"Mr. Wang, what's the matter? There's something to talk about! " Oliver asked, what's so big of a man to cry!

"Mr. Oliver, isn't my father holding a party here today? My friends and I came to the party together. However, I didn't think that I met this woman just after I got to the gate of the garden. I just said hello to her. Although I knew that she slapped me indiscriminately, and after the man came, he would punch me directly My feet crossed, and not only hit me, but also some of my uncles. Sir Oliver, you must arrest this thug Wang Hao pointed to Ouyang Qianqian and ye Xiao and said that the cause of the matter was in him, but after he said so, he had no responsibility at all!

As if everything is the fault of Ouyang Qianqian and ye Xiao!

Along the direction of Wang Hao's fingers, Oliver first saw Ouyang Qianqian dressed in ordinary clothes. Suddenly, her eyelids jumped. She was a beautiful woman, absolutely beautiful, and she looked extremely gentle and quiet? How could such a woman strike?

Oliver's heart immediately produced doubt, but when his eyes fell on Ye Xiao, the whole person was stunned!

Isn't this Mr. Ye? Didn't he recommend Wang Yu? Why now it seems that Wang Yu's son has a conflict with him? Thinking of Ye Xiao's means and his terror, Oliver didn't hesitate for half a quarter of an hour. His plain face immediately changed into a flattering smile and went up to meet Ye Xiao!

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye, I didn't expect to meet you here. Nice to meet you!" Oliver clearly knows that ye Xiao has made great contributions to his successful entry into the governor election of California this time. The unexplained death of his strongest competitor is the best evidence!

When he thought of his superb marksmanship and his terrible scheming, Oliver had already admired him!

Ye Xiao didn't speak. He just nodded to Oliver, saying hello. Such an attitude made all the people present stunned, especially Wang Yu and his son. Their eyes were wide open and their mouth was wide open. His mouth was enough to swallow two duck eggs. His eyes were full of horror!

How could it be? How could the most powerful man in San Francisco say hello to this guy? Most importantly, his attitude is still so cold, to Oliver such a big man, he should be so cold?

More importantly, Mr. Oliver didn't show any sign of being angry? How could that be possible?

All of a sudden, Wang Yu thought of Ye Xiao's words. I'm afraid he will never have such a chance in his life! Is there something behind him that makes Oliver fear?

Cold sweat, from Wang Yu's forehead one by one straight out, as for Wang Hao, at this time already scared silly!

"Mr. Ye, what is the matter? Can you tell me something about it? " Seeing ye Xiao's gloomy face and seeing the clear fingerprints on Ouyang Qianqian's face, Oliver is a little confused. However, he doesn't believe Wang Hao's words and dare not take another look at Ouyang Qianqian. People with a clear eye know that she is Ye Xiao's woman, and ye Xiao's horrible existence robs women. Oliver doesn't think he has such a long life!

"Mr. Mayor, when I came here, I saw this boy beating and scolding my woman. Then I gave him a lesson. I admit that I started a little harder. But Mr. Mayor, as a man, can I still keep calm when his woman is hurt like this? Later, Mr. Wang came. Originally I thought he would handle this matter impartially. However, he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he ordered his subordinates to attack me. With so many of them, I could only choose to defend myself. But later, they even took out their guns and aimed at me. Fortunately, Mr. Mayor, you are here. Otherwise, the consequences are really serious, Mr. Mayor, I heard that such a person would also run for the next mayor. To tell you the truth, if it is true, I am very disappointed! " Ye Xiao said with great sincerity that he was so touching, not to mention the Chinese people around him. Even Oliver, who knew something about ye Xiao, felt that he was the biggest victim!

You see, his woman was beaten and scolded, as a man, naturally to come forward, this is human nature, if he really do nothing, but will be despised!

This is his biggest mistake, but such a mistake can be fully forgiven. It is a matter of course that men protect their women. Anyone who meets such a thing will make the same choice as long as he is a man!

Later, there was no mistake at all. Several of you started to fight against others. Did they just stand there waiting for you to fight? Of course, we should choose self-defense. As for the final fall of you, who makes you so incompetent?

Later, you took out the gun. If you didn't come, it would be very serious. It was really serious. Oliver swore in his heart that if he didn't come, all the people who took out the gun would surely die at the scene. Absolutely, the consequences would be very, very serious!As for ye Xiao's last sentence of disappointment, Oliver has understood his meaning. He is very disappointed with Wang Yu and the person recommended by himself. So even he is disappointed. Then Oliver has fully understood what to do next!

"Mr. Ye, you can rest assured that such a person is absolutely impossible to become the next mayor of San Francisco. Our city needs a fair, strict and loving mayor. Such a person who uses violence privately and is only pro Bonist can never be mayor of San Francisco. I can guarantee you and everyone here with my personality." Oliver said with righteous words. Hearing such a sentence, the people present were stunned again. Those Chinese people didn't expect Oliver to deny Wang Yu who had been promoted by himself in public, but Wang Yu and others were hard to see the extreme!

I'm going to be on the top of the mayor's office. Now I say goodbye to the mayor completely because of such a small matter? What is this? Isn't it a dream?

"Mr. Oliver, Dr. Liu and I are best friends. I'm..." Wang Yu didn't care that there were so many people here, so he ran to Oliver and tried to pull Liu Yukang out. He hoped Oliver could read Liu Yukang's face and take back what he had just said. But before he finished, Oliver had directly interrupted his words!

"Mr. Wang, you may not understand that the reason why I made an exception in nominating you for the mayor of San Francisco is entirely because of this Mr. Ye!"

Oliver's truth was like a bolt from the blue, which exploded in Wang Yu's mind. What? Oliver nominated himself for mayor of San Francisco because of this man who is no more than a few years older than his son? Why didn't you receive any news before?

And why should he help himself without any reason?

Since Wang Xiaoyu didn't want to receive treatment from Wang Xiaoyu, what else would you like to leave the party!

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