Liu Baorong's heart was cold. As the vice president of the company, he was very sensitive to such questions.

"Lawyer Xing, what do you mean? Do you doubt me?" Liu Baorong's face turned red with anger, and he was very angry.

"I just hope that all of you in this room will cooperate. I have accepted the entrustment of President Chen. I don't want to disappoint you, do I?" Xing Yifan's eyes swept the audience sharply.

Chen Liang said, "let's all cooperate. Lawyer Xing is just doing his job."

After more than an hour's questioning, Xing Yifan left Chen Liang to chat with him. Chen Liang was also very anxious this time, because he did sign on those documents. He just injected that money into a subsidiary company to start a new project. How do you know? The document he signed suddenly became the name of a company he once worked with. Now, that money He has been quick to invest out to catch up.

"Master Xing, I did sign it. Are you sure you want to come back?" Chen Liang is also in urgent need of money recently. If he can recover the two billion yuan, he will have much more money on hand.

"Uncle Chen, don't worry. As long as you can hold more evidence, it's very promising to come back." Xingyifan appeased.

"Thank you. It's up to you." Chen Liang also believes in the strength of Xing Yifan.

At this time, in front of the company's top railings, Liu Baorong took a mobile phone, looked around and dialed a phone number.

"Hello, didn't you tell me not to call me recently?" The people on that end are a little anxious.

Liu Bao can immediately lower his voice and say, "isn't this something for me? Cheng Liang has hired a very powerful lawyer. I'm afraid that this matter will be found out. "

"What are you afraid of? Didn't Cheng Liang sign it in person? I'm not afraid of the police! I'm still afraid of lawyers! ' "I heard Chen Liang's introduction. This lawyer is terrible. It is said that he has never lost a lawsuit!"

"What kind of international barrister?"

"No, I don't know whether it's true or false when I look at my twenties or sixes. We can't look down on a young man. We must guard against him."

"Why don't you give him a little warning? It's really not. I'll make him suffer and keep him from getting out of bed for a few months. Let's see how he accuses US. " The clear tone at that end is the mixed tone.

Liu Baorong was also angry with Xing Yifan just now. Moreover, Xing Yifan was young, but he dared to be so rude to him. He thought it was better to teach him a lesson.

"OK, although you show up, find some gangsters to deal with him. Don't kill people. There can be no more mistakes."

"Don't worry, give me the boy's address information."

"I'll send someone to follow his address and call you later."

Liu Baorong received the phone and snorted, "you son, you dare to doubt me, I'll make you eat too much."

Chen Liang invited LAN Qianchen to have lunch with him. Meanwhile, Xing Yifan did not refuse to talk about the case.

It's just that he took a look at the watch. It's half past eleven. He can't help worrying about some woman. Is she going to make noodles for lunch again?

"I'll make a call." Xing Yifan said to Chen Liang, rising to the balcony next to him.

At the moment, Bai Xia has already ordered takeout, because her task today is heavier, and with some low fever, she is too lazy to move.

She was playing with each other. She could not help but hear the phone ring. She took a look from the sofa, smiled and picked up, "Hello!"

"What's for lunch?" Xing Yifan is curious.

"I ordered takeout. I'd like some noodles." Bai Xia replied.

"In the future, take away is not clean."

"Oh! It's called from a physical store I usually go to. It's OK. " Bai Xia explained one sentence.

"Well!" Xing Yifan said, "OK, hang up."

With that, he really had to hang up.

Bai Xia is still very happy because of his concern.

Baisheze's company is also busy for the banquet tomorrow night. Although baisheze has some playfulness, his company is still doing well. Recently, he is old and has received a lot of attention.

Bai Shize just after the meeting, he received a call from his wife Ye Jiamei.

"Hello! What's the matter? " Bai Shize asked.

"Shize, I heard that your company will have a celebration dinner tomorrow, and I would like to attend as well." That end leaves beautiful half coquettish say.

"What about the children?" Bai Shize's idea is not to invite her.

"I'll let the servants take care of the children. It's only one night! You let me go! " Ye Jiamei pleaded.

"Forget it, take care of the children! It's just a company gathering. There's nothing to come to. " Bai Shize didn't bring any junior or senior this time, because he wanted to bring his daughter Bai Xia to play.

Also because I owe her, and I don't usually have anything to ask her to come to my side. It's just the right time for this party to let her come to see the world.When ye Jiamei saw that she had been rejected, she immediately felt that there was a ghost in her husband's heart. Wouldn't she come and let other women come?

She can stay for such a long time beside Bai Shize, because of her strong endurance, she turns a blind eye to the foxes surrounded by her husband, as long as he will go home.

"Husband, let me come here!"

"Don't come here. Bring the children. I'll be back early." Bai Shize finished and hung up.

At the other end of the phone, ye Jia is so angry that she jumps. Although she doesn't want Bai Shize's people now, she also wants his money and loves that he spends a lot on the little three and little four.

Ye Jia was so angry that she trembled. However, she also had a problem. That is, she was not a worry free person, but she had been playing a very safe side in front of Bai Shize. Bai Shize didn't know there was someone outside her these years.

This man is Ye Jiamei's high school classmate, the person in charge of a small company. He has some abilities, but he can't compare with Bai Shize.

Ye Jiamei's phone call went directly to seek comfort.

As soon as the male voice at that end answered, it was a very pet for her. "Jiamei, what's the matter?"

"Ye Shize is angry with me again. He won't take me to a celebration dinner tomorrow evening."

"Then don't go! Come to me, I'll accompany you. "

"I don't want to. I want to go. I want to see what kind of coquettes are around him." But ye Jiamei has made up her mind that tomorrow, no matter what, she must go and show her white lady's position.

And let the women in the company know her majesty.

"How are the children?" At this time, the man at that end asked.

"All right!" Ye Jiamei suddenly said softly, "now Rongrong is a little less, but Bai Shize is willing to pay for it and escort him in."

"That's one of the top universities in China. As long as you can get in, you can spend the money fairly."

"Not really. Can our son not go to the best university? In the future, he will inherit the white family's property. "

The man at that end was immediately excited. "I can't give my son anything. It's up to you."

"He owes me baishize. He deserves to raise our children for us." Ye Jiamei snorted coldly, "now, his eldest daughter is back, and dare to fight openly against me. I think she wants to rob the family property."

"Didn't you say that the daughter had run away from home?"

"Before, she didn't come back for three years. Now, she comes back and becomes smart. When she asks for a suite and a car, she doesn't know what benefits baishize will give her!"

"Jiamei, it depends on your ability. The property of the white family is all for our children."

"I won't let this stinky girl get it, hum!" After a few complaints, ye Jiamei is in a better mood. Now, she is going out to buy a set of evening dress for the party tomorrow evening.

”Well, no more talking. I'm going out shopping. "

”Good! "The man on the opposite side is also very obedient to her.

Ye Jiamei likes him. In addition to giving birth to two children for him, he is the one who holds her in his hands and calls out for her.

This is the gentleness that cannot be found in baishize.

Ye Jiamei is thinking about tomorrow's party. If she can catch her husband and any woman together, she should show her white lady's demeanor.

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