But the speed of this move is really too fast, Rao is Xiao Nan as far as he can, that palm is still mercilessly patted in his heart!

"Poof..." The sound of a blood arrow shot out, Xiao Nan was photographed to fly out, heavily fell in the water, splashed with waves!

Seeing such a scene, zalun held in a daze. Isn't Xie Chen in custody? How did you completely change a person? This guy hasn't seen him at all? And his handcuffs, didn't they? Why did you suddenly let go?

However, ignoring his stunned expression, when he saw that Xiao Nan was slapped by a palm, two smears of blood flashed in qingluan's eyes, and an ominous premonition appeared in his mind. The plot was a naked conspiracy. Although he had known that the other party could not easily rescue him, although he had already understood that the target of the other party might be ye Xiao, they were What I didn't expect was that the other side would be so bitter!

The injuries on the man who shot Xiao Nan with one hand are real. Every scar is so deep. In order to set up this bureau, they have made a lot of efforts!

Without any hesitation, qingluan broke zalun's neck with one hand, regardless of whether he had anything to do with it or not, so far, it is meaningless to keep him!

Then, with one arm, the desert eagle appeared in his hand and was about to shoot at the fake "Xie Chen" in the water prison. However, an iron chain shot from the side and directly hit her arm. The black desert eagle was directly shot down and landed in the water prison in front of her!

Then a thin man jumped out of the cell next to him.

Not only this man, but also the doors of several cells around him were opened. At least seven men quickly swept out and surrounded qingluan!

As for the fake Xie Chen in the water prison, he walked towards Xiao Nan step by step.

Seeing such a situation, qingluan's eyes quickly picked. These eight men are all masters, and each of them is superior to Xiao Nan. It is impossible for Carlot to have such elite. Then these people can only be bloody purgatory. However, even the bloody purgatory, with a Luo Yuan, can not have so many good hands, So only one problem can be explained. Luo Yuan is not the only one who came to the Golden Triangle this time!

What's the madness of the bloody purgatory? In order to kill a Ye Xiao, at least two generals were sent out. Do they hate Ye Xiao so much?

Without time to think about it, the skinny man had already made a jump and grabbed qingluan directly. With such a move, the eagle seemed to have great power, but in fact it was full of flaws. If there was only such a person, no matter how fast he was, no matter how powerful he was, qingluan was sure to kill him instantly, but there were still six experts around him Almost at the moment when the skinny man started to fight, three men rushed over and launched a fierce attack on her at the same time!

Let her simply can't resist a blow from the top, this is a terrible combo skills, qingluan's mind suddenly thought of an extremely terrible name!

"The blood of the six gods, are you the blood descendants of the six gods under the command of Marshal blood?" Qingluan's mouth came a exclamation. With her exclamation, all the people present were stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect that the girl in her twenties could know their names!

The bloody purgatory army is recognized as a strong organization in the underground world. Its leader is Marshal blood. Everyone knows that marshal blood has eight generals under his command. Everyone can be regarded as an absolute strong one in terms of wisdom and personal strength. It is with the support of these eight generals that the bloody purgatory is becoming more and more powerful!

However, few people know that there are six gods and blood descendants beside Marshal blood. These six men are the strongest personal combat effectiveness around Marshal blood. Their wisdom may be far inferior to that of the Eight Generals, but their personal combat effectiveness is definitely not lower than that of the Eight Generals!

They are monsters born for fighting, and it is said that these six men fight together, even Marshal blood, can hardly meet any enemy!

Marshal blood is the marshal of the bloody purgatory army, and the bloody purgatory army is an army respected by the strong. It can become the marshal of this mercenary, suppress the powerful and resourceful Eight Generals. It is enough to think how strong Marshal blood is. However, such a strong one can hardly fight against the six gods and blood Americans around him Can you imagine how strong it will be when these six men fight together?

Seeing the color of surprise flashing on these faces, qingluan has confirmed that these people are the blood descendants of the six gods. To her surprise, marshal Xue sent out all the blood descendants of the six gods. It seems that they are determined to kill Ye Xiao this time!

They set such a dead end against ye Xiaobu. Even if ye Xiao came here in person, he was almost dead. What's more, Xiao Nan?

Looking at the water prison again, qingluan finally recognized who the man was. She had never seen him, but from his hand, she could think of who he was. This man was not a nobody, but Xue Nan, who was famous in the underground world at that time!

It is said that this man once had a war with the Dragon Emperor, the first man in China. To survive from the Dragon Emperor's hand is enough to show his strength!In order to fight ye Xiao, the bloody purgatory sent not only Luo Yuan, but also Xue Nan, the God of heaven, and the six gods. What are they doing? Isn't he afraid that these people will die in the gunfire?

I can't care to be surprised, but I can't care about the several people who are attacking him. Qingluan's figure is plundering towards the water prison at full speed. Xue Nan, the God's hand, is definitely not a top-level strong man that Xiao Nan can fight against. I must take him out of here as soon as possible!

Qingluan doesn't want the man who is hard to find to die here!

Qingluan's speed is to the extreme, and her own strength is promoted to the top. As the head of Xuefeng, how can her combat effectiveness be weak? However, in the face of such a strong attack, she is still slapped, but with the power of this palm, her body has come to the edge of the water prison, and she grabs Xiao Nan, who has been slapped by a palm!

Avoid the possibility of Xiao Nan being beaten to death by the sky hand Xue Nan!

Seeing that qingluan would rather be injured than rescue Xiao Nan, one of them has been standing in the outer ring, wearing prison clothes, but it is still difficult to cover up his elegant demeanor of the middle-aged man's eyebrows pick, seems to think of something!

"Who are you, the bloody Phoenix?" Seeing qingluan holding Xiaonan in one hand, the man coldly said such a sentence. He had already seen something famous from qingluan's skill!

Qingluan turned her head and looked. When she saw the man's eyes, her heart was trembling again! I trembled a few times, and I was still hard

Blood purgatory army the first wise man, demon division rain fall in the sky will unexpectedly also come?

Among the Eight Generals, he was the most famous and trusted military division of Marshal Xue. He made great contributions to the development of the bloody purgatory army. The existence of the intelligent demon against heaven actually came in person. The blood cost of the bloody purgatory army this time was too large? It's just an attack on Ye Xiao. As for this? As for it? Qingluan wants to scold

However, the other party did not seem to give her such a chance to scold. When she found out that she did not answer, Xue Nan, the God's hand in the water prison, had already jumped up. At the same time, all the other people moved

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