"I know you want to say that this is not the time to say this, but you can rest assured that the Chinese gang will not perish, and the future of Huabang will only become brighter and stronger." Ye Xiao directly interrupted Liu Yukang's words and said categorically.

"I see!" Seeing ye Xiao's firm look, Liu Yukang nodded. He believed that what he knew about ye Xiao, since he had said so, he would certainly be able to do it. This is a man who can repeatedly create miracles!

While Liu Yukang was seeking help from ye Xiao, there was a hot spring club on the Hai'an line in Shanxi Province of Jiujin. The owner of the hot spring club was a Japanese, but this club was closed tonight!

At this time, in the club's most luxurious hot spring pool, two men were lying naked on the edge of the pool. Beside each of them, there were two women in kimonos on their knees. They wore nothing but a kimono. If there were any needs of the two men present, they would certainly meet them at the first time!

Whatever they want!

The two men were fat and looked like a big boss, but the other was thin, short, and extremely dark. At first glance, they were from South Vietnam!

These two men, who are also the leader of the Japanese Gang, taro Yamamoto, and fan wencha, the leader of the south Guangdong sect. Yamamoto was once a member of Yamaguchi group, but was expelled for committing crimes. Later, they came to m country. They gathered the Japanese people in San Francisco by their own skills and formed the Japanese Gang!

Over the years, the Japanese gang has become more and more influential, and taro Yamamoto's weight has also increased. As a handsome and thin boy, he has become a fat pig!

But the pig's energy in San Francisco is not small, and no one dares to underestimate this pig!

As for fan wencha, it's totally different. He was a member of Nanyue. He was originally a slave taken from Nanyue by a group of m people. Later, he sold it to a mining owner. At the beginning, fan wencha naturally worked, worked, and then worked like other groups of slaves. However, the life of the slaves was obviously miserable. Later, fan wencha couldn't bear it and rose up against him At that time, he killed the manager who was in charge of them, and his action naturally led to a number of slaves. Then fan wencha took advantage of the boss of the mining company to rush into his villa and kill him, and raped the wife and daughter of the boss!

It was a big incident, but it happened to be the presidential election of M. in order not to affect the presidential election, it was suppressed. Fan wencha, who escaped the robbery, became the leader of the group of slaves. Later, it was these people who defeated the power of the south Guangdong gang.

Compared with Yamamoto taro, fan wencha has less conspiracy and calculation, but he is more vicious and more violent. Everyone in the Nanyue Gang is also cruel and violent. Many of them were born in slaves. What kind of hardship they have not suffered is absolutely beyond the comparison of the Japanese and Chinese gangs!

"Fat pig, what you said is true. Can you really get that batch of arms?" He pulled the Japanese beauty on the right into the water and put his hand into her collar. Fan wencha said to taro Yamamoto, who was opposite him!

"Of course, if I don't have full assurance, how can I cooperate with you? As long as we get the weapons, we will not be * * * ed by the forces of our two gangs to kill those people. " Yamamoto's mouth appeared a cold smile!

Although he was expelled from the Yamaguchi group at that time, after all, some acquaintances were there. Now he has established a considerable influence in San Francisco. It is not difficult to get a batch of ammunition from the Yamaguchi group, but the only difficulty is how to get this batch of ammunition ashore quietly!

Fan wencha was smuggled here at the beginning. He is most familiar with the smuggling routes. Especially since he became the leader of the south Guangdong Gang, he has been in charge of the smuggling industry near San Francisco. Only by cooperating with him, can taro Yamamoto be able to transport the arms ashore!

"Those cowards, if they were not so many, I could easily destroy them even with the sword in my hand!" On hearing Yamamoto talk about the Chinese Gang, fan wencha's mouth appeared a sneer. After all kinds of suffering, he obviously did not pay attention to the Chinese Gang!

In his eyes, it is just a group of sheep gathered together. You can pick some wool from them at any time. As long as the safety of the whole sheep is not completely threatened, they can not form a threat at all!

"Yes, they are a group of cowards, but now they are the cowards who have occupied more than half of Landis's power. This is an insult to us. We must join hands to wipe out the Chinese gang. In the future, we will jointly occupy all the money and women in San Francisco." Yamamoto also repeatedly nodded, a face of disdain!

"Yes, we share all the money and women in San Francisco, ha ha..." Fan wencha had already burst out laughing, tearing off the kimono from the woman, and then the whole person pressed it up. As for Yamamoto, he also laughed and did the same action. In a flash, there was a sound of slapping in the hot spring pool!Night, for most people, is a time to sleep and rest. Of course, it is also the best time to reproduce. Not only are taro Yamamoto and fan wencha doing such activities. In a villa in the east of Jiujin, the mayor of San Francisco, Oliver was lying on a white flower and exercising heartily for more than 30 minutes. Oliver was panting Get out of luari!

This is really a fascinating goblin. When she sees her golden curly hair, her blue eyes, her charming face, and her devil like figure, Oliver is confused!

The Orlando family is worthy of being one of the three most powerful families in M country. It's really wonderful to be able to send today's music diva of m to her own bed!

What's more, the pill that Leo gave himself was just amazing. Originally, he could hold on for three minutes at most, but this time he insisted for half an hour. It's so wonderful. Didn't you see that the goblin was tossed by himself?

That kind of long time did not appear in his body the strong wind appears again, regarding Leo these moves, Oliver is really very satisfied, very very satisfied!

"My dear, you are so good that people can't walk tonight!" Aufny was lying on the bed, also breathless and panting!

"Ha ha ha, don't go if you can't go. Stay here obediently. Mr. Leo is still waiting for me. When he is gone, I'll hurt you again!" For her performance, Oliver was very satisfied. She patted her buttocks and got up to put on her clothes! Just now Leo called and said he had something to discuss with him!

At this time, for Leo, the representative of the Orlando family, he naturally did not dare to offend him!

Quickly put on the clothes, Oliver washed his face, and then walked down the stairs, immediately saw the bald head of Rio Orlando was sitting on the sofa, respectfully lighting a cigarette for an oriental man in a Chinese tunic. Seeing such a scene, Oliver's eyelids jumped violently. Who is this man? Even Leo is so respectful?

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