Since ye Xiao joined the dragon clan at the age of 12, he has experienced thousands of battles and countless experts. However, no one's fist has ever brought such great pressure to Ye Xiao. It is not a mountain, but a planet. What a terrible force? Even if it is Ye Xiao's best brother Zimo, after the transformation, the power of a fist is not so terrible!

Kurizard, commander-in-chief of the bloody purgatory army, deserves his reputation as a super first-class strongman who has been in the underground world for decades. Facing this earth shaking punch and the overwhelming blow, ye Xiao did not evade or draw a knife. His knife was prepared for Shura. Even in the face of a top-level strongman like Marshal Xue, he still refused to draw his knife in advance It's too late to draw the knife now!

The right fist clenched, the feet severely stepped on the ground, and then the same punch hit the huge iron fist!

Seeing that ye Xiao was going to fight with himself, a cold smile appeared in the corner of kurizard's mouth. This ignorant guy, do you really think that you are the only one in the world with infinite strength?

The power inside the body breaks out in an all-round way. Marshal Xue wants to kill Ye Xiao with a fist!

"Bang!" Ye Xiao's fist pounded on Marshal Xue's iron fist, and then one, two, three and four forces poured into his fist. Finally, the whole force burst out and burst into the fist!

But just after the fight, ye Xiao has burst out of his strongest power, and even in that moment, his eyes have been red with blood. At that moment, he has used the violent power in his body!

The huge sound shocked the whole arena. Everyone felt as if a meteorite had fallen. Even a white light flashed between Ye Xiao and kurizard. It was their strength that broke the air!

When the four inch strength suddenly broke out, ye Xiao felt a sharp pain in his arm, and then a huge force shook his body back and left for seven or eight steps. Then he stopped. His whole arm was numb, and he was shaking at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was like that Crazy like a goat!

As for kurizzad, it is like a statue. Standing in the same place, except for the slight trembling of his arm, there are not too many visions. Only with this punch, he made a high judgment, Rao made great progress in his strength. In a few years, he has become the world's top strongman, but after all, he is too young, and in terms of strength, he is as good as kurizard There is still a certain gap between the master who has become famous for a long time. At least in terms of strength, he has fallen behind!

However, kurizard's eyes were also full of horror. In his mind, his all-out fist was enough to kill Ye Xiao on the spot. But who would have expected that the boy's power was so terrible that his arms were numb!

You know, since he became commander-in-chief of the bloody ripple army, in order to maintain his image of the God of war in the eyes of all the soldiers in the bloody purgatory army, kurizard honed himself even harder. Almost every day, he would refine his body crazily. He would spend a lot of money to develop various kinds of medicaments to transform his body. Now his body is no different from that of steel Don't, such a body, even can be shocked numb, this ye Xiao's strength is also too big?

It's no wonder that he and his talent will continue to develop to such a high level!

He must be killed today. No matter what the cost, we must kill him. We must not let him leave here alive!

Toward the rear of the rainy day slightly nodded, kurizard's figure once again toward Ye Xiao!

Not only did kurizard rush to Ye Xiao, but even zining and bick behind him also presented a triangular way. They had fully understood the meaning of their marshal and tried their best to kill Ye Xiao!

Naturally, maple Matsushima and Kanu couldn't have watched the three men encircle Ye Xiao. Before the other party moved, maple Matsushima had already stepped forward, and the flash in his hands was even more fleeting, and it directly stabbed kurizard's heart!

She even directly to the strongest blood Marshal launched a challenge!

"Looking for death!" Seeing that a weak woman like Matsushima even dared to wave her sword at Marshal Xue zining sneered, she stepped forward and put her hand on the hilt behind her. Then she saw a sharp light of the knife lit up in an instant, and cut directly at the neck of Matsushima Maple!

But at this time, Kanu's body also came to Matsushima maple, he also did not launch an attack against another person, but his hands held up the dark iron stick, mercilessly hit kurizard's head!

Like maple Matsushima, he put the target on kurizard!

"Things that don't know how to live or die!" Bick, who had been following kurizard, also gave a sneer at this time. His short and lean body jumped directly out of kurizzad's back, and then a dagger that seemed to be smeared with poison directly stabbed Kanu's abdomen!Such a dagger smeared with poison can kill people in a few seconds by cutting through the skin of a person. Facing such a blow, bick really doesn't believe that Kanu will continue to attack Marshal blood!

However, what shocked bick happened. Facing the sharp stabbing knife, karnu seemed to have not seen it. Instead, he hit kurizard's iron bar with more force. The huge iron bar made a whirring wind and hit the head of Marshal Xue!

It's not only that Kanu didn't have the intention to take back the iron bar, but even Matsushima Maple didn't mean to take back the sword. Seeing that these two people had completely risked their lives, kurizard's face suddenly changed, and Xue zining also snorted coldly. The knife that cut at Matsushima Maple had to pull back and block the sword of Matsushima maple. This woman is just a madman You're going crazy!

She didn't care about her life at all!

The dagger in bick's hand, even if he wants to intercept Kanu, can't help it. Seeing that carnu is going to attack Marshal blood regardless of his own life, he can only speed up his own stabbing speed!

"Since you are going to die, I will help you!" Seeing that both of them launched an attack on themselves recklessly, kurizard snorted coldly and held out his right hand directly to grasp the fallen iron bar!

And then you hear "pa!" At this time, Pike's dagger just pierced into Kanu's abdomen and made a crisp sound. As for the pine island maple, Xue Zi Ning's knife was swung open

Just as marshal Xue was about to smash Kanu's head with his left hand, ye Xiao, who was a few steps away from the rear, suddenly roared and stepped on the ground. The whole man was like a mad bull, and rushed to kurizard at full speed. Almost instantly, he had come to kurizard, while he was still resisting The time of Kanu's one stroke, the body has risen in the air

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