The arena is full of people. It's a pity that the arena is big enough to accommodate a thousand people. Otherwise, it would be too bad for so many experts to be crowded together like the citizens of the city!

Ye Xiao is standing in the southwest corner of the arena. Behind him are maple Matsushima and Kanu. Maple Matsushima is still holding the flash spirit, but Kanu has found a huge black iron stick. Looking at the posture, it is at least hundreds of kilograms. If you hold the stick tightly, it will bring a heavy pressure on people!

Not far away from ye Xiao, it is qingluan from the Xuefeng organization. Now, as the head of Xuefeng, qingluan actually hands it out in person. Seeing Xiao Nan in the box, ye Xiao understands that qingluan has a big reason to care about Xiao Nan!

He nodded to qingluan in a friendly way, and ye Xiao again set his eyes on the blood marshal kurizard in the distance, and kurizard also turned his eyes to this side. After seeing ye Xiao's eyes thrown at him, a grim smile appeared in the corner of curizard's mouth!

He not only threw a ferocious smile to Ye Xiao, but also cast a ferocious smile to qingluan. Ye Xiao was not the only one who attacked and killed his general at first!

In the face of Marshal Xue's grim smile, qingluan just snorted, then slowly took out a big axe or a double-edged axe from behind. Judging from the posture, it was not much lighter than the iron bar in Kanu's hand. As for the two people behind qingluan, they didn't have any weapons in their hands, but ye Xiao could see that all their weapons should be on them!

The one who can fight with qingluan is also Xuefeng's super first-class master. After all, qingluan is the head of Xuefeng now. If you don't guarantee her safety, what can you do?

Looking at all the masters in the field, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. This time, almost all the masters in the underground world gathered here. Marshal blood, qingluan, Shura and so on were needless to say. Even those masters who had been famous in tianbang almost all went to war, even some old people who had disappeared for a long time, and a group of men wearing masks were also there On the other side of the arena, they are all masters who don't want to reveal their identities. But judging from the breath they emit, they are no worse than tianbang masters!

So many masters gathered together and fought against each other. No matter who won the final victory, it would be hard to imagine. What was the purpose of such a scuffle arranged by Waltz Louis? Is it true that all the people in the underground will be severely damaged on the spot? But aren't they more likely to control the underground world?

Although the dark moon alliance blood heaven has sent out super first-class strong people, but here more strong people still come from those individuals, these people are one by one unruly generation, they do not want to obey the arrangements of the major organizations, they are free and lazy, although they have been wandering in the underground world for many years, they do not want to be bound by people, such a group of people is also the most powerful group Body, dark moon alliance or bloody purgatory, we can't do anything with these strong men!

It is also because of the existence of these strong people, any large organization is not good at killing out some small organizations, many places must make some concessions, after all, these strong people and those small organizations are inextricably related!

Now, waltz has thrown out such a big bait, does it mean to drive out the strong ones?

Of course, it is impossible for all of the top players in the world to appear here, but these 300 odd people have already occupied more than half of the top-notch ones. If all these people have lost their combat effectiveness

At the thought of this, ye Xiao's heart suddenly beat, but when his eyes saw the "original God" above the ring, he stopped his beating. His charming life was in danger. He had no way to retreat. He tightened his throat, and ye Xiao's eyes returned to the arena. It was a fierce battle, and it was absolutely unprecedented There are fierce battles!

He has to do his best!

At this time, in the box of the dark moon alliance, the leader of the dark moon had already withdrawn his eyes from the field, looked at the field, and said slowly, "haven't you found any trace of the Dragon Emperor?"

"No, but I'm sure he must be in this arena!" Dark moon next to the old man is very sure to say!

"Hum, this guy always likes to play some mysteries with us. It's a pity that he didn't kill him last time, but this time he had better not come. If he did, he would not be able to leave alive. Shura, kill Ye Xiao, bring his body to me, and take Chu Shen back to me by the way." Dark moon cold hum a, toward the front of the Shura road a!

Shura did not say anything more, and then a pair of cold eyes shot at Ye Xiao not far away, the killing intention of the sky burst out!

At this time, Louis Waltz announced the beginning of the holy crusade, and the atmosphere of the scene suddenly solidified. No one made any rash moves. There were more than 300 super first-class masters here. Standing here, they burst out an unspeakable pressure. No one would like to be the first bird!

Feeling the strange atmosphere of the scene, marshal Xue, qingluan, ye Xiao, and others all looked at each other, but still did not move, just stood quietly in place, seems to be waiting!Kanu's breathing began to slow up, and more and more rapid, obviously he has become gradually excited with the pressure of the scene!

Just as everyone watched each other and prepared to look for his opponent, the Shura who was at the back moved. He didn't go out directly like the first-class masters, nor did he fly out like those great swordsmen in the legend. He just took a step forward and walked out between shaga and Milo!

Without burying his head or turning his head, he looked at the front, the ring in front, the crystal box above the ring, and walked past!

The meaning of the dark moon alliance leader is to take back the original God. His first goal is the first God!

As for why he didn't take the lead in attacking Ye Xiao, that's what he only knows!

Seeing that Shura went straight to the center of the ring, the leader of the dark moon alliance frowned slightly, but it soon spread out. He wanted to see what the first master of the sky list wanted to do!

"Xiao, stop him!" Just as Shura was about to set foot on the ring, a deep voice came from the crowd. At the sound, ye Xiao's face changed slightly, and the leader of the dark moon alliance was even more ecstatic. It was the voice of the Dragon Emperor. The Dragon Emperor was really in the crowd. He actually came and looked at several people around him. All of them nodded gently, This time, I will never let the Dragon Emperor leave here alive!

As for ye Xiao, when he heard this sound, his body had already taken the lead and rushed straight to the Shura on the stage. Since the Dragon Emperor has come, what else can he be afraid of?

Matsushima maple, Kanu, two people closely follow behind Ye Xiao, no matter what ye Xiao wants to do, they will be the strongest backing of Ye Xiao!

Looking at Ye Xiao running towards the ring, field marshal kurizard sneered and threw his cape. The whole person was also running towards the front step by step

It's a dream to take Chu Shen in front of Marshal!

Ye Xiao, you must die today!

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