The dark conference was officially held on the top of the mountain in the middle of the island, which was also the center of the whole mountain city. The whole mountain top was cut off half and a huge square was expanded. It was a square with the size of five or six football fields. There was no other building around the square, but a huge palace with European style was built in the middle Hall, dome, white wall, inlaid with Phnom Penh, the whole palace has a small "Louvre" said, but people in the underground world prefer to call it the dark palace.

On weekdays, the palace will be open to ordinary guests, but now a dark meeting is being held. Several organizations that control the island secretly have already cancelled all orders. In addition to those who participate in the dark Council, there is no extra outsider in the huge dark palace!

There is no attached building in the dark palace, except for a huge dome main hall. If you look down from the sky, you can see that the dark palace is still a huge dot standing in the center of the square, and the pattern of the square also presents various stripes, just like a huge spider web!

The dark palace is a huge circular palace from the outside, but after entering it, it is actually a huge arena. Yes, this is a huge arena!

In the center of the dark palace is a boxing ring with the size of half a football field. This ring is specially prepared for the mujahideen. Around the ring, it is divided into 12 areas. In front of each area, there are three huge luxurious private rooms. A total of 36 private rooms are separated by toughened glass. This kind of glass can resist the attack of sniper bombs Glass, with the strength of the human body is difficult to directly break open!

There are luxurious tables and chairs, refrigerator and so on. It's just a presidential suite. If you want, you can pull up the curtain directly and do whatever you want to do in it!

Of course, if you have some exposed hobbies, you can do something in front of so many people. At least when ye Xiao and sharna came in, they saw a blonde man lying on the sofa in front of him, and two hot women were kneeling in front of him, providing him with some special service!

As for the others, it seems that they have not seen it at all!

Now more than half of the 36 private rooms are occupied. Ye Xiao knows that the organizers are also trying to prevent the major forces from rioting before the jihadist meeting. After all, those who come to attend the meeting are not good people, they are a group of thugs!

In order to ensure the smooth holding of this dark meeting, they must take necessary measures. As for what these people want to do after the meeting, or fight directly on the island, which is their business!

Behind these private rooms, there is the auditorium, but there is a deep gully between the auditorium and the private room. If someone wants to riot from the audience, it is difficult to hurt the big people in the private room. You know, there are several huge crocodiles in that deep gully. Generally speaking, the bodies of all the losers of the Jihad are directly thrown away Into this ravine!

At this time, there were not many people sitting in the audience. Most of these people were some people who were not qualified to enter the private rooms below. Some were political officials, some were businessmen, some were super powerful people in the underground world. Of course, some people were the entourage of those big powers. Xie Chen led some elite members to sit in a corner of the southwest, but for the sake of To ensure the safety of those who enter the dark palace, all the heat weapons are confiscated!

As for cold weapons, no one cares how much you are willing to take. How can cold weapons hurt big people sitting in the box across such a deep gully?

Ye Xiao is the head of TIANYAO gate, and the influence of TIANYAO gate is extremely large. He is naturally entitled to have a private room, which is located in the southwest!

As soon as Matsushima Maple son entered this private room, she went to the corner of the room, knelt down, and flashed on her lap and slowly closed her eyes. She is a silent woman. Now she is following Ye Xiao's side. Even she doesn't know why, but she has begun to get used to this kind of life gradually!

As for Sarna, who is very hot in her tight leather pants, she doesn't mean to tease Ye Xiao at this time. Instead, she sits by her side and looks at the people around her with her gray eyes. She seems to be looking for her own old acquaintances!

Soon, sharna was in room 30 on the left. She saw a bald man smiling at herself. When she saw such a handsome bald man smiling at herself, a brilliant smile appeared on her face!

"Cromanti, the Nordic tiger?" Sarna side to the bald man with a brilliant smile, while the introduction for ye Xiao!

"Oh? The madman who was expelled from the crotti family at the age of twelve? " With Sarna's introduction, ye Xiao also cast her eyes on the bald man and saw the crazy light in his eyes at a glance!

"Well!" Sarna nodded. The crotti family, which is one of the oldest and most mysterious families in Europe, is not under the three major families in M. Cromarty is the grandson of ramcrotti, the contemporary family leader of the crotti family. However, his father is ram's youngest son, and he is an illegitimate son in such an ancient family The illegitimate child is the least important. However, cromanti has shown amazing talent since childhood. He once attracted the attention of ram and other brothers and sisters' jealousy. Especially his own big brother, he was jealous of him and often bullied him. Finally, cromanti could not bear to kill his brother at the age of 12!If his father had only two sons, he would have been put to death by such means. Later, RAM read about his talent and that he was the only descendant of his youngest son. He just expelled him from the family!

However, at the age of 12, he drifted to the North alone, and he made a world of his own. Now he is the largest pirate leader in northern Europe. At the beginning, he was as famous as mustache!

At this time, he did not need to borrow the reputation of the crotti family. He could make his own voice in the underground world with his own strength. Because of his ability, he was taken back to the crotti family by ramcrodi and became the third successor of the next head of the family!

As for the arrangement of ram, Cromarty knew it was nothing more than that the crotti family wanted to vigorously develop smuggling business with the help of their own strength. As for the identity of the third successor? This is just a blank check. In the crotti family, which has a long history, it will never really let an illegitimate child become the owner of the family!

However, Cromarty doesn't care. The crotti family is using him. He is not using the crotti family. He has the status of the third successor of the crotti family. It is very convenient for him to work in Europe!

As long as one's own strength grows again, what is impossible to win the position of home owner?

Clementi is an ambitious man. When he saw Ye Xiaochao's eyes, he also responded with a friendly smile. Ye from the East, who killed the existence of moustache alone, might be a good choice if he could cooperate with him

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