Hell double evils? On hearing the name, kurizard's eyebrows beat rapidly. At the beginning, he himself photographed the two men in the abyss. They were not dead yet? What's more, these two people even came to the dark meeting to find their revenge? They are two guys who don't know what they are!

Kurizard thought to himself that his other hand had already been patted horizontally, and another one had been slapped on the body of the knife. At this time, kurizard's body had already fallen on the ring. However, the two men who claimed to be "Hell's double evils" stopped him one after another, to see the anger in their eyes It means to break up kurizard!

Under the stands, the leader of the dark moon alliance, who was looking at all this from a distance, appeared a faint smile: "hell double evils?"? Are these two guys here? Hehe, it seems that this dark meeting is really more and more interesting With a sneer, the leader of the dark moon alliance didn't pay attention to kurizard any more. He once again put his eyes on Ye Xiao!

At this time, ye Xiao has already rushed into the ring. Originally, he thought that kurizzard would try his best to rush over, but unexpectedly, he was stopped by two people. He looked at the man in white and the man in black in surprise. His eyes were full of doubts!

Damn, hell, I still fly in heaven? Hell Shuangsha was really famous for a time, but ye Xiao can guarantee that the real hell Shuangsha is definitely dead. So who are these two people? Why do you want to help yourself in the name of hell Shuangsha?

However, at this time, Shura was about to get the "initial God". Ye Xiaogen could not think about these problems carefully. His body had already rushed to Shura. The man was still four or five steps away from the Shura. His right hand had been put on the handle of the sword. He had just taken a step and had pulled out the seal which had not seen the sun for a long time. Then he saw a bloody blade cut to Shura!

At the sight of the bloody blade, many people in front of the scene were bright. Even kurizard and the leader of the dark moon alliance were surprised. Obviously, they didn't expect Ye Xiao's Sabre skill to be so sharp. In particular, kurizard was secretly surprised. If ye Xiao used the knife just now, he would not be so relaxed!

However, at the thought that ye Xiao left the sealing throat knife to the end and to deal with Shura, his heart was a burst of anger, this guy, in his mind, his own strength is not as good as Shura?

At the thought of this, kurizard angrily looked at the "double evils" in front of him, then snorted coldly and ran to the white shirt man with a long gun at full speed!

Ye Xiao's blade is sharp and extremely bright, which is full of artistic beauty. However, as soon as the blade is halfway out, it quickly disappears. And ye Xiao's figure, which was originally in front of him, also instantly retreats. Then a black light flashed in front of him. A long cut has been made in his Zhongshan suit, even in his chest A thin wound has been broken!

Seeing this amazing scene, everyone was surprised. Even ye Xiao was also shocked. The speed of Shura's sword was too fast. It was incredible. Compared with his last fight with him, it was more than one step faster. Is this his real strength?

We can't marvel at these, because the figure of Shura has swept over quickly, and there is no knife awn at all. However, he feels a cold knife coming towards him. Without any hesitation, ye Xiao's throat sealing knife is directly facing the direction of the sword's attack!

"Jingle!" With a sound, sparks were splashed in the air, and ye Xiao's body was shaken back and forth again and again. The figure of Shura followed closely, and he did not see how he drew the knife. But a more sharp knife meaning was attacking Ye Xiao all over his body!

Ye Xiao is frightened, and his body constantly retreats. His throat sealing knife is also full of strength. He takes a knife awn to meet the meaning of the knife. It is a crisp sound. His body retreats again, followed by the second knife, the third knife and the fourth knife!

After cutting out several knives in succession, Shura has forced Ye Xiao to the corner of the ring, but ye Xiao's arms have been numb for a while. Just as Shura has already held the lacquer black sword in both hands and is ready to chop at Ye Xiao, a tall figure swept up the ring, came to the "Chu Shen", smashed the crystal box with one hand, and seized the blood red potion !

Seeing such skills and figures, many people's faces changed. The leader of the dark moon alliance even exclaimed, "Emperor Dragon!"

As soon as the name "long Di" came out, many people's bodies trembled for it. The patron saint of China, the super strong man who let all the dark forces dare not enter China as long as he is in China, has he come?

And he has been reclusive in the crowd. Is the charm of this bottle of "first God" really so great?

"Dragon Emperor" seized the jade bottle, and then his body shook and ran to the outside of the arena at full speed, but his pace was a little messy!

Seeing that the Dragon Emperor's ultimate goal was to capture Chu Shen, and he left as soon as he got it, the leader of the dark moon alliance narrowed his eyes: "his injury has not recovered. Everyone is ready. As soon as he leaves the arena, he will be killed!" Rao is the dark moon alliance. He is extremely powerful. At this time, he is not willing to break the rules of the jihadist. At least there are so many top players on the field, and there are also personnel of a large organization around him. If he desperation to send his men into the arena to pursue the Dragon Emperor, it will cause all forces to fight back!In those strong people have not fallen, no one dare to risk easily!

With the command of the leader of the dark moon alliance, two people immediately stood up behind him and walked towards the back. Outside the box, there were a group of experts waiting. Their goal was to kill the Dragon Emperor with all their strength!

Not only did these people start to move. In the arena, there were also several top strong men who, after seeing the Dragon Emperor appear, rushed to the Dragon Emperor at full speed. Almost instantaneously, they had stopped in front of the Dragon Emperor!

In the face of these people's obstruction, the Dragon Emperor just snorted "get out of here!" Then Qiqi clapped a few palms, and all the strong men with good strength were photographed and flew out! Soon, the figure of the Dragon Emperor has come to the edge of the arena. With a leap, he has already jumped into the audience. He is sweeping towards the outside at full speed. In the blink of an eye, he has disappeared in front of the public's vision!

Several masters of the dark moon alliance also followed suit. As for Waltz in the box of bloody paradise, when he saw all this, he just showed a faint smile, but he did not send anyone to pursue him. What he had to do was to maintain the order of the arena. Not many people entered the arena, and as for someone who left the arena, what did it have to do with him Relationship? There is no rule in the jihadist church that no one is allowed to leave the arena!

Seeing that the "Dragon Emperor" suddenly appears and takes away the "initial God" Ye Xiao's heart, as long as he takes away the original God, the holy fight will have little significance for himself. He yells at the pine island maple and carnou to get rid of Shura and leave here at full speed. However, a low voice comes from Shura's mouth: "that's fake!"

On hearing such a sound, ye Xiao's body trembled slightly, and her eyes flashed with fright

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