At the end of the day, even the black skeleton, a big organization with a low-key, has put forward a smuggling route with huge interests as a bet. The whole scene is completely insane. Everyone, whether it is the strong who comes alone or those organizations that have already planned, has been in a state of insanity!

Especially when Waltz said in front of the public that if someone wins the final victory and doesn't want to accept these sites, he can exchange gold, cash and exchange with the same value, which will attract some of the most rarely seen strong people!

If they can win the final victory, then such a huge amount of property is enough for them to spend hundreds of years. As for why hundreds of years, is there a bottle of God? As long as take the initial God, at least can delay the life span of decades!

Under the stimulation of such great interests, even those individuals and organizations that had no intention to plan, began to discuss the people who fought!

According to the new provisions of the Holy Grail, every organization can send out one to three people. Of course, if you don't have full grasp, you can also form a group of three people. As long as you win the group in the end, it is the same result. So a large fortune, even if it is three people sharing equally, is enough to be free for a long time!

Only a moment later, all the organizations who came to the scene decided to join the war. Even if they knew it was a cruel and bloody battle, no one could refuse to face the huge interests!

Since it is a mixed battle, there are countless variables. What if those top masters are severely hurt each other? It's not impossible!

Many strength is only the master wandering in the list, and at this time, they are excited to join the Holy Grail meeting. They are not the opponents of those strong in singles, but what is the strong here? How fierce will the fight between them be? Who will care about their existence then?

They bet on a fortune, good luck, and finally other strong people lose and make themselves take advantage of it. Bad luck, big deal is death. Anyway, for those who are mixed in the underground world, they are dealing with death at any time!

Instead of taking risks again and again, it is better to take a big one this time, win, and have no worries for life, lose, but just go to hell sooner or later!

Most people who have been living in the underground world have already left their lives and lives away!

The blood marshal curizald was the first to enter the arena. When he led his men into the arena, the scene of insanity was quiet for a moment!

But soon, the silence disappeared. One after another, the strong team entered the arena. Some of them were small organizations that sent the most powerful soldiers in their organization, and combined with the same scale organizations, some of them were some individual strong people and their partners. Of course, some super-class strong people walked in alone It's a fight field!

In a short time, there were more than 100 people in the fighting field. Looking at the strong ones who entered the arena, ye Xiao picked his eyebrows slightly, and salna's face was not very good-looking. Her most powerful was the shooting method. Close combat was not her strength, but cold weapons were used here, but no guns were allowed. She could not help ye xiaotai too much!

And there are so many people who can guarantee that these people do not have the outer organization of the dark moon League? Even without the dark moon league or the peripheral organization of the blood refining army, it is said that the three blood marshals, kurizaard, are not the ordinary people can fight!

The strength of Marshal blood is how, no one knows, but can press the group, and also confident to fight in person, enough to see that his strength is not simple, his side of zining is a long-known master!

As for the bick who followed him later, he was not known, but from his short but absolutely capable figure, he must not be a simple character!

Although Ye Xiao's strength is strong, but also at most against a blood marshal, then who can deal with purple condensation? Besides, there is a dark moon alliance, shaga and Miro. These are all the top 12 strong men in the Dharma. Plus a Shura, if all these strong men attack Ye Xiao, who can resist it?

"I'll go with you!" At this time, the maple Matsushima who has been sitting in the corner stood up, very quietly said!

"It's going to be dangerous!" Ye Xiao did not refuse directly, but he said the key to the matter. So many people had a mixed battle, and this almost gathered the major underground world powers, even if he did not have the grasp of his own body and retreat, what about Matsushima Maple?

Matsushima Maple just nodded gently, indicating that he understood!

"Well!" Ye Xiao also gently said a, he has seen her persistence from the eyes of Matsushima Maple!

"Boss, let me fight with you!" At this time, the huge figure of carnu came in from the door, said Lang Sheng!

"Cano..." This time, the close war with Ye Xiao is only Matsushima maple and Cano. Cold soul and sharna are all masters of shooting skills. They are not suitable for entering the arena. As for Xie Chen, although they have made great progress in these years, they are still a certain distance from the top-level strong!"Boss, I know the danger!" Don't wait for ye Xiao to finish speaking, card Nu already direct mouth way!

"Good!" Seeing Kanu's firm expression, ye Xiao also nodded gently, then got up and said to Sarna, "if we have any accident, we should leave here immediately and tell Xiaobai not to avenge me!"

After that, ye Xiao directly presses a button in the box, and the glass in front of it slowly falls down. Then ye Xiao takes Kanu and maple Matsushima to go out. In the box next to them, qingluan himself takes two hot women into the arena. Instead, Xiao Nan is left in the box!

See Xiaonan that a pair of aggrieved appearance, leaf Xiao's mouth emerged a faint smile, this guy, found a good home!

Soon, there were more than 300 people in the arena. The originally broad arena was crowded with people. No one even stepped onto the ring. Although the ring was large, it could not hold so many people!

At this time, the box where the dark moon alliance is located also slowly lowered, and then saw two men with golden hair wearing masks came out, behind them, followed by a man with a black iron mask!

He was wearing a very common gray cloth dress, with long hair behind him, and a knife wrapped with cloth on his back. His dress was just like that of zining beside Marshal Xue. However, he had a calmer and more powerful breath all over his body!

With the entrance of this man, many people have their eyes on him, Shura, the first master in the sky list, he even went out on behalf of the dark moon League?

Even Waltz Louis also showed a surprised color, obviously did not expect the Shura and dark moon alliance to come together!

"Are you sure he will be used by you?" Seeing the desolate figure of Shura, the old man sitting beside the dark moon alliance leader said!

"How do you know if you don't try?" Dark moon mouth emerged a smile of irony!

"But what if they all lose?" The old man asked again!

"It doesn't matter if you lose. When these people decide the outcome, hundreds of elite people have lost their lives, and then it will be the time to re-establish the dark order. What does the old fox of Waltz think I don't know?" Speaking of this, the dark moon looked at Waltz's box, and saw Waltz looking at him. At the same time, a smile appeared in the corners of their mouths

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