Seeing ye Xiao, who is in a crazy state, the faces of men wearing masks change greatly in rainy days, especially in rainy days. In order to attack and kill Ye Xiao, they and the dark moon alliance almost mobilized the power of trump card. Let alone the strategic experts like the great Dharma protector, the bloody purgatory army also came out Moved two generals and the six gods of blood such a super combination and the hands of heaven and other experts, is almost perfect layout of a hit!

But all of a sudden, there was another qingluan, which made the whole layout in disorder. Even at that time, the rainy day was not too lost, because they also arranged such a big meal for ye Xiao, but what the rainy day didn't think of was that ye Xiao almost managed to catch up with the six gods and blood descendants and other people with a posture of total victory, which was the most important thing for them After hope, dark moon alliance's big protector Jinniu Dharma protector was killed!

How could he be so powerful?

This time, almost all the elite organizations of the two organizations did not kill him, so how can there be a chance in the future?

At the thought of here, it's raining day, and my brows are even tighter when I look at the mask man not far away!

It seems to be aware of the rain to cast the eyes, the mask man is also looking at him, and then the two eyes suddenly burst out two Jingguang, a hard hit!

Then he made a decision to kill Ye Xiao with all his strength. He could not let this terrible monster leave here alive. Otherwise, no matter the bloody purgatory or the dark moon alliance, there would be no good life in the future!

"Do your best Seeing the six dark moon knights who were also startled by Ye Xiao, the masked man snorted coldly. Now, even if they sacrifice the six dark moon knights, ye Xiao must be killed, and he must not be allowed to leave alive!

As soon as the masked man's voice fell, the six dark moon Knights came back to their senses at the same time. One by one, they quickly retreated, and at the same time took out a bottle of golden potion the size of a thumb from his arms and poured it directly into his mouth!

At the sight of such a scene, Zimo's face changed greatly. He clearly understood that there was a kind of genetic medicine in the world. The dragon people had dragon blood, and other organizations also had various genetic agents. It was a kind of medicine to stimulate people's potential. However, there was no absolutely perfect medicine in the world, and any medicine had terrible side effects after taking it With, but do not deny, every person taking genetic medicine, the strength will be doubled!

Seeing the posture of these people, they are obviously dead men. Moreover, these people are not ordinary dead men. The strength of each person is able to enter the earth list. Once these people take such medicine, how much will their strength be improved?

In particular, hearing the mask man's decisive voice, Zimo has faintly realized that this genetic agent may be a kind of terror that can directly make people burst into the strongest potential in an instant, but it will also directly die!

This is a way to fight completely, and only these dead men can do such a thing!

Without any hesitation, Zimo does not care that ye Xiao, who is still in a crazy state, rushes to the nearest dark moon Knight at full speed. When they take medicine, they can kill one person as one person. If you let yourself face six dead men who have taken genetic medicine at the same time, Zimo really doesn't have much assurance!

However, at the moment of Zimo's action, two black shadows came out from behind the masked man. They all wore black masks on their faces. One was of ordinary stature, but revealed a shrewdness. The other was a big man with sharp and fierce eyes. These two figures were actually two strong ones. Although their breath was not too strong, it would not cause too much damage to purple desert The threat, but with the strength of two people to intercept the next purple desert can still do, now is the time to race against the clock, purple desert heart a anxious!

The ordinary man held a slender sword in his hand, but the tall one was holding a black black black iron stick. He hit Zimo with all his strength!

Feeling the sword's meaning from the blade, and then feeling the great pressure from the stick, Zimo was cruel, without any intention of avoiding, so he rushed up directly!

"Hiss!" With a sharp knife, the man directly cut his left shoulder, and the sharp knife directly broke his skin and made an inch deep cut. At once, he saw two pieces of white meat toward both sides, and immediately there was red blood flowing out. Even the most white bone could be seen, which made his muscles swell a lot One knife is enough to take off his arm!

But this is not the most cruel, the most cruel is the big man's head hit, although Zimo evaded the key, but the stick still hit the back of purple desert, immediately hit the body of purple desert a burst of stumbling, nearly fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood is spewing out from the mouth!

Obviously, this blow also caused great damage to him, but anyway, his body came to the dark moon knight who was closest to him, and then hit the dark moon knight who had just taken the genetic medicine and started shaking his body!

This is the weakest time for him. He can't resist such a blow. When Zimo thinks that he can kill him with one punch and take advantage of this opportunity to kill another person, the figure of rainy day doesn't know when he comes to him, then he holds his huge fist, and immediately Zimo feels that his fist is like smashing into it A ball of cotton like, completely unable to make strength, the heart suddenly surprised!However, before he had too much surprise, he felt that his fist seemed to be sucked by the other party's palm, and his body on rainy days also retreated backward. Unexpectedly, he dragged the tall purple desert back to the back. Zimo immediately felt that his body was completely out of control!

Is this the legendary soft palm?

Zimo's eyebrows jump at the thought of the long lost unique skill of Chinese Kung Fu. It is the first time for him to meet such soft but lethal martial arts in so many years. Such Kung Fu is definitely his nemesis!

The huge body was driven to the front by the rainy day, and the dark moon knight who took the genetic medicine also regained control of his body at this time. His eyes turned blood gold in an instant, and then stabbed Zimo's heart directly!

Both the speed and the angle of the knife are three points faster and three points more accurate than before. In addition, Zimo's body seems to be entangled. How can we avoid it in a moment!

Feeling the chill from the blade, Zimo's heart leaped violently, the strength in his body was also full-scale, his chest muscles were shaking wildly, and he was constantly contracting, and then he heard "hiss!" When the dark moon knight was ready to stab it in again, Zimo had roared, and suddenly broke the shackles of the rainy day, and then hit the dark moon knight on the Chin

All of a sudden, the dark moon Knight's head turned to the other side, and his body flew to the other side. As for the two rows of teeth in his mouth, they all fell out

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