Ye Xiao came here to participate in the holy crusade. The biggest purpose of Ye Xiao was to take away the "first God" to rescue the enchantment. As for the retreat and loss of face, he would not care at all. The underground world is a world of respect for the strong. Generally speaking, after entering the arena, few people are willing to quit. Even if they die, they will die here. In their words, it is called Dignity!

However, for ye Xiao, this is absolutely a kind of stupid behavior, especially in this holy fight, it is not fighting alone, but so many people fighting in groups. If the situation is bad, and you still don't know to quit, what is not a fool?

What's more, at his level, he doesn't need to prove his own strength in such a way. He killed the mustache alone, killed the general of blood directly, and attacked Yue Buxiu, one of the main leaders of China. Which one of these things is not earth shaking, which is not a great event? He has proved his strength with his own strength, and there is no need to prove anything in this way. Therefore, when the Dragon Emperor took away the "Chu Shen", ye Xiao's first thought was to retreat!

It's not that he is afraid of life and death, but that he is worried about the safety of Kanu and Matsushima maple. Matsushima maple is a little better. In order to help him break through, he suffers from a knife with a poison. Even if he took some antidotes given by the dragon people, he can't support him for long. He must leave here as soon as possible to heal his wounds!

This is the reason why Ye Xiao wants to leave. As for the hatred between Ye Xiao and dark moon alliance and marshal Xue, it will be gradually cleared up in the future. But now, the number one master in the sky list, Xiuluo, who has been famous in the underground world for a long time, tells himself that it is a fake!

What is a fake? Is the Dragon Emperor fake? Is the first God false? Ye Xiao has no way to think about these. He is just shocked by the voice of Shura. Is it really him? At the beginning, I felt that his back was so familiar, and I had some doubts in my heart, but that was just a little doubt. The gap between them was so huge, how could they be the same person? But if you think about it carefully, they may be the same person!

In Ye Xiao's mind, when all kinds of thoughts flashed, the voice of the leader of the dark moon Alliance came from the distance: "don't pay attention to" Chu Shen ", kill Ye Xiao!" The figure of "Dragon Emperor" has left the arena. The Lord of the dark moon alliance will turn around to pursue the Shura, and quickly say to the Shura!

The Dragon Emperor has been injured. Otherwise, how can he leave directly with his character? He sent so many experts, enough to kill him. The Dragon Emperor is a big trouble for the dark moon alliance, but ye Xiao is also one of the threats of the dark moon alliance. Since the Dragon Emperor has to die, he can't let this boy leave. Moreover, he also wants to know whether Shura really has the sincerity to join the dark moon alliance!

Shura had really made a plan to pursue the Dragon Emperor. Now hearing the words of the leader of the dark moon alliance, he suddenly turned his backhand into a knife. The path of his knife was extremely tricky, and people could not defend it. Facing such a knife, even ye Xiao was shocked in his heart, without any hesitation. His body quickly retreated and avoided the knife again, but it was sharp Dao Qi still cuts his clothes!

Ye Xiao's forehead startled out a cold sweat. How can this guy make a knife so fast?

At this time, the figure of Shura once again swept to his body, and then only Ye Xiao could hear the voice: "cooperate with me! Destroy the moon

Although there was only one simple sentence, ye Xiao understood what he meant in his heart, especially from his eyes. To kill the moon is not to kill the leader of the dark moon alliance?

Without much to say, ye Xiao indicated with his eyes that he understood. The throat sealing knife in his hand shook and pushed the Shura away from him. Then he turned and retreated. But where would Shura let him go!

The lacquer black sword in his hand lights up again, and then you can see the bright light of the knife that covers Ye Xiao in an instant. Facing the sharp and sharp knife awn, ye Xiao's face shows a wry smile: this old immortal, even if he wants to act, doesn't it have to be so lifelike? The throat sealing knife in his hand ran at full speed. There was a sound in the air, and the flames were splashing everywhere. Finally, their bodies stepped back at the same time!

Ye Xiao's blade is red with blood, but there is no trace of blood. On the blade of Shura, there is a drop of blood. It is the blood bead on Ye Xiao. It is just a confrontation just now. Ye Xiao has been hit at least three times. Although there is not a fatal knife, he has been completely in the downwind in the confrontation with Shura!

Seeing the battle in the arena and seeing ye Xiao wounded by Shura, a smile appeared in the eyes of the leader of the dark moon alliance!

Ye Xiao is indeed very strong. Even at this time, ye Xiao can single out any Dharma protector. However, he has no chance to win in the face of Shura. Shura, a master who has been famous for a long time, has always occupied the first place in the sky list but has never been able to defeat it. Indeed, he is qualified to become the holy protector of the dark moon alliance!

This is also the identity that dark moon prepares for Shura. As long as he can successfully kill Ye Xiao, he will become the first holy Dharma protector of the dark moon alliance, surpassing the twelve Dharma protectors, and has the same status as the three elders and seven elders!With such a position, in exchange for a master like Shura, it's worth it!

Don't mention the joy in the eyes of the dark moon alliance, even if it is another elder who came with him, his eyes are also a burst of joy. It is absolutely the blessing of the whole dark moon alliance to introduce such masters as Shura into the dark moon alliance!

Feeling the hot pain from the wound, ye Xiao snorted to Shura, then turned around and left. Since he wanted to act, he had to be more realistic. As he had just said to leave the arena, he could not continue to stay here!

At this time, Kanu and maple Matsushima are still fighting with each other. Although Matsushima is amazing in strength, she is still in absolute inferiority in the face of Xue zining's terror. Seven or eight cuts have been made on her body, and several holes have been broken in the gauze skirt on her body. In many places, tender white skin and ferocious wounds are exposed, but ye Xiao does not retreat , she still drags Xue zining to help Marshal Xue!

As for canu, there were more holes in his body. His face was black. It seemed that he could not hold on for a long time. However, he waved the iron bar in his hand and swept to bick!

Also lose bick's skill is extremely agile, as long as one is accidentally swept up by the card Nu, there is absolutely no chance to live!

Seeing ye Xiao want to escape, Shura snorted coldly, and his body began to speed up again. Almost instantaneously, he had already come to Ye Xiao's back, and ye Xiao seemed to have expected this. His body, which had been running forward, rotated, and the throat sealing knife in his hand was drawn horizontally, and it was directly drawn to Shura's abdomen!

"Die!" In the face of such a sharp knife, Shura roared in his mouth. He didn't even dodge or even resist. He directly stabbed Ye Xiao's heart!

"Hiss!" Almost at the moment when ye Xiao's blade broke through Xiuluo's abdomen, the tip of Xiuluo's knife just inserted into Ye Xiao's heart, and thus penetrated Ye Xiao's heart directly

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