Seeing Marshal Xuefeng move, qingluan, the head of Xuefeng, snorted coldly at the moment. Then she twisted the double-edged axe with a weight of more than 100 Jin and rushed to marshal Xue. When qingluan moved, the two women behind her also moved. At the beginning, qingluan quietly rushed to the golden triangle to see Xiao Nan, but by coincidence, she fell into the layout of the bloody purgatory army and was severely damaged After she returned to Xuefeng, all the staff of Xuefeng regarded the bloody purgatory as their life-long enemies!

In particular, the two women behind qingluan are Xuefeng's most loyal subordinates. They both watched qingluan grow up. They had already regarded qingluan as their own daughter. When they thought that their daughter almost died in the hands of the bloody purgatory army, they felt a burst of anger in their hearts. When they finally got to the holy crusade, they would naturally look for the bloody purgatory military newspaper here Hate!

The two men, Tianna and Mingli, are the senior members of the blood Phoenix organization. Their status in Xuefeng is similar to the twelve Dharma protectors of the dark moon alliance. Their strength is amazing. However, unlike the twelve Dharma protectors of the dark moon alliance, they are rarely on the road of the underground world, and most people don't know their reputation at all!

Tianna is a white man. She is about 1.8 meters tall. Her chest is extremely plump. She has a long light gold hair tied behind her head. She is wearing a tight T-shirt and a short black skirt. Her feet are a pair of high-heeled shoes. When she runs, the heel does not affect her combat power at all!

Minli is a black man. She is as tall as Tianna, even a little higher than Tianna. She is only wearing a pair of combat boots. She looks shorter. Her thighs are covered with crazy color pants. Her upper body is a dark green military vest. Her huge chest is revealed, which is very frightening

There was a shiver in the chest between the two women running, but this scene not only had no sense of temptation, but also gave people a strong oppression, just like two mountains piled on their bodies, which could be pressed down at any time!

The two men followed qingluan tightly and rushed to the blood marshal kurizard at full speed. However, they had not rushed to the front of the ring. Two blonde men had blocked their way. Who were Milo and shaga?

Both of them are the twelve Dharma protectors of the dark moon alliance, ranking above the golden bull Dharma protector, and their strength is absolutely above the Taurus Dharma protector. At least, they look much younger than the Taurus Dharma protector!

"Three, your opponent is us!" Both of them wear masks, but from their eyes we can see their contempt. Qingluan, this woman, they have heard of. Although her strength is good, there is definitely a certain gap compared with them. As for the two women behind her, they seem to have good strength, but how strong can such an unknown character be?

"Get out of here In the face of the two people's obstruction, qingluan snorted coldly, and then the huge double-edged axe cleaved toward Shajia in front of him. If qingluan did not move, it immediately looked like a roar of beasts, and the world was one of the dark. The huge axe, which was extremely heavy in the eyes of ordinary people, directly drew a white wave and chopped at the Shajia in front. Shajia's heart leaped violently, apparently not thinking of qingluan coming out How fast are your hands? This huge axe, which looks like a heavy one, is as easy as a toy in her hand. How strong is this little girl?

Without any hesitation, Shajia's body quickly retreated. The huge axe almost wiped his cheek and fell down. Then there was a crash. The mask on Shajia's face was split into two parts by the axe. After that, a handsome and somewhat strange face appeared!

Seeing such a face, some people have already let out a cry of surprise. Even Tianna and Mingli behind qingluan are also surprised. How could sarogas, one of the twelve most powerful Paladins in the Holy See and the most loyal guard of the last saint, become the twelve Dharma protectors of the dark moon alliance?

This is the most powerful person who has disappeared for many years, and even appears here again?

The shock just passed in a flash. With qingluan's powerful axe, Tianna and Mingli also launched an attack. Tianna's right hand was pulled at her waist, and a steel whip composed of several flying knives appeared in her hand and swept towards Milo. However, Mingli felt out a dagger and stabbed Milo's crotch with a sharp angle and a cruel hand If you don't kill Milo, you'll kill his offspring!

The smile on Miro's face also disappeared at this moment, because qingluan's axe just now gave him a huge shock, and the strength and angle of the two women's hands were so strange, they didn't look like two unknown people at all!

Don't care about Shajia's situation. A qingluan, even if she can break Shajia's mask, how can she really hurt Shajia? You know, he's sarogas, one of the most powerful Paladins in the Vatican!

As long as he drags the two women, sarogas has enough ways to kill qingluan. Unlike the bloody purgatory, the dark moon alliance has known the news of Xuefeng's death and qingluan's taking over the position of Xuefeng's head. Xuefeng's sphere of influence has always been in South America, and the threat to the dark moon alliance is comparable to that of blood There are many purgatory troops. It is good for the future development of the dark moon alliance to remove their leaders!As for their number one enemy, ye Xiao, naturally has Shura to deal with. This is also a trial of Shura. No matter Miluo or Shajia, they will not do it!

As for sarogas, his mask was smashed by an axe of qingluan, and his face was very ugly. However, at his level, he had already been able to control his emotions. Before qingluan raised the axe, sarogas had already stepped forward and was going to attack qingluan. Who would have expected that qingluan would lift the axe with one hand and the axe would be tilted Pull it up and the other blade goes straight to sarogas!

But sarogas, who had been prepared, dodged the axe!

On the other hand, ye Xiao has not rushed to the ring. Marshal kurizard's figure has been intercepted in front of him. For the "first God" contained in the crystal box on the ring, marshal blood's heart is also pounding. After all, it is difficult for anyone to maintain a state of mind for this kind of thing, but the biggest goal of his trip to the dark conference is Is to get rid of Ye Xiao, revenge for Luo Yuan, otherwise how can he be worthy of those brothers who died for him!

Isn't it because of his justice that the bloody purgatory can achieve today's success and gather such a group of brothers who are powerful and loyal to him?

He is the soul of all the bloody purgatory troops, the core of all the bloody purgatory troops, and the God of war in the hearts of all blood purgatory soldiers. When Luo Yuan, a good brother, is killed, if he is still indifferent and does not stand up to avenge Luo Yuan, his prestige will be greatly reduced!

This is a situation that kurizard absolutely does not allow. He is the God of war of the bloody purgatory, and he will be invincible

Facing Ye Xiao, who rushed directly, kurizard didn't make any fancy moves, so he took a step forward with all his strength, and then hit Ye Xiao, who was coming in the face with a hard blow. Under one blow, the mountain fell apart

All of them changed their color. Ye Xiao, who was in the middle of his fist, felt as if a planet had been smashed in the head

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