In the twinkling of an eye, it has been more than half a year since Ye Xiao came to San Francisco. Oliver successfully ran for governor of California after the accidental death of his biggest competitor. Of course, during this period, the entire Orlando family has provided great help for it. After all, California is the most developed economy and the largest population in M country A big state can become the governor of California, which means that it has taken a big step towards the presidency. As long as Orlando performs well in the past few years, maybe in the next presidential election, he may even be able to enter the most central power of state m!

Even if you can't be president, it's not impossible to run for vice president!

This may also be an important reason why the Orlando family will put Oliver in this position at all costs!

Of course, Oliver became the governor of California, but Cheng Yuchen was the mayor of San Francisco. This is also the first Chinese mayor in San Francisco history. This is a great breakthrough for all Chinese living in M country. Of course, what kind of deal does Cheng Yuchen have behind his becoming mayor of San Francisco is unknown to outsiders !

Since then, Wang Yuyao's ability to invade San Francisco's big white gate has only been introduced into the world. However, since then, Wang Yuyao's ability to invade the world has been greatly improved San Francisco, then with San Francisco as the center, radiates towards the surrounding area, and invades m country from the economic, political and underworld. This is the long-term plan Ye Xiao has made to fulfill the old chief executive's will!

For a long time, it is the dark moon alliance that is actively attacking. Ye Xiao has always been in a passive defensive posture. However, since Yue Buxiu was killed, ye Xiao took this opportunity to introduce himself behind the scenes.

He is not a person who likes to wait. No matter what Yue Buxiu said before his death, he believes that the members of the dark moon alliance will not stop here. They will certainly try their best to invade the interior of China. In this case, why can't they invade m in the same way?

Maybe the dark moon alliance is not an organization of state m, and even the dark moon League controls country M. but what does that matter? As long as we can build a strong enough force, no matter what means the dark moon alliance has, ye Xiao has the strength to deal with it!

Of course, compared with the dark moon alliance's accumulated wealth for many years, ye Xiao's strength is still very small, but he doesn't care. He believes that as long as he works hard, he will be able to do it. Moreover, he is not alone. There are many confidants and many brothers in life and death behind him. He is not alone!

In addition to San Francisco has been under the control of tianyaomen, Xiao Feng has also successfully swept away all the remaining forces in the north. After Li Shiqin's incident, Xiao Feng's whole person is like a golden dragon, and the whole person has changed. Now in the whole underground world, he even has the title of a lone wolf in the north, and has become the absolute overlord of the North!

Perhaps his prestige is not as good as his original mustache, but his sphere of influence has exceeded that of the original mustache. The whole Siberian region, even two-thirds of which are under his control. Even Xiao Feng began to take up the idea of the tsarist Russia's military. Now he has a deep contact with the commander-in-chief of the Siberian garrison!

Xiao Nan also completely faded out of the film and television circles and became the underground emperor of the golden triangle in Southeast Asia. The name of jade face killing God also resounded throughout the underground world. At the beginning, the sphere of influence of general blood had been well controlled by him, and all kinds of drugs were flowing from his hands to all parts of the world. He has become the largest drug lord in the world!

As for ye yubai, after returning from San Francisco, he quickly reorganized tianyaomen. Although tianyaomen was greatly hit by Ye Xiao's incident, ye yubai also smashed a path with the support of Xiao Nan and Xiao Feng. Now the Qinglong hall has been completely established, and the strength of tianyaomen has been restored, except that it is not as arrogant as it was, The control of the sphere of influence has been all over the country!

As for the tianyaomen inner hall in Kyoto, under the management of Xiao fei'er, it has not been hit too much!

Hengtian Group has already been one of the top 100 enterprises in the world, and Tu's group has also successfully entered the top 500. Even star entertainment company, which has only a few years' time, has become the largest entertainment company in Asia and even in the whole Oriental region. Huang lingyao has become a star of Asia Star class in just a few months under the packaging of huayuewu!

Everything is developing in the best direction. The aftermath of the 725 violent attack has already passed, and the political arena of China has already subsided. As for ye Xiao, many people have begun to forget the name!

What can a once hero, a guy who has been expelled from the dragon clan, a young man who has committed a great crime but is eventually expelled from the country?

Maybe he has outstanding strength, maybe he has a group of close relatives and friends, but for the real big man, after losing power, he is nothing!

February 14, one year, this is Valentine's day in the West. Over the years, this festival is very popular in China, let alone in M country, San Francisco Airport, wearing a set of snow white suit, holding a bunch of roses in her hand, ye Xiao stood at the exit of the station, a pair of eyes constantly looking around!Naturally, he is not looking for his lover or waiting for his lover here. He comes to the airport to pick up the plane in person. That's because yibao'er missed him, and Murong Mingyan missed him. Even Ye Lin also missed him. In addition, there was a silent Ye Binglin, two women and two girls, who formed a group of relatives and friends, flying directly from Jinghai city to San Francisco!

Yan elder sister is coming, ye Xiao naturally wants to come to the airport in person to meet, but now he does not look in the direction of the exit, but constantly looks at those kissing men and women around him!

"Brother Ye Xiao..." When ye Xiao looked around, he suddenly heard a sweet voice in front of him. He turned his head and saw a lovely bear run into his arms!

Looking down, isn't that ebol? She was almost twenty years old. She was dressed like a little girl. She was wearing a woolen sweater with a hat. Her whole body was wrapped tightly. She looked like a fur bear!

But when I saw her lovely round face, a sweet and friendly smile appeared in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth

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