Liu Yukang is really ashamed. He knows more or less about ye Xiao's character. He knows that he is a man who values love and righteousness. For his friends, he has nothing to say. For his own woman, he has nothing to say. Wang Hao is not only insulting Ouyang Qianqian in language, but also starts directly. If ye Xiao didn't appear in time, what kind of things would happen really do not know !

What's more, Wang Yu, as Wang Hao's father, arrived at the scene, not only did not ask the reason clearly, but also stood by his son's side!

As a father, it's OK to teach my son. Now, I'm still fighting with my benefactor. It's hard for anyone to feel good. According to Ye Xiao's original disposition, it's estimated that they killed two people on the spot. They can still live to this day. It's really on their own face!

He has not done anything for ye Xiao. Instead, ye Xiao has been doing too much for himself and Wang Yu. Ye Xiaogong is indispensable for the Huabang to become the largest force in San Francisco in such a short period of time. Ye Xiao arranged for Wang Yu to be the candidate for mayor of San Francisco. Without ye Xiao's appearance, the Huabang would have collapsed Where is Wang Yu now!

In the end, ye Xiao made such a decision. At least, he spared the lives of Wang Yu and his son. Liu Yukang was very grateful for this!

Seeing Liu Yukang also closed his mouth, Wang Yu knew that there was no other choice, so he nodded heavily.

"Mr. Ye, I know what to do!" Wang Yu's face showed a painful color, and then went to the table, picked up a fruit knife, went to his son!

"Dad, no, Dad, please, don't..." Seeing that his father was really going to cut off his fingers, Wang Hao's face changed greatly, his eyes showed panic, and his body kept moving backward!

"Beast, if you make a mistake, you will be punished. Do you believe that I will kill you with a knife?" Seeing that his son was so useless, Wang Yu was in great pain because he had harmed him. He had little discipline for him. If he hadn't spoiled him too much, how could he have caused today's disaster!

Seeing his father's fierce anger, Wang Hao was completely frightened and shivered. At this time, Wang Yu had already clasped his right wrist and chopped off the fruit knife in an instant!

"Hi..." The fruit knife cut off Wang Hao's fingers sharply, and five bloody fingers fell down. Wang Hao screamed, and he fainted in pain!

Seeing Wang Hao lying on the ground, Wang Yu turned around and said in a low voice to Ye Xiao, "Mr. Ye, can we go now? Don't worry, I'll leave San Francisco with this beast right away. I won't be in your sight! " Wang Yu's eyes were full of pity. Although his son had made a big mistake, it was his own son after all. If he had to cut off his son's finger, how could he not feel heartache!

"Yes!" Ye Xiao nodded and said nothing more!

"Thank you, Mr. Ye!" Wang Yu said something to Ye Xiao. Then he took his son's body in his hands and left the living room. As for Wang Hao's fingers, he didn't pick them up. Ye Xiao said that he needed these five fingers!

Seeing Wang Yu cut off his son's finger, Liu Yukang's eyes also showed a look of intolerance. When he saw that Wang Yu didn't look at him at all, he knew that the friendship between him and Wang Yu was over. At least, Wang Yu never had him as a friend again. When he thought of this, he felt very sad. However, no matter how to say it, Ye Xiaodu has done his utmost!

After Wang Yu's father and son left, Liu Yukang was about to say goodbye to Ye Xiao. However, he saw Ye Xiao standing up from the sofa and came to the place where Wang Hao's fingers had been cut off. He saw the five fingers thrown on the ground and the not too sharp fruit knife. Ye Xiao sighed softly!

"It's hidden, brother Liu. I know that Wang Yu was kind to you at the beginning, but you have already paid him back for such a long time. Are you really going to let the tiger go back to the mountain?" Inexplicably sighed, ye Xiao turned his head and said to Liu Yukang!

Liu Yukang was stunned. His eyes looked at Ye Xiao. He suddenly thought of the moment when Wang Yu cut off his son's fingers. Although he didn't know how to fight, he also saw that Wang Yu's speed was very fast. Moreover, the fruit knife was not sharp, but he cut off five fingers with one knife. This skill is definitely not the king who looks mediocre Yu can make it!

Thinking of Wang Yu's eyes at that time, Liu Yukang also seems to realize what!

But did he just kill Wang Yu? In order to eliminate future trouble? Thinking of Wang Yu's help when he had just arrived in San Francisco and his absolute trust in himself, Liu Yukang couldn't get such a dead hand!

"Brother ye, since he promised to leave San Francisco, he should not come back again. Let him go this time." Although he knows that Wang Yu may be really hidden, and may bring great trouble to his and ye Xiao's career in the future, Liu Yukang, who is extremely emotional, is still unable to kill Wang Yu with such a possible reason!"Good!" Ye Xiao nodded. Although he felt that Liu Yukang was a bit pedantic at this time, he was optimistic about him? In this material supremacy society, it is not easy to find a person who values love and righteousness. Only such Liu Yukang is the one ye Xiao appreciates and trusts!

"Thank you, brother Ye!" Seeing ye Xiao's promise, Liu Yukang looked grateful. He knew that since Ye Xiao said so, he would never attack Wang Yu behind his back, unless he really did something to damage their career!

"Hehe, since you call me brother ye, it's not polite to say these words again. By the way, besides Wang Yu, do you have a better candidate to be mayor of San Francisco?" Ye Xiao smiles and shakes his head. As long as he can get Liu Yukang's true loyalty, even if Wang Yu is released? Even if he may bring himself some trouble in the future, what?

Liu Yukang such talented person, the whole world also cannot find a few!

The mayor Liu Yukang frowned. It was not long before he came to San Francisco. In addition to Wang Yu, he couldn't think of anyone suitable for the mayor's position!

"Ye Xiao, I think the owner of the West Lake shop is very popular. Maybe he can run for the next election!" At this time, Ouyang Qianqian, who had never spoken, suddenly opened his mouth!

With the fall of her voice, ye Xiao didn't feel anything, but Liu Yukang's eyes brightened: "Miss Ouyang is right. The three generations of Cheng Yuchen's grandparents and grandchildren are all in San Francisco, and his popularity in the whole Chinatown is also excellent. He is very good in both knowledge and ability. It is really the best candidate to run for mayor of San Francisco by him!"

"Well, in that case, I'll call Oliver and ask him to nominate another one!" Seeing that Liu Yukang also agrees with Ouyang Qianqian's recommendation, ye Xiao's mouth also shows a smile!

When ye Xiao called to inform Oliver, Wang Yu, who walked out of the villa, looked back at the humble villa, and then looked at his son who had fainted in his arms. There was a flash of fierce light in his eyes

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