissed angrily. Its long body first bent, and then shot out like a bow and arrow. The speed was so fast that the air made a rapid whistling sound!

Jiang Li had already prepared for this.

He bent his feet, slid forward, and slid past the big snake….



A figure rushed towards him!

It was the Medusa puppet!

The big snake was just feinting, and it was hiding behind the big snake’s body to launch a surprise attack. A pair of ferocious claws with a strange blue-purple glow tried their best to scratch Jiang Li’s face!


At this moment,

Medusa was extremely excited!

It possessed a dangerous poison that was dozens of times more poisonous than the most poisonous creatures in the world. Ordinary monsters would fester and die on the spot if they just smelled a little bit of it.

Therefore, it was very confident.

Even the King of the Fanged Vampires could not be completely immune if it was directly infected!

However, just when Medusa thought it was about to succeed, Jiang Li suddenly shouted……

“Demon Emperor Seal!!”


Accompanied by a huge golden bat seal passing through her body.

Medusa’s expression instantly stiffened, and a familiar feeling of severe pain and restraint swept through her whole body!


“Wake, Up!”


When he placed the whistle on his waist, Kivat immediately bit the awakening whistle and blew it hard. The elegant sound of the whistle echoed. Then he flapped his wings hard to break away from the belt and excitedly surrounded Jiang Li, ready to help Jiang Li release his first ultimate move!


Jiang Li squatted down slightly, and slowly closed his scarlet hand armor in front of him.

During this process, a blood mist that matched the scarlet color of his hand armor filled his surroundings, and a new full moon rose in the sky. However, as Jiang Li’s hands merged, it was gradually covered by the black mist, and finally turned into a half-moon!

“Darkness, Moon, Break!”

“Dark……”The Dark Moon is Broken!!”

When the majestic sound effect rang out,

Jiang Li suddenly raised his right leg high.

A deep half-moon-shaped ditch was cut on the ground under his feet, and dust flew!


At the same time, the sealing chains on the right foot fell off, and the silver restraint”Gate of Hell” was completely unsealed. Kivat could not wait to rush over and merge with it, with a bloody color!


When the kivat’s blood-red wings spread, Jiang Li stepped hard and flipped into the air!

When his figure overlapped with the waning moon, Jiang Li turned his body and fell rapidly incoherently in the posture of a knight kick. The kivat on his right foot kept adjusting its wings to ensure that it could hit the target accurately!


The three huge Demon King Stones gave the Demon King an unprecedented increase in power at this moment!

The surging energy fluctuations made Medusa’s hair flutter. In fear and despair, she watched Jiang Li kick her in the chest. Her body was forcibly pushed and finally hit the only upright wall in the entire ruins…….


Another deafening roar sounded.

The body of the Medusa puppet was completely pierced through.

A huge bat emblem appeared on the wall behind it!…………


Everything is over.

The kivat, who had successfully released his ultimate move, was very satisfied and circled back and forth in the air.

Jiang Li turned around.

At this time, many knights were waiting in full battle array.

Jiang Li glanced around and found that in addition to the original dozen knights, there were several more unfamiliar knights.

“I’d like to make it clear that I’m not possessed by a monster, so don’t be so nervous.” Facing the knights who were even preparing to kill, Jiang Li quickly waved his hands. Although he was confident that he could block them without any damage, he didn’t want to take a few big moves for nothing.

“without……”Not possessed?”

Chu Guang and the knights were stunned, obviously not expecting Jiang Li to say such a thing.

Then……They were even more nervous!

You’re kidding!

When he just awakened, the sky and the earth changed color, and the blood moon hung high in the sky. He easily defeated the newly awakened monster king of the legendary puppet beast race and a high-level monster in full state like killing a chicken, and was even honored as the king by the arrogant and rude little bat…….After that, you said that it is actually the human mind that controls the body?

“”Shua shua!”

Chu Guang and the knights looked at each other.

Their eyes exchanged countless times in an instant.

Finally, they reached a unanimous suggestion in silence…….

This is definitely an unprecedented and beyond all monster kings!

In such a short time, he completely regained his sanity and even successfully obtained all the memories of his original body…….It is hard to imagine what kind of horrible disaster would happen if such a monster king escaped? What kind of sinners would they become?

Thinking of this, some knights gritted their teeth.

They said goodbye to their family and friends in their hearts, and were ready to die together!

“Something seems wrong……”

Seeing the knights more alert, Jiang Li couldn’t help but slap his forehead. His explanation seemed to make the situation worse. He suddenly had a headache and didn’t know how to prove it next.

But at this moment.

Chu Guang’s watch suddenly vibrated.

Chu Guang was alert to Jiang Li, and he quickly glanced down. Then he was about to raise his head, but just halfway up, he suddenly froze, as if he saw something incredible on his watch, and couldn’t help but exclaimed…….

“How is it possible!”


Chu Guang didn’t care about Jiang Li in front of him.

Under the puzzled eyes of the knights beside him, he quickly raised his watch to check:


“Attention, Knight Chu Guang!”

“The target”Demon Emperor” camp and status changed, current camp: Friendly!”

“Repeat important matters”

“The target”Demon Emperor” camp and status changed, current status: Friendly!”

“Faction Changes……And it’s friendly? Why is it so?!”

Chu Guang was stunned.


This so-called camp change caused him an immense shock!

In fact, it was exactly so.

Although high-level monsters will affect and erode the mind and thoughts of the awakened, not all high-level monsters are very evil and want to kill lives or destroy the world.

So in order to measure and judge the good and evil and camps of high-level monsters, the Knight Security Bureau has adopted a graded camp system for some awakened people who have awakened the power of high-level monsters.

There are three levels in total.

Hostile, neutral and friendly.

Hostile, as the name suggests, the monsters in this camp are full of thoughts about ruling the world, committing crimes and destroying. They are the kind of monsters that the knights will chop when they see them without any nonsense. Neutral will not immediately affect life and society, and can be law-abiding and keep out of the knights’ way.

As for friendly……This level is a group that has great affection for humans and the world, and even helps most of the time. In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are knights!

And now.

Zeya reminds that the”Demon King” is classified as a friendly camp, which means……「The”Demon Emperor” will not harm humans or the world at all, and is someone they can completely trust!

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