Enchanting is also the whole person is a Leng, and then two people are so big eyes staring at the small eyes, especially Ye Xiao, see enchanting that glittering dark eyes, suddenly feel a little empty in the heart!

It's not only that he feels empty, but also enchanting!

"Didn't I tell you last time that Shura would appear? Why do you want to come? " In order to avoid such an embarrassment, enchanting directly changed the topic!

"I have to come!" This time, ye Xiao said solemnly. In his mind, he could not help but think of the enchantment full of pipes. Even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he must have a try!

"Why?" Enchanting asked curiously. Although she is now one of the thirty-six hall leaders of the dark moon League, she has a very high status in the dark moon League, but she has not entered the power center of the dark moon League. In the final analysis, the status of the thirty-six hall leaders in the dark moon League is similar to that of a housekeeper. Only when she becomes an elder of the dark moon league can she be qualified to know some of the most core things!

"Enchantment has been injured and injured. Only the first God can repair it. I came here to take away Chu Shen!" Ye Xiao didn't think much, so she told enchanting the purpose of her coming!

"The first God? The first God in the Lord? Ye Xiao, you are crazy As soon as she heard that ye Xiao was actually for the bottle of the first God on the dark moon alliance leader, her enchanting eyes and face showed a startled look. This time, she was ordered to come here by the leader of the dark moon alliance. Along with her, there were six good hands she recruited and eight subordinates who had not been completely controlled by her. In other words, there were more than ten super first-class people around her Master, she is just a hall leader, not to mention as the leader of the dark moon alliance. How many experts are gathered around him, even enchanting himself does not know. Although Ye Xiao is powerful, although there are some experts around him, he wants to take Chu Shen from the leader of the dark moon Alliance. Isn't this a fool's dream?

Besides, this time, there are also bloody purgatory soldiers. Ye Xiao killed general Luo Yuan. With the character of the bloody purgatory, they will easily let Ye Xiao go? The reason why they don't start now is that the dark meeting has not been held, and they can kill Ye Xiao in the holy fight meeting. If they can't kill Ye Xiao even in the holy fight meeting, they will certainly launch the most violent attack!

At least enchanting has received some news. This time, the dark moon Alliance came with so many good hands in order to completely erase the trace of Ye Xiao from the world. Ye Xiao has no time to dodge, and even wants to take action first. This is not to seek death. What is it?

"If you don't get the first God, seduction will die. Do you want to watch her die?" Ye Xiao naturally understood the danger of this incident, but how could he watch the seduction die?

Hearing Ye Xiao's almost roaring words, enchanting, the whole person was stunned, enchanting, that was her former comrades in arms. For her, it was like a sister's existence. Could he watch her die?

Although she had already left the dragon clan, and though she had thought of capturing herself, enchanting did not hate her. Even in her heart, she wanted to go back to the original day with seductive. It was a carefree time. If it was not for the obstruction of the dragon family, how could things happen later!

"Ye Xiao, you don't want to do it easily. I'll try to find a way out." After a moment's silence, enchanting has made a decision. She is one of the thirty-six hall leaders. She has a chance to approach the leader in her own capacity. If the rumor is true, the alliance leader has always carried Chu Shen with him, and then she can do it by herself, but the opportunity is much bigger than ye Xiaoqiang!

"No, it's not easy for you to come to this day and become one of the thirty-six hall leaders. You can't expose your identity..." Ye Xiao flatly refused. He didn't really care about enchanting's present status, but worried that she would be greatly hurt by her participation in this incident. How could the leader of the dark moon alliance, who can control this extremely powerful underground organization, be a general existence?

There is only one such thing as Chu Shen in the whole world. It is the only successful product developed by those gene research institutes by chance. As long as you don't die, you can quickly repair the human body's genes. For the human body, it is equivalent to having a second life. Even when people are old, they have the great effect of repairing genes and restoring their youth How can the leader of the dark moon alliance not take good care of such a thing which is equal to the immortal medicine for the present human beings!

It is said that he carried this kind of medicine close to his body. Ye Xiao has no doubt that this kind of thing can make anyone crazy. If he doesn't carry it with him, who can rest assured? What's more, if he gets any fatal injury by accident, the potion can save his life at any time!

In this case, in addition to hard snatching, what else can we do? Unless enchanting can use her charm to confuse the leader of the dark moon alliance, but in that case, the sacrifice is enchanting color, which is absolutely not allowed by Ye Xiao!

"But..." As soon as I heard what ye Xiao said, enchanting wanted to say something, but she was interrupted by Ye Xiao again!

"Don't worry, this time, the Dragon Emperor will do the same!" In order not to let enchanting continue to worry, ye Xiao reported the name of the Dragon Emperor. Sure enough, as soon as she heard the two words, enchanting heart was determined, as if there were no things in the world that the Dragon Emperor could not do!"Then you must be careful, and I will try my best to cooperate with you." Know ye Xiao's resolution has been decided, enchanting also no longer say what, just care about asked!

"Well, you have to be careful yourself, don't let others doubt you!" Hear enchanting care of the words, ye Xiao is very grateful!

"Well, don't worry about it. I know how to do it! By the way, I gave it to you! " Enchanting nodded, and then seemed to think of something, took out a small lacquer bottle from her arms and handed it to Ye Xiao!

"What kind of medicine is this?" Ye Xiao took the bottle and asked curiously!

"Gu Yao! For the treatment of trauma has a wonderful effect, although the effect and the original God can not be compared, but absolutely better than other acne medicine Enchanting does not have any concealment, directly said out!

Thank you Holding the medicine bottle with enchanting body temperature in her hand, ye Xiao said gratefully!

"We are friends. Thank you. It's late. It's time for you to go back." Enchanting smile!

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded and looked at enchanting eyes carefully. Then he turned and walked towards the direction when he came!

"Ye Xiao..." When ye Xiao is about to walk into the jungle, he has been looking at the enchanting figure of his back, and suddenly starts to shout!

Ye Xiao stopped, turned around, a pair of the same dark eyes looked at enchanting, looked at this time standing on the edge of the cliff of her unique style!

"Be careful!" Looking at the turn of Ye Xiao, enchanting, even if there are thousands of words in my heart, at this time it is only a sentence like this, which also contains all her sustenance for ye Xiao!

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded and said nothing more. He quickly rushed into the jungle and disappeared quickly. Looking at the direction of Ye Xiao's disappearance, she sighed softly in her enchanting mouth. Instead of leaving immediately, she turned to look at the sea and the boundless sea. She murmured a Tang poem.

"There is a bright moon on the sea, and there is a total of the ends of the earth. At this time, lovers complain about the distant night, and they even start to miss each other. They extinguish the candle and feel the light is full. They can't feel the dew. They can't bear to give them to them, and they can't pay back their dreams.

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