However, the dark moon knight in such a blow, holding the Dagger's hand did not loosen a bit, and then directly pulled out a long bloodstain on Zimo's chest, which almost brought out that piece of blood and flesh. Rao was with his physical strength. At this time, he was on the top of his body, which was choking and painful enough. At this time, on rainy days, he took his hand again, and his body looked like a mixture of ghosts and ghosts Like floating to the purple desert in front of the body, and then a palm in the heart of purple desert!

It was a feeble palm. It looked soft and soft. But Zimo was beaten back and forth again and again by this understatement. The wound that had been seriously injured was more blood gushing. Even a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth, and his face became pale!

Then he looked up in surprise and looked at the rainy day. This guy's soft palm has been practiced to such a degree?

At this time, several other dark moon Knights have completely recovered. Their eyes are full of bloody light, just like a fierce beast in human form. All their eyes are focused on Zimo's body, as if to break him into pieces!

Feeling the strong killing intention from these people, Zimo frowns tightly together, and looks at Ye Xiao, who has smashed the body of Jinniu Dharma protector, and feels anxious!

"Kill!" At this time, the man with a mask in the distance snorted coldly, and then people, including those on rainy days, rushed to purple desert at full speed, even those with knives and iron bars rushed up!

Purple desert cold hum, is about to break out all the strength, but suddenly felt a dazzle in his head, looked down, found that his shoulder blood actually presents strange blue!

The wound became dark blue. It was not frightening. Suddenly, his face changed again. The knife was poisonous, and it was not ordinary poison. After his body changed, the ordinary poison could not cause too much influence on himself, but the other side's knife was smeared with such poison?

At the same time, the two dark moon Knights have come to his body, and then hold a dagger at the same time, stabbed at Purple desert's body!

"Go!" There was a roar from Zimo's mouth, and then the muscles of his arms burst out in an instant, and he directly hit two people's shoulders with a fist. Their bodies faltered, and the dagger in their hands fell off. However, the rainy day took advantage of this opportunity to come to Zimo's front, and then kicked in Zimo's abdomen. A group of Qi suddenly broke out, which was the legendary inch explosion!

Zimo's body suddenly flies out, and his mouth is gushing with blood. When his body is poisoned, he can resist the attack of two dark moon knights who have taken genetic medicine. This is his limit!

In the face of the terrible rain, he could not resist and avoid it!

But what Zimo didn't expect was that it would explode in rainy days, and it was still a high-level one. Every part of his body could burst out the power of inch explosion. What a terrible existence?

This man, who is known as a military division in the bloody purgatory army, has such a strong ability?

Don't mention Zimo. Even the man with a mask flashed a look of surprise in his eyes. Obviously, he didn't expect to have such skills on rainy days. He looked at his two subordinates. They understood, but the body that had rushed to Zimo was slow!

And their eyes also unconsciously aimed at the rain after the heart!

Rainy day did not seem to find all of this, the foot of the rapid movement, once again came to the purple desert in front of the body, and then a palm toward the head of purple desert patted down!

The moment of this palm appears powerless, but when the palm is pressed down, Zimo feels like a mountain. If it is in its heyday, he will not be afraid of such a palm. But at this time, he is scarred and poisoned. He is very difficult to raise his hand. How can he resist such a palm!

Seeing the quick slap, a touch of despair flashed in Zimo's eyes. Is he going to die here?

He glanced back at Ye Xiao, but found that his figure was missing. In doubt, a figure had come to him, and then he heard a wild animal roar in his ear!

"Roar!" Ye Xiao's eyes are completely blood red, and the speed is more than twice as fast as before. The blood in the body is almost crazy burning, and directly hits the heart of the rainy day with a fist!

Originally, he had to take a palm on the head of purple desert in the rain. Even though he knew Ye Xiao's terror, he didn't expect his speed to be so fast. What's more, he had completely lost his mind, but he would rescue the purple haired giant at such a critical moment!

However, unexpectedly, in the face of such a sharp blow, he also did not have any hesitation, and his body quickly retreated, and the original slap to purple Desert also turned to Ye Xiao's fist, which had been like a mountain general pressure immediately disappeared, replaced by a feeling of boundlessness! It's as deep as the sea!

"Pa..." In the rainy day, his palm was clearly patted on Ye Xiao's fist, and a powerful force burst out in an instant. Then the calm sea surface seemed to blow a hurricane and set off waves. On rainy days, the palm of his hand began to rotate. He wanted to guide Ye Xiao's strength to Zimo's body!At this moment, he is like the sea god on the sea, guiding such a huge peak to attack the purple desert!

It seems to be aware of the intention of the rainy day, ye Xiao's eyes jumped out of a bloody awn, his mouth is issued a huge roar, and then the fist sucked by the rainy day suddenly moved!

"Bang!" At the sound of the sound, the whole force burst out, the huge shock force even directly shook the palm of the rainy day, but also shocked his arm a bit numb, the body is even more backward, but ye Xiao is like a beast, directly ran out, and then hit the body of the rainy day with a fist!

In rainy days, there is no way to continue to take a hand, only can instinctively raise arms to resist!

"Bang!" One punch hit his right arm, and he continued to shake his body back and forth. However, ye Xiao's second, third and fourth fists have come one after another. Each fist contains a very strong force. Rao is powerful in rainy days. At this time, he was shocked to retreat again and again, and his arms became numb!

Seeing the sudden outbreak of Ye Xiao, the men wearing masks all showed a hesitant look, as if they were still thinking about whether or not to move!

In rainy days, his wisdom has made the dark moon League feel afraid. If he has such skills again, will he become the biggest enemy of the dark moon alliance after killing Ye Xiao?

"If you don't kill him, you and I will be finished!" Just when he was puzzled, a cold hum came from his mouth on a rainy day, and the masked man suddenly realized that, anyway, their main purpose this time was Ye Xiao. If ye Xiao was not dead, it would not only do great harm to the dark moon alliance, but also be regarded as a mission failure this time. I don't know how to punish him?

The man holding the sword and the man holding the iron bar seemed to feel his intention. The hesitant figure once again rushed towards Ye Xiao. As for the other dark moon knights, they rushed at full speed at this moment. Almost instantaneously, they had formed a encirclement on Ye Xiao!

Facing the crowd's encirclement, ye Xiao had enough scarlet eyes to be more blood red Like the setting sun

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