Bai Xia had dinner and didn't leave immediately. She wanted to clean up the table and was rejected by Xing Yifan. Bai Xia had to hold many flowers and stood at the kitchen door, watching the man wash the dishes.

For Xing Yifan, although his family background is good enough to make him do nothing, but after high school, he left his parents to live in a foreign country alone, and formed the habit of doing things himself.

Even many times, he is not willing to show his family background, he is more willing to prove himself, low-key life of his own.

Xing Yifan washed the dishes, turned around and saw the girl behind him. Suddenly, he had an impulse to come and hug her. However, he forbear the impulse.

White summer also just looked up at him, two pairs of eyes in the quiet room touch, white summer immediately some shameful droop eyes touch the flowers.

Under the light, her pretty face was a little white and red, and red was unnatural. Xing Yifan squinted his eyes, and when he stepped out, his clean big palm covered her forehead.

Bai Xia immediately let him feel it, and the temperature just retreated rose again. The fever like her has a continuous process of fever reduction.

Bai Xia looked at his expression, his hand pulled away, she felt it for a while, only to find that her forehead was hot again.

"How can it get hot?" Bai Xia is a little upset.

"Go back and take your medicine!" Xing Yifan said, holding each flower from her arms to the sofa, put it down, turned to her and said, "do you believe me?"

Bai Xia looked at him puzzled. "What do you believe?"

"I want your door code." Xing Yifan's eyes are deep.

White summer immediately brain blank a few seconds, want her door code? Bai Xia is a little confused, but her first thought is not to refuse, because she believes him.

Xing Yifan's tone was low. "Won't you give it?"

Bai Xia blinked and nodded, "OK! I Sometimes when I'm not at home, you can also look after me, right

She thought that she had to make up a reason to agree with him! Otherwise, if she answers so willingly, will he think she is very casual!

Xing Yifan suddenly stepped over, clasped her hand and went to his door. When Bai Xia didn't know what he was going to do, Xing Yifan opened the door and stood in front of his advanced fingerprint lock. His long fingers were operating there. After a while, he said to Bai Xia, "press the big mother's fingers up!"

Bai Xia understood that he wanted her fingerprint to be recorded in his door lock! Bai Xia hesitates, only hears a deep laugh, "why? Don't you show me the house? "

Bai Xia chuckled, "OK! I'll take care of your home while you're away. "

Then she reached over and recorded her fingerprints. From now on, she can enter his home at will, and he can enter her home at will.

This What does that matter?

Soon, I came to Bai Xia's house and recorded Xing Yifan's fingerprint. From now on, though they are separated by two doors, they can enter each other's house at any time.

After recording, Xing Yifan poured a cup of warm boiled water for Bai Xia at her home and put the medicine on the table, "remember to take the medicine and have a rest after eating."

"Oh! OK, thank you! " Bai Xia is really grateful that he is like a warm brother, taking good care of her.

After thinking about it, Bai Xia suddenly had an impulse. She blurted out and said, "Xing Yifan, can I recognize you as the eldest brother?"

Xing Yifan's figure suddenly froze for a few seconds when he quickly stepped to the door, and he did not return, "no way."

Then he opened the door and went out.

Bai Xia was rejected, which made her slightly shocked, why not! Does he want to be a friend?

This evening, Bai Xia did not go to bed after eating the medicine. She also wrote a plot on the bed, just recording her relationship with Xing Yifan.

At half past ten, she was so sleepy that she fell asleep.

In a study next door, Xing Yifan is sitting under the desk lamp, sorting out the materials. Under his slightly twisted sword eyebrows, his pure and introverted eyes are shining with calm and wise luster.

He is surrounded by complex business statements, which are mixed with Chinese and English materials. For him, there is no pressure.

When Xing Yifan saw the information at 1:00 in the morning, he drank a glass of water and looked up at the time. When he closed the computer, he emptied his mind, and at the first time, he began to care about Bai Xia. He didn't know whether she was sleeping or not, or whether she was hot.

Although Bai Xia had some fever after taking the medicine, it was not serious.

Early in the morning, Bai Xia got up at 8 o'clock. She touched her forehead, which was not very hot. She took her temperature and had a low fever of 37.5.

Bai Xia also didn't want Xing Yifan to worry about it. She took the medicine early in the morning. At this time, there was a knock outside the door. She immediately got up to open the door and looked at the cat's eye. It was Xing Yifan.

"Good morning!" She opened the door and looked at the man in a formal suit. He was tall and straight with a white shirt and a dark thin lattice tie, which made him exude a kind of ascetic elite temperament. The expensive wristwatch on her wrist sparkled with blue and cold light, which matched him very well."Where are you going?" Bai Xia asked curiously.

"After breakfast with you, I'm going to see some guests." After Xing Yifan finished, he looked at his wristwatch and said, "I'll send you back before nine o'clock."

"Are you short of time? Then I'll eat at home! Go ahead and do it! " Bai Xia doesn't want to embarrass him. She's not a child.

In fact, only in front of Xing Yifan, she is taken care of like a person who can't take care of her own life. In fact, she lives like a wild grass, which can grow everywhere.

"Enough time, go out!" Xing Yifan is willing to accompany her to breakfast.

Bai Xia rushed into the room immediately, grabbed the bag and came out. In fact, she was worried about his time.

"When you come back, please go to my house and feed Duo Duo." Xing Yifan enters the elevator and tells her.

"All right, give me flowers." Bai Xia smiles. Fortunately, there are not many elevators in the morning. He arrives at the parking lot all the way. Xing Yifan's car drives out of the underground gate of the community and towards the nearby breakfast shop.

Sitting in the early restaurant, the meal was also very fast. Bai Xia had a good appetite in the morning. Xing Yifan looked at her and asked, "is she still having a fever?"

"Thirty seven five, I took the medicine when I came out. It should be ready soon. Don't worry about me." Bai Xia replied with a look up.

"Take the medicine at noon." Xing Yifan asked.

Bai Xia immediately chuckled, "why am I in your heart, like a three-year-old?"

Xing Yifan's eyes narrowed a little. He did intervene too much in her life, and he didn't know why. In his eyes, it seemed that she was really like a child.

"I just care." Xing Yifan took a sip of coffee cup.

"Don't drink coffee in the morning! It's not good for your stomach. Drink some hot milk or something to warm your stomach. " Bai Xia also cares about him.

Xing Yifan put down his coffee cup. There was still half a cup of coffee left. He didn't drink any more.

Bai Xia didn't realize her words worked so well.

Xing Yifan put her at the gate of the community when it was almost nine o'clock, and his black SUV immediately turned around and left.

Bai Xia chuckled and suddenly felt that there was something warm in her heart.

She went to the neighborhood to buy fruit and then went home.

Xing Yifan's figure appeared in Chen Liang's company. He asked for a meeting hall and called several important shareholders under Chen Liang to know the situation.

There are several men in their early forties, who are in a high position in the company, who show a little restlessness in the face of a young lawyer's inquiry. However, Xing Yifan does not let go of any answers he wants because of these two people's restlessness. His eyes radiate a cold sharp breath, which makes people a little hairy, as if he is a bad head The beast that provokes.

"Master Xing, we are not prisoners either. We can't stand your torture!" A man's face was very unhappy and he didn't cooperate with him as soon as he came in.

Xing Yifan takes his look into his eyes. He suspects that this case of fund fraud is a two-way operation of the company's internal personnel. Otherwise, Chen Liang cannot sign the forged documents, which results in his money being reasonably stolen out within one year. "I'm just a regular question. Doesn't Mr. Liu want to recover this huge sum of money from the company?" Xing Yifan asked sharply.

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