"Dear baby With the hand gently touched Yi Baoer's head, ye Xiao looked up to the front!

Murong Mingyan, Yilin is standing in front of him and smiling at him. Ye Binglin, still wearing a student uniform, is standing behind Murong Mingyan. She looks at this side with some formality. Compared with yibao'er, her personality is still a lot introverted!

Yilin is wearing a blue casual dress, with a curly hair behind her head and a big toad mirror on her face. The charm of a mature woman is beyond doubt. However, Murong Mingyan is wearing a pair of pink close fitting trousers. Her upper body is also a pink coat. Her long hair, originally hot and curly, has been straightened up and tied into a ponytail behind her head. She also wears it on her face With a huge toad mirror, it looks much younger than a woman in her thirties. Anyone who sees her at first sight will think that she is a fresh graduate!

No matter Yilin or Murong Mingyan, their faces showed a cordial smile at this time. They were all the closest people to Ye Xiao. They were very happy to see ye Xiao here!

After pacifying yibao'er, ye Xiao walks forward and gives Murong Mingyan a big hug!

"Miss Yan, I miss you!" Smelling the moving fragrance of Murong Mingyan, ye Xiao sincerely said a word!

"Ha ha, silly boy, miss you too!" Murong Mingyan is also a smile, the sweet eyes can not say!

After releasing Murong Mingyan, ye Xiao goes to her side and hugs Irene who has already opened her arms!

"Sister Lin, welcome to m country!" I have to say, Irene's chest is really material, even if wearing a casual coat, ye Xiao can still feel the soft there!

"Ha ha, I was in M country all the time when I was in University. I don't need your welcome." Yilin ha ha smile, and ye Xiao played a joke!

"What does sister Lin need?" Ye Xiao asked instinctively!

"Need you..."

Ye Xiao is speechless directly. This is still in public. In front of her sister Yan and your daughter, you say such blatant words. How can people feel?

Don't dare to entangle with Irene on this issue, ye Xiao quickly released her arms, and then went forward to embrace Ye Binglin actively!

Compared with a few years ago, ye Binglin has grown a lot taller, and even a little higher than yibao'er. She is 1.65 meters tall and tall. She is thinner. Although her chest also begins to develop, she is obviously too small compared with the three women around her!

Maybe it's been a long time since I met Ye Xiao. When ye Xiao hugged her again, ye Binglin was a little shy, but she didn't resist. She knew that the man in front of her changed her life's fate!

"Sister Yan, sister Lin, baby, let's go!" With one hand on Ye Binglin's shoulder, ye Xiao said to the crowd!

"Well!" Murong Mingyan and Yilin nodded. Although yibao'er was not jealous of Ye Binglin, she ran to Ye Xiao's side and took her arm. Facing such a sticky baby, ye Xiao could only smile bitterly!

With four women came to the parking lot, a long Cadillac is parking there, a black suit of Kanu is standing in front of the car, smiling for several women to open the door!

He was deeply aware of the status of these women in Ye Xiao's mind. As for Sarna and Lenghun, they did not know where they had gone!

A group of people get on the car and drive the extended Cadillac to the place where ye Xiao lives now. With Ye Xiao's present value, there is no need to worry about the location!

Just after Cadillac left the parking lot, in a black car not far from the exit of the parking lot, a pair of men and women who were carrying out piston movement sat up from the back seat at the same time. Seeing the Cadillac which was gradually disappearing, the man did not care to wear clothes. He had straddled from the back seat to the driver's seat, started the motor, and went directly to the exit As for the woman, she took out the phone and was about to make a call to inform someone. However, a black Chevy suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the car and hit the front of the car. The huge impact force made the man head into the steering wheel. As for the woman, she was accidentally thrown into the back seat!

Shoulder bone fracture on the spot, as for the hand of the mobile phone, is thrown out!

The staff in the parking lot were stunned by this accident. In the blink of an eye, more than ten staff members rushed to the car. On the other hand, an oriental man jumped out of the car. His face was full of panic. He was about to go to the front of the car and apologize to the owner. However, he found that the two people in the car were naked. He was shocked!

The other staff also found that they were totally naked, and their eyes were bright. This is the airport parking lot. They started to do it in the car. Is this too anxious?

When a pair of men and women in the car recovered from the impact, the vehicle was surrounded by a crowd!

"Hello, man, are you all right? Didn't break your baby A slightly older staff member saw that the two people did not seem to be seriously injured, and even joked!Of course, more eyes fell on the woman. Although she was not beautiful, she was in excellent shape. So sitting in the back seat so naked to show people, if you don't see it, isn't it too sorry for others?

Suddenly surrounded by so many people, raoshi and raoshi have a strong psychological quality. At this time, they can't help but panic. They grab the clothes on the car and cover their key parts. They don't even think of following Ye Xiao and others. As for the man who drove into them in a snow Buddha, he apologizes to them in Japanese. But what do they have in mind Think about his apology!

The man didn't care about the sharp pain on his head. He reversed the car directly and continued to drive towards the outside. Their identity was special and they didn't want to attract too much attention!

Seeing that these two people didn't get out of the car to deal with things, people around them were constantly surprised, but the owner of the chevron was also surprised. He spoke a lot in Japanese, and then got into his car and left the parking lot!

No one noticed that as the couple's car left the parking lot, a humble Ford car slowly followed the car!

Half an hour later, the car drove into an estate on the outskirts of San Francisco, and the humble black Ford had already stopped half a kilometer away!

Looking at this manor with a history of at least 100 years, salna, dressed in a black leather coat, showed a faint smile on the Ford car. The real opponent finally came, but they even wanted to follow the boss? Isn't it under smoking?

The cold soul is also cruel enough. He is so gentle that he never thought that he would be so shameless. He started his work before his clothes were put on. Is this too obscene?

However, after knowing the location of the other party, sharna turned the front of the car and left the scene directly. Not long after the Ford left, the car that had just entered the manor turned out again. It was the man who was sitting in the car. When she saw the Ford car moving away, a sarcastic smile appeared on his lips!

Is it not wishful thinking that such a simple trick would also like to track agents coming out of the CIA?

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