Callot left, but there was an aide to stay. Callot was just preparing to let Hualian Princess Zhu go in to see his friends. But now he went to the command post because Kaman Kaman suddenly attacked the border. As a deputy of Callot, he should resolutely carry out the order of Callot. In the year, these Royal Highness had no real power, but her status was there. Callot could intercept her without any scruples. It was because he had a huge military power in his hands, but what he had?

When the adjutant hesitated, hualianzhu had already got on the carriage, but her bodyguard chief was not as kind as she was. She directly pulled out a three foot long saber and led the way in front of her. The gorgeous carriage quickly drove into the camp and rushed to the middle prison!

After all, if you can't stop the carriage, you can't see the smile on your face? General Carlot is also worried about unexpected things, but this is the garrison camp, what can happen?

no way can your royal highness escape prison for an angry Marilyn? Even if she is really crazy and wants to break the prison, but there are so many people around her, what can she do? Do not say that these women are just honor guards around their royal highness. Even if they are the real regular army, they will never save them from here!

Thinking of this, the adjutant no longer cares about hualianzhu and others, and runs to the building where the headquarters is located. Kamaro's invasion of Thailand's border is a big event that can stir the world. However, the relationship between Thailand and Myanmar has been very good in recent years. How can he say that he can fight?

when Carlotte passers-by rushed to the command post, the carriage of Hualian Pearl was fast heading to the direction of the prison. About more than 10 minutes later, the gorgeous carriage had arrived at the gate of the prison. When seeing this gorgeous carriage, the soldiers who were in charge of the prison gate were very foolish. Is this not the carriage of the princess's highness? Why are you here? But no matter how surprised these soldiers are, they still "thank your royal highness. I don't know if your highness is coming to break the prison." He shook his fat and climbed up from the ground, then asked to his highness.

"Where is Madame Marilyn locked up? I want to see her! " Hualianzhu said coldly, in front of these ordinary soldiers, she still wants to keep her Princess's dignity!

"Ah?" Only then did she realize that the royal highness of the princess and Mrs. Marilyn, who had recently been in here, were playing with great friends from childhood. It was no secret at all. But Mrs. Marilyn has been sent to Callot's bed. Now, though he is in custody here, what Callot dare not let her meet with others without Callot's orders?

"What? Don't I want to meet my own friends Hualian bead once again cold hum!

"Your Highness, it's not like this, it's just..."

"Don't tell me that Marilyn is too cold to meet people?" Don't wait for zalun to finish, hualianzhu has directly interrupted the way!

"Ah..." He was still in a daze. How did his royal highness know when he had not finished speaking?

"Commander, just now general Carlot has told me that Marilyn is suffering from the cold. That's why I have to visit her. Just now general Carlot has given permission. If you don't believe me, you can call and ask general Carlot right away. Otherwise, lead me to see Madame Marilyn!" Hualianzhu snorted once more, and she herself stepped down from the carriage. However, along with her, there was a woman in a white robe. The woman looked delicate and tender, so she helped Madame hualianzhu out of the carriage so carefully!

On the spot, the cold sweat of zaren came down one by one and asked him to call and ask general Carlot. Dare he? Is it not in front of so many people to tell the princess that he does not trust her?

This is a matter of looking for death. Seeing the carriage coming in from outside, the general should have known her intention. Since the general didn't stop her, he should have given permission. In that case, why do you worry about yourself?

, "Your Highness, please, I'll take you there right away!" Zharonbao did not dare to say anything more, nor to look at hualianzhu, or even the woman beside her. It was a crime of great disrespect. Zalunbang was just a small commander, but he did not have such courage!

"Well!" Princess hualianzhu nodded modestly, and then with the help of the woman in white, she followed zaren to the inside of the prison. As for hualianzhu's bodyguard, she also followed her to the prison!

saw that only a servant girl and a guard were followed by the princess Zhuzhu in Hualian. She was relieved to see that her royal highness was here to see her friends and think too much.

Respectfully leading the way in front of her, she turned several curves in succession, and finally came to the tunnel where Xie Chen was imprisoned. A cool air came and made Hualian's eyebrows pick. Obviously, she did not expect such a place in this prison at all!

Marilyn is a felony of treason. The case says that such a criminal will not be treated well, but who calls her a woman? She was also a beautiful woman. When she became general Carlot's plaything in bed, her treatment was much better!Under the leadership of zalenbaa, they came to the cell where Marilyn lived. It was said that it was a cell, but it was actually a luxurious suite with iron bars and iron doors. In this cell, not only was there a gorgeous huge soft bed, but also a sofa and a refrigerator, and there was a separate bathroom. Most exaggeratedly, the ground was covered with thick red carpet!

This kind of decoration is not the standard decoration of luxury suites in hotels?

Seeing such a scene, the woman in white and the guard general grinned at the same time. It's not like being in prison. It's just a vacation. I don't know what kind of ability this woman has to make such a luxurious suite!

Hualianzhu frowned when she saw everything here. Obviously, she also knew that after the collapse of Marilyn's family, the prison could not give her such a strong treatment. The reason why she was given such a strong treatment was only possible, with the permission of Allah karot. It is obvious why Carlot should give her such a good treatment!

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