There was still one day before karot publicly shot the drug dealer Xie Chen. At this time, the sun was shining brightly. One morning, outside the border guard camp of Thailand's Chiang Rai Prefecture, an extremely luxurious carriage suddenly arrived. There were more than 100 soldiers guarding the front and back of the carriage, but these soldiers were all female soldiers!

Seeing such an extremely luxurious carriage, the sentinels in charge of the sentry immediately informed their generals, and all of them stood at attention and saluted the owner of the carriage. In the whole Qinglai mansion, there were only two people who could take the carriage. One was the supreme executive officer of Qinglai Prefecture, Lord Ali Antai, and the other was the relative sister of the king Sister, Ali, the mother of Antai, the royal highness of Princess Zhu of Hualian, no matter which person is not the provoke of these soldiers, even their generals are not willing to offend such two great figures!

After a while, karot, wearing military uniform, led his subordinates out of the barracks in a hurry. Far away, karot had already stood at attention and saluted. Although these warlords did not pay attention to the royal family in their heart, they were members of the royal family after all, and now the king of Thailand is very loved by the people of Thailand and is not forced to do so No matter who they were, they didn't want to provoke the royal family of Thailand, but what puzzled karot was, what did they do here?

soon, the carriage slowly came to Callot's side. Then a woman full of vigorous and tough breath took the lead in pulling the door of the carriage. Then he turned around and helped the woman on the carriage, whose body was all jewels, and his Royal Highness Princess Hualian.

"minister Callot, meet your royal highness!" I saw Callot, Her Highness, and straight to the road. Of course, she did not kneel down, but only slightly bowed down her body.

"Well, general Carlot is interested. This time, I just want to go to prison to visit my good friend, Mrs. Marilyn. I wonder if general Carlot will allow me?" Princess hualianzhu said with a smile!

carlott's brows jumped, and he had already released words. He would publicly execute Xie Chen tomorrow, so as to bring out the Lord of the day. He had been more alert to prison and had not found any suspicious persons in the past few days. But now his Royal Highness has to come to see her personally. Mrs. Marilyn, how much of this makes Carlotte suspicious!

Marilyn, of course, knows who it is. Marilyn's father tried to overthrow the Thai regime and was finally brutally suppressed. She was also sent to this prison for treason. On the day she was sent, she was still very interested in these young girls who lived at home since childhood. In the past, he wanted to play with such things Women are not easy, but now she is just a traitor. How to play with her is not her own business!

carlott is not worried about what Marilyn would have done to her, tell her the royal highness of Princess Zhu of Hualian. In fact, no matter what the relationship between Hualian Zhu and her is, what her father was going to overthrow was Thailand's regime, including the brother Wang Zhu of Hualian pearl. He did not recognize what trouble it would bring to her. He only suspected that she had her own pearl. His purpose!

Although he felt that hualianzhu had nothing to do with Xie Chen and tianyaomen, at this juncture, if something went wrong, everything he planned would be in vain. He would not allow such a thing to happen!

"What? Even if other people can come to visit their relatives, can't I come to see my good friends? " Seeing that Carlot hesitated, Princess hualianzhu snorted coldly!

"ha ha, the princess's mistaken understanding is not such a thing. Only Mrs. Marilyn has been caught in the cold weather these days. If he accidentally infected his royal highness, the minister could be guilty." the minister boldly asked the princess to return first. When Mrs. Marilyn was ill, I would send a notice to the princess. " Don't want to give birth to right and wrong, Carlot thought for a while, made an answer!

anyway, just wait till tomorrow. After tomorrow, you will see what you like, but at this critical moment, even if you are your highness, you'd better leave at once!

"Ah? She's cold? No, I'm just a friend. I have to see her at once As soon as she heard that Marilyn had been infected with cold, hualianzhu's face was even more startled, and she was about to go straight ahead!

"Your Highness, you can't go now?" When he heard that hualianzhu couldn't understand what he was saying, he got angry and snorted coldly!

"Why not? Can't I come to see my own friends? " If it is in normal times, hualianzhu would never fight against a powerful general like Carlot, but this time she was ordered by the head of Xuefeng. She was not afraid of a small warlord!

"no, no, it's just not right now. Please ask your royal highness to return first!" Carlot's voice is completely cold down!

"No, I have to see her today." Seeing that Carlot's voice was so cold, hualianzhu also came to have a temper, so cold hum!

With the change of attitude of the two people, the atmosphere of the scene quickly became stiff. The female guard who followed hualianzhu tightened the guns in their hands, and karot's subordinates also tightened their weapons!"General, general, it's bad. Something's going on, something big is going on!" At this time, an officer dressed as a staff officer rushed from an office building, his face flustered said!

Seeing his adjutant's panic, Carlot's face changed. Did Xie Chen's fellow be rescued? Now ye Xiaodu hasn't appeared. If Xie Chen is rescued, how do you think Luo Yuan and that big and little account?

"What happened? Speak slowly Carlot, almost suppressing his shock, said coldly!

"General, kamaro of Myanmar has no idea what's going wrong. He has assembled a force of 30000 people and is invading Chiang Mai. The brothers of Chiang Mai can't stand it. They are sending out a communication to ask for support."

"What?" This time, not to mention Carlot's exclamation, even hualianzhu directly exclaimed. In recent years, although the situation in Southeast Asia is very chaotic, Thailand and Myanmar have always been well water and do not invade the river. Although the two countries have gathered a large number of troops on the border, but there is no small friction at ordinary times, how can they suddenly make a large-scale invasion? And it's an attack for no reason. Isn't Carmelo crazy? He didn't know the consequences of that? This will directly lead to the war between the two countries!

Ignoring Princess hualianzhu any more, Carlot turned and ran to the office building!

"Princess highness, what shall we do now, and do we have to continue to visit Mrs. Marilyn?" Suddenly was cold in the side of Carlot, hualianzhu suddenly lost the thinking in her mind, but at this time, the female Guard commander who has been following her side has reminded one!

Seeing the fierce guard chief, Hua Lianzhu's eyes flashed a touch of awe, which made her think of the purpose of her coming. No matter whether it was Myanmar or not, it had nothing to do with her. This is what Carlot needs to worry about. What is she going to worry about!

"Yes, she's my best friend. Now she's not only infected with the cold, but the Burmese guys are still calling at this time. What can I do if I don't go and see her? Come on, get in right now... " As soon as hualianzhu waved, she had already got on the carriage, but in the eyes of the female bodyguard, there was a flash of light

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