"Oh, dear Mr. Mayor, are you satisfied with my present?" Seeing Oliver coming down the stairs, Rio Orlando also stood up with a smile and said hello to the mayor. How to say that this one in front of him is a candidate for the next governor of California in Asia, and is also the object that the Orlando family has been advocating. He can't look like a high-ranking man. On the contrary, ye Xiao, dressed in Zhongshan suit, is still sitting on the sofa and sweeping A glance came to Oliver, that look is very indifferent, as if just came to an ordinary m people like!

"Ha ha, satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied, thank you very much for Mr. Leo's gift, but Mr. Leo, this one is..." Oliver's face is full of smiles. The taste of that singer is really good. He is almost 50 years old, and he has never been so cheerful!

However, Oliver still paid attention to the Oriental man. To be honest, if other people were so arrogant to him, he would be very angry. However, the fact that this man was able to make Leo light his cigarette so respectfully shows that his identity is not simple. Although Oliver is not in the official circles of China, he is a political figure after all There are still some!

"Ha ha, let me introduce you to Mr. Ye, a Chinese, Mr. Ye. This is Mr. Oliver, the mayor of San Francisco. If there is no accident, he will be the next governor of California!" Leo smile to introduce to the two people, ye Xiao did not get up, just nodded to Oliver, is to say hello!

Seeing that ye Xiao was still so indifferent, Oliver felt a little angry in his heart, but he still didn't show it. Instead, he asked: "I don't know what Mr. Ye does?" To tell you the truth, there are many Chinese in San Francisco, but there is no one who can make Leo so respectful!

"Kill!" Seeing Oliver sitting opposite him, ye Xiao spits out a few words coldly in his mouth. His tone is cold and his voice is cold, which only makes Oliver and Rio Orlando get goose bumps at the same time!

In particular, Leo was shivering. If it hadn't been arranged with Ye Xiao, he really thought Ye Xiao had the intention of killing people!

"Oh, Mr. Oliver should know the big case happened in China not long ago." Seeing Oliver's more and more ugly face, Leo said again!

"Well!" Oliver nodded. Although the attack on the vice head of China was suppressed by the Chinese government, the news still spread all over the world. As the mayor of San Francisco, Oliver didn't know the news, and even knew more inside information than ordinary people!

"The incident was planned by Mr. Ye himself, and the man was also killed by Mr. Ye himself!" Leo Orlando came slowly, and Oliver's face suddenly changed!

"What do you mean, Mr. Leo?" He was really a little scared. Such a thug, Leo, even brought him to his house. Was his behavior dissatisfied with the Orlando family? Is he going to attack himself?

"Mr. Mayor, don't be nervous. I'm not here to trouble you. If I really want to kill you, why should Leo bring me here? On the contrary, I'm here to help you!" At this time, ye Xiao once again said, but his tone has not been so cold!

"Help me?" Oliver eyes a burst of huge, straight staring at Ye Xiao, he and he have nothing to do with, he does not come to find their own trouble is very good, how to help me?

"Yes, Mr. Leonardo wants to invest in you, and I want to invest in you. We can be a good partner. I wonder what Mr. Oliver thinks of it?" Ye Xiao nodded and put the burning cigar in his mouth and took a sharp puff!

"Partner?" Oliver was stunned, and then looked at Rio Orlando!

"Well, Mr. Mayor, the Orlando family can give you a lot of financial help, but you also know that to run for governor, financial help is not enough, and Mr. Ye can help you in other aspects, such as killing people..." Leo also said with a smile, but his words were so cold!

However, in a small state, it is quite difficult for m to run for a governor by himself A little king!

There are many people who want to be governor, and there are also many people who can use their ability to serve as governor. In such a situation, if there is no strong economic strength as the backing, we can't become a governor at all. In addition to economic strength, we really need huge power in other aspects, just as Leo Orlando said, killing people!

If one of your competitors suddenly dies before he starts his campaign, isn't it a lot easier?

If the person in front of him is really the one who attacked and killed the deputy head of China, then it is definitely a good choice to cooperate with him. At least Oliver doesn't think that he has any opponent whose defense strength can surpass that of China!"I don't know what Mr. Ye needs me to do?" Oliver is not a Chinese, but he also knows that there is an old saying in China that there is no free lunch in the world. No matter whether ye Xiao is really the one, he can not help himself for free!

"When you become the governor, I hope you can promote a Chinese to become mayor of San Francisco. Before that, you don't need to do anything for me!" Ye Xiao said faintly that for Oliver's directness, he liked it very much. The people of m were more direct, but they didn't have the flowery guts of Chinese officials!

"Good, deal!" Oliver accepted it, and didn't care who ye Xiao was. Anyway, with Rio Orlando, the Orlando family member, he didn't need to worry about anything. As Leo was, there was no need to cheat him. Besides, before he became governor, he didn't need to do anything by himself. After becoming governor, he didn't need to do something by himself The head?

As a governor, his own power and status can be completely different from now. What if we promise him first?

"Well, Mr. Oliver is indeed a cheerful man. As a gift, I'll tell Mr. Oliver good news." Ye Xiao smiles faintly. He doesn't understand the idea of Oliver's possible existence, but he doesn't take it as one thing at all. He has many means to control Oliver!

"Oh? What's the news? " Oliver pricked up his ears, even Leo also looked at Ye Xiao. He also wanted to know what kind of good news Ye Xiao would bring to Oliver!

"Three days later, a batch of Japanese munitions will land in San Francisco at the abandoned Wharf on the west coast. If Mr. Oliver can send out a certain number of police, ha ha..." Ye Xiao didn't go on, but whether it was Leo or Oliver, a pair of eyes were lit up!

Cracking down on smugglers and seizing a large number of arms is definitely a huge political chip

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