"No pain?" San Francisco, Chinatown, ye Xiao lives in the living room of his house. Ye Xiaozheng is holding a piece of boiled egg and gently covers Ouyang Qianqian's face. His eyes are full of love!

"No pain!" Ouyang Qianqian shook her head, and her face was covered with sweet smile. From the moment Ye Xiao said she was his woman at the gate of the garden, her heart was full of sweetness. No matter what reason ye Xiao said, he still said that sentence after all. Ouyang Qianqian has been waiting for this sentence for a long time!

She is his woman, which he said personally, which is enough. From now on, she is his woman. At this moment, Ouyang Qianqian doesn't want to think about any other problems. She just wants to be a good woman of Ye Xiao!

Now, even though there is a puffiness and some pain on her face, Ouyang Qianqian doesn't care at all. It's a kind of happiness to be cared for by her beloved!

Originally Oliver was going to send Ouyang Qianqian to the hospital directly, but Ouyang Qianqian said no, and ye Xiao said no, so he could only send them here. After ye Xiao had no other orders, Oliver left. He didn't want to be a light bulb!

However, Bai choufei, Kanu, sharna and others who originally lived in the villa disappeared after Ouyang Qianqian came in, and seemed unwilling to disturb their two people's world!

Ye Xiao so let Ouyang Qianqian stay on the sofa, but he is busy preparing things for Ouyang Qianqian!

For such swelling, ye Xiao's ability is much better than the hospital. Massage, massage, dressing, together, at this time, those fingerprints have almost completely disappeared, leaving a little red and slightly swollen!

Seeing the smile on Ouyang Qianqian's face and hearing her innocent voice like a child, ye Xiao's heart is also quiet, but at this moment, the sound of doorbell rings outside, and ye Xiao's eyebrows pick, and then quickly stretch out!

Press the button to open the door, and the outside door opens automatically. After a while, you can see Liu Yukang and Hong Xiaolong come in. However, they are followed by two people, Wang Yu and his son!

I don't know if it's to arouse Ye Xiao's sympathy. Wang Hao's injury was simply treated to stop bleeding without bandaging. As soon as he entered the door, both father and son buried their heads and did not dare to look at Ye Xiao!

After ye Xiao left in Oliver's car, Wang Yu immediately found Liu Yukang and asked about ye Xiao's news. Liu Yukang was not willing to say it at first, but when he knew what happened at the gate of the garden, the whole person was shocked and immediately told all the things ye had done!

When it was known that Lantis, the leader of the dark night Gang, was killed by Ye Xiao, and that the Japanese gang leader Yamamoto and the southern Guangdong gang leader fan wencha died in Ye Xiao's hands, the cold sweat had soaked Wang Yu's father and son's back, especially after hearing Liu Yukang's own admission that the reason why he was allowed to run for mayor of jiujinshan was the transaction between Ye Xiao and Oliver, Wang Yu was completely gone bad temper!

I said why it has been so smooth recently. Not only has the development of the Chinese Gang been extremely smooth, but also I am qualified to run for the mayor of San Francisco. It turns out that there is such a big man behind his back. It's ridiculous that I have offended this man who has almost made him a success!

Wang Yu had no time to blame Liu Yukang for not telling himself this in advance, but begged Liu Yukang to bring him to plead with Ye Xiao. He deeply understood that offending such a terrorist existence, it was a small matter that he could not continue to run for mayor of San Francisco, and whether he could save his own life!

Liu Yukang and Wang Yu have a good friendship. When he first fled to San Francisco, Wang Yu took him in and protected him. He was a man with great feelings. Naturally, he didn't want Wang Yu to die in the hands of Ye Xiao. At the moment, he agreed to Wang Yu's plea, took him here and found Ye Xiao!

"Brother Liu, what are you doing? You know I don't like to be disturbed when I come back here!" Seeing Liu Yukang bring Wang Yu and his son to come, ye Xiao whispered in a soft voice. He had expected that Wang Yu would look for Liu Yukang. Because he thought about Liu Yukang's feelings, he did not kill Wang Yu and his son completely!

"Brother ye, it's my faux pas this time. It's just that brother Wang was kind to me that day. Today, he accidentally offended you. Please don't remember the villain's fault, and forgive him this time!" Liu Yukang doesn't spend much time with Ye Xiao, but he also understands Ye Xiao's temperament. He is a man who is decisive in doing things, never dragging about the Bush, but also a person who speaks directly. Many things don't need to be beat around the Bush, just speak directly!

Ye Xiao's eyebrows picked, and before he spoke, Wang Yu on one side had already kicked Wang Hao's butt, and his mouth was full of abuse: "brute, don't apologize to Mr. Ye and miss Ouyang quickly!"

Being kicked by his father, Wang Hao fell to the ground and kowtowed to Ye Xiao and Ouyang Qianqian.

"Mr. Ye, Miss Ouyang, I, Wang Hao, have no eyes. I have run into two of you. Please forgive me if you don't remember the villains!" Wang Hao is really afraid this time. The reason why he dares to be so arrogant is entirely due to his father's reasons. But now that his father has put up unfair things, where does he dare to be arrogant?"Mr. Ye, the dog is reckless. Please bypass him this time!" Seeing his son kowtow repeatedly on the ground, ye Xiao is not moved. Wang Yu also steps forward and says to Ye Xiao!

"Brother ye..." At this time, Liu Yukang also wants to speak, but is suddenly interrupted by Ye Xiao!

"Liu Qian, if you don't want to offend me again, I hope you won't hurt me It's impossible to pass them Ye Xiao said categorically, the tone is beyond doubt!

"Mr. Ye, how can you let go of me and the dog?" Wang Yu is also a character of Chengjing. Naturally, he can hear the meaning of Ye Xiao's words!

"It's easy, cut off five fingers he started, and you take him out of San Francisco and never come back!" Ye Xiao said coldly. Originally, for Liu Yukang's sake, he wanted to support Wang Yu to become mayor of San Francisco, but now Wang Yu's actions let him down. Let alone the mayor of San Francisco, even if he is the leader of the Chinese Gang, ye Xiao has to find another candidate!

What's more, he knows that although Liu Yukang's prestige has surpassed that of Wang Yu, as long as Wang Yu is here for one day, the Huabang can't really control it. Since he is not used, he can't destroy his own affairs!

According to their nature, Liu Yukang doesn't want to live!

On hearing Ye Xiao's two demands, Wang Hao immediately burst into tears. He was even more clamouring that he didn't want to. However, Wang Yu's face was changeable. He seemed to be thinking about the pros and cons of this matter

"Brother ye, this Liu Yukang was about to speak, but was interrupted again!

"Brother Liu, I respect you, and I hope you respect me too!" Ye Xiao's words were very brief, but Liu Yukang immediately shut his mouth, and his face showed a look of shame

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