Donghai, Taohua Island, is famous all over the country because of Jin Daxia's "Legend of Shooting Heroes". From 70 to 80 year old women and down to little fart children still wearing crotch pants, they all know that this is the place where dongxie Huang Yaoshi lives. In novels and TV dramas, the island is described as a fairyland on earth!

The peach blossom island in reality is like a fairyland. Although it is not as beautiful as the peach blossom everywhere in the TV series, the scenery is extremely beautiful. In particular, the confrontation mountain on the island is the highest peak of the whole Zhoushan Archipelago. When you climb the top of the confrontation mountain, you can see the whole archipelago. If you look at the East China Sea, you can see the rising and falling Win!

At this time, just at sunrise, there is a long red line in the East sky. A red sun is slowly showing his big face. Under the red light, facing the top of the mountain, a very difficult mountain for ordinary people to climb, a tall and straight man in black mountain clothes is pushing a wheelchair, standing quietly on the top of the mountain, watching The rising sun in the East!

Wheelchair, sitting a beautiful woman, with the rise of the sun, a touch of gold red light sprinkled on the woman's face, red her slightly pale face, let her originally beautiful face more beautiful!

Like men, women's eyes are also looking at the East, looking at the rising sun!

They just sat there quietly and let the sea breeze blow on their bodies, making their clothes rustle and dancing in the air!

I don't know how long, when Chaoyang has revealed most of his face, the beautiful red lips of the woman sitting in the wheelchair suddenly moved!

"Any news of him?"

The woman's voice is very soft, soft like a group of spring water, can melt people's bones, but her tone is very cold, as cold as a pool of cold water, can freeze people's blood!

"No!" The man in black gently shook his head and slowly drew back his eyes to the front. He just saw the beautiful hair of the woman brushing the back of his hand with the sea breeze. It was like a gentle mother touching his child. However, he understood that the woman in front of him needed his care more now!

Men are not others, it is Ye Xiao, and the woman is also taking the "first God" of seduction!

It's been half a year since the dark conference. It's late autumn in the northern hemisphere. For farmers, it's also the harvest season. However, ye Xiao's heart is heavy!

On that day, there was a big explosion in the dark holy palace, and many heroes in the underground world fell into the calculation of the blood heaven. The spirit emperor who should have come to meet Ye Xiao and others suffered the most violent attack from the bloody heaven. Because of his all-out attack, loopholes appeared in the originally tightly sealed island and gave Ye Xiao and others a chance to escape. However, the secluded spirit emperor brought Although he was rescued back to China, he was still under treatment!

At that time, because his rescue was blocked, he was unable to reach the place where he was supposed to receive it. In order to protect the people, the emperor of the Dragon fought against more than ten Dharma protectors of the dark moon League alone!

Under such circumstances, the Dragon Emperor killed five Dharma protectors alone, but he fell into a cliff and disappeared. Half a year later, ye Xiao mobilized a large number of people to search for the whereabouts of the Dragon Emperor, but there was no news. This made Ye Xiao and Mei Mei feel sad. Did the Emperor really go?

If he is still alive, in half a year's time, he should have recovered from the injury. How can he contact himself and others?

Hearing this, I don't know how many times I heard the answer. She didn't say anything more. She just looked at the front quietly, as if she had not asked!

Seductive do not speak, ye Xiao also did not speak, he just stood there quietly, let the seductive hair brush in the back of his hand!

At the beginning of the battle of the dark holy palace, it was a scuffle. During the scuffle, tianyaomen lost hundreds of brothers, and less than 100 people returned to Jinghai city alive. However, to Ye Xiao's relief, Xiao Nan, Zimo, Bai choufei, Xiao Feng and others were all OK. Even the drug of carnou was treated in time without any sequelae!

However, after taking the "Chu Shen" brought back by Ye Xiao, the already broken viscera and six internal organs have miraculously begun to repair. However, the repair process is not as fast as imagined, and it takes more than three months to repair all of them!

However, due to the lack of food for a long time, the functions of the organs in the body are somewhat stiff. After three months of recuperation, they can eat like normal people. It will take at least several months to recover their original strength!

In the past few months, Xiangmei lived on this peach blossom island. At first, situ Nan bought a large piece of land on Taohua island. After taking over the land, situ Haoyue built a sanatorium directly on this land. Ye Xiao arranged Xiangmei in this sanatorium!

Of course, now the dragon people have been controlled by long Yusheng. They are truly loyal to the Dragon Emperor. All the charming members of the dragon clan have been suppressed. Those old people who once fought with Ye Xiao have been sent to carry out the most dangerous tasks. Most of the dragon people today are new faces!Ye Xiao naturally can not let the dragon people to protect the safety of seductive, he personally left Xie Chen on this island, led a group of elite tianyaomen, personally protect the safety of seductive!

In half a year, ye Xiao's injury has completely recovered. Not only has he recovered completely, but also because of the last time he took dragon blood, he has been fully immune to the side effects of dragon blood. With the help of dragon blood, he has gradually controlled more than 90% of the violent force. As long as he does not use that power for a long time, he will not fall into a violent state!

And his Cunjin strength has also made great progress. Not only can his fist explode in an inch, but any part of his body can burst out amazing strength in an instant. Even he has reached the threshold of five inch strength and his strength has greatly improved. If he meets the great Dharma protector again, he is confident that he can kill one person alone!

He is confident that he can remain invincible even if he is against two people at the same time!

However, the biggest change is Xiao Nan. Since he came back from the dark palace, he has never laughed. After ye Xiao's recovery, he has been following Ye Xiao. Every day, he fights with Ye Xiao every day. Every time, he seems to regard Ye Xiao as the murderer who killed qingluan. He does his best not to exhaust the last trace of strength in his body Is not willing to give up, every time ye Xiao beat, score not clear southeast northwest!

However, on the next day, he got up again to fight with Ye Xiao. Later, ye Xiao was so annoyed that he gave the order to Kanu. As long as Xiao Nan came, he would give me a good beating!

At the beginning, Xiao Nan was not a match for Kanu, but with his constant challenge and training, he was able to draw with him a month ago!

After that, Xiao Nan disappeared in front of Ye Xiao. After the last inquiry, he knew that he had gone to the northern ice field. Now it is Xiaofeng's territory, and ye Xiao is free to go!

Xiao Nan's changes also affected ye yubai. At that time, the three men were called Nanfeng Sansha. Ye yubai's strength was always above Ye Canglang and Xiao Nan. Later, ye Canglang entered the army. His silent and continuous improvement in strength has greatly stimulated ye yubai

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