Such things only happen in Thailand's prisons, which are completely controlled by warlords. Hua Lianzhu's heart is a burst of nausea when she thinks that her good friend has already gone to karot's bed!

But it was also a helpless thing. When she got here, whether she wanted it or not, unless she destroyed her face in person, Carol would get her. But what woman would destroy her face by herself?

Looking at the woman in the gorgeous amansa lying on the bed, hualianzhu said to several people behind her: "you step back, I want to talk to Mrs. Marilyn alone!"

"Yes..." The woman in white and the captain of the guard nodded at the same time, and zalun held naturally would not be in this evil scenery, but even nodded again and again, and then he took the captain of the guard and the woman in white to leave!

When he got to a corner, he straightened up his waist. He wanted to see what kind of beauty he had been supporting Princess Hualian. But when he saw the face of the visitor, he was stunned!

This woman has a Adam's apple? Is he a man? Just a pretty handsome man who looks like a woman a little bit? But how could Princess hualianzhu have such a man?

Zaren hold has not come back to God, a hard thing has been against his back, don't think about it, zalenbang already knew it was a gun!

"Don't move, don't shout, don't make noise, otherwise, you know it!" Qingluan, holding the eagle of the desert, pointed at the back of zalunban's heart and said coldly that she was not afraid that zarupan would fight to death. As long as there was a slight change in zalunban, she would wring his neck at the first time. With her skill, it was not easy to break zarupan's neck!

You know that? What the hell do I know? Qingluan has been paying close attention to the entertainment industry of China. You know how to use this sentence. But zharonbao doesn't know that the maid of the princess is a man, and how the chief bodyguard of the princess points a gun at his back?

has already brought them to visit Mrs. Marilyn according to his royal highness orders. What are they doing?

"Say, where is the Chinese who was arrested some time ago!" At this time, Xiao Nan had already pulled off the headscarf on his head and wiped off the lipstick on his mouth. He was so disgusted that he was almost disgusted if he didn't want to save his brother and kill him!

Zaren held this to his heart, knowing that the real purpose of these people was to rescue the drug dealer, but how did they come with the princess? Did they hijack the princess?

Zaren hold can only think like this, or even as a princess, he would never want to provoke general Carlot because of a Chinese!

"Bang..." All kinds of thoughts flashed through zaren's head, but before he could figure out a way of thinking, Xiao Nan had already hit his nose bone with a hard blow, and immediately there was a stream of blood spraying out. The burning pain almost made zalun hold faint in the past!

If you don't play like this, people just think about it for a while. How can they suddenly attack people?

Zaren wanted to cry, but the handsome man didn't give him a chance. He took out a dagger in front of him and put it on his face!

"Tell me his whereabouts, or I'll dig out your eyes first!"

Looking at the cold shining dagger and feeling the sharp pain from his nose, zaren held wisely chose to cooperate and let him die rather than be loyal to Carlot, which was impossible. Although the future is very important, no matter how brilliant the future is, it is far less than his own small life!

the other side even dare to hijack the royal highness of the princess, and what is it to cut off such a small prison warden?

"He's in the innermost part of this passage, just go straight ahead!" Zaren said, pointing to the front!

"Is it?" Xiao Nan's mouth appeared a cold smile. Seeing this smile like a devil, zalun shook his whole body, and his heart was full of fear!

"I swear, I swear, he's really in the last water prison. If you don't believe me, I can lead them to the last one!" Zaren is really afraid, for fear of their own performance is not good, they directly to the neck!

"Good!" Xiao Nan sneered, but qingluan is one hand against zharon to hold to go toward inside!

this is already the most innermost part of the prison. There were soldiers watching before, but after the arrival of the army, the soldiers had to retreat first. How to say that your princess is going to chat with her friends and know more people.

In particular, Marilyn and Carlot have such an affair, such news can not let the general soldiers know, so when zaren brought in, they all withdrew!

At this time, there was no one in the long passage. Instead, the heavy breathing sound of prisoners came from the nearby cells from time to time. Some prisoners heard the sound of footsteps and opened their eyes. When they saw that the warden seemed to be hijacked by someone, many people had already exposed their essence. Did anyone attack them? Although we know that it is impossible to rescue yourself, but if the prison is in chaos, do you have a chance to wait for others?However, seeing the cold muzzle of the gun, these criminals shut their mouths wisely. No one dares to say more. Even the warden dares to hijack. It's easy to give yourself a shot. There is an old saying in China that it's better to live than to die. Although the environment here is worse, it's still alive, isn't it?

Under the leadership of zalunba, qingluan and Xiaonan come to the last water prison. When they see the man who has been hanged in the water prison, Xiao Nan's whole body is in a rage. Xiao Nan kicks him between his legs directly. With great strength, he suddenly changes his face and his body goes down uncontrollably. He reaches out to cover his own Cross!

But Xiao Nan did not vent his anger and wanted to continue to give him a foot, but heard the voice of qingluan: "save people first!"

"Key!" Xiao Nan just didn't have the good spirit to stare at zalun to hold one eye, this son of a bitch, how dare to torture his brother like this!

Zarun took out a pale gold key and handed it to Xiao Nan. After taking the key, Xiao Nan rushed to the front of the water dungeon and opened the door of shuilao. No matter how dirty the sewage inside was, he jumped down and splashed with water. Xie Chen seemed to be seriously injured and fell into a coma State, head down, also did not wake up!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Nan is even more anxious. What happened to Xie Chen?

Quickly rushed to the front of Xie Chen, a hand to hold Xie Chen, vigorously shook Xie Chen's body: "Xie Chen, you quickly wake up, Xie Chen!" Xiao Nan is really worried, Xie Chen was held by them for so long, who knows what kind of torture he suffered?

Being shaken by Xiao Nan, Xie Chen wakes up. Then he looks up and looks at Xiao Nan. At the corner of his mouth, there is a sneer. Seeing the sneer at the corner of Xie Chen's mouth, Xiao Nan's face changes greatly. Isn't it Xie Chen?

Shocked, Xiao Nan quickly retreats. However, Xie Chen suddenly takes off his handcuffs and slaps him directly with a palm. The palm is thick and there is a voice of breaking through the air. Xiao Nan's eyes are full of horror, and his arms instinctively protect his chest

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