Now Xiao Nan's strength is also advancing by leaps and bounds. Ye yubai is not willing to be overtaken by this guy. In addition to dealing with tianyaomen's affairs, ye yubai is fighting against a group of dragon soul team members. At the beginning, the members of the dragon soul team respected him as the elder brother and did not dare to lay a heavy hand on him. However, ye yubai said that he would not be defeated, After a month of no dividend, the members of the dragon soul team were completely crazy. For the first time, twelve people were sent out, and eight of them fell down. The price Ye paid was that he was beaten so that his new girlfriend could not recognize him!

The second time, the dragon spirit team sent out 15 people, then 20 people, 28 people, 40 people

When the number is close to 50, the members of the dragon soul team have realized what they have learned, and they have started crazy training one by one. In such a atmosphere, the whole tianyaomen thugs are training crazily, and the strength of each person is greatly improved!

As for ye yubai, it is estimated that only he knows what skill ye yubai has now!

At the time of tianyaomen's transformation, great changes have taken place in the whole world. Western countries are more and more closely connected with each other, but exchanges with China are less and less. Some countries in Western Europe, in particular, have made difficulties in many economic and trade matters of China's products. In order to open up the European market again, the vice chairman of the ruling party of Huaxia state fell into the water After a month long visit to Europe in person, the market in Western Europe was reopened. However, as soon as the curtain came to an end, the Japanese government spread a rumor that it would garrison fish floating islands, which greatly stimulated the Chinese people. Countless patriots put forward the slogan of protecting the fish floating island, and the voice of the domestic people was loud!

When the rumor turns into accurate news, the contradiction between the two countries in the Middle East has reached an extremely dangerous level. Under such circumstances, the senior leaders of Huaxia state have also divided into two groups. The old group advocates that peace is the most important thing, and that diplomatic means should be used as far as possible. If there is no alternative, the least thing is to use force without authorization, while the younger group advocates direct resolution by force Yes!

I think it's necessary to give the little devils a bit of a good taste. This school is headed by officials like Cai Mingxuan and Tian Zhengqi, including the four commanders of the Kyoto Garrison and Luo Xiaojun, the commander of Jinghai garrison. All of them support Shangguan!

However, several old people, including the No. 1 chief executive, hope to solve the problem by diplomatic means as much as possible. However, no matter which faction they are, they firmly emphasize that Yufu island is an inseparable part of the state of Huaxia. This view cannot be shaken!

Shangguan drowning is a public speech on behalf of the Chinese government. If the Japanese government does not immediately stop a series of actions against Yufu Island, then China will not hesitate to use force to solve the problem. It is precisely because of his strong speech that Shangguan drowned that his prestige among the people has reached a peak. Although there are still two years to go before the next election, Shangguan's drowning in the water will have a strong influence on the people I hope it's ahead of chief one!

The international situation is changing rapidly. At the same time, the underground forces almost reshuffle their cards. Just after returning to the bloody purgatory on rainy days, Xue zining claimed with indignation that Xue zining had betrayed marshal kurizard and killed Marshal Xue with the people of tianyaomen!

Xue zining was speechless, but there was no way to explain it. After all, anyone knew that luoyutian was Marshal Xue's most trusted person. His prestige in the red ripple army was always just behind Marshal Xue. Because of his aloof character, Xue had a bad relationship with several other generals. As for the soldiers below, many people did not know his existence Yes!

In this way, on rainy days, with the slogan of revenge for Marshal blood, he became the ruler of the bloody ripple army, and launched several attacks on the industry of tianyaomen. Finally, they lost a lot of money to each other, and then they gave up temporarily!

However, under the control of rainy days, the bloody purgatory continued to expand its scale. Especially after he opened a gold market in Europe, several gold mines controlled by the blood purgatory army but without market in Africa were continuously excavated out. With the huge wealth of these gold mines, the number of blood ripples army was increasing The slogan of rainy days is to strengthen our own strength, and then avenge Marshal blood!

However, what makes people curious is that such a large amount of gold entered Europe, but it did not flow into the market, which did not cause too much fluctuation in the gold market. For this, some people of the bloody purgatory also expressed doubts, but the money they got was real. When they saw the colorful bills, these generals rolling out of the dead Where else to think about!

Different from the bloody purgatory army successfully controlled on rainy days, Tianna came back to Xuefeng, but she was questioned by many old people of Xuefeng. Although she refused to let qingluan die because she was caught in a trap, those elders still would not hand over the control of Xuefeng to her. Finally, she directly united with the head of the dark skeleton and killed all the elders who were against her The force controlled the blood Phoenix organization, but experienced an internal friction, the force of the blood Phoenix organization was greatly weakened!

Even the Vikings controlled by cromanti have surpassed!

But anyway, Tianna finally controlled Xuefeng and turned it into her own private combat power!

Because of the death of many big men in the dark congregation, many strange organizations have appeared in the world. However, the scale of these organizations is not too large. While the various forces are competing with each other, the tianyaomen stopped expanding. Except for several confrontations with the bloody purgatory army, tianyaomen has never had any conflict with any other organizations Does not mean that tianyaomen is safe and sound!The sun has risen completely. Ye Xiao and Mei Mei have been here for several hours. Looking at the rising sun hanging high in the sky, ye Xiao lowers her head and says to Mei Mei, who still faces the sea, "let's go back."

"Well!" Seductive gently nodded!

Ye Xiao was about to push the wheelchair back, but heard the seductive voice continue to ring: "I don't want to go down in a wheelchair, I want you to hold me!"

"Good!" Ye xiaoleng Leng Leng, don't understand how enchantry suddenly want to let himself hold her, but still directly agreed to come down, and then walked to the wheelchair, put out his arm around the legs of seductive, one hand around her back, directly held her whole person up!

In a few months, seductive lost all of her body. Her plump body was much thinner. Except for her chest, there was no meat in other parts. When I held her in her arms, she seemed to have no weight!

However, ye Xiao had no time to sigh. Yaomei had already put her head on his chest, and then said in a soft voice, "the last time I was injured, he also held me like this!"

Ye Xiao's body pauses, and then sighs softly. He walks down the mountain with enchantment in his arms. He knows that the relationship between emperor long and seductive is extremely deep. Although there is no relationship between men and women, ye Xiao knows that it is a deeper feeling than that between men and women, which is the emotion of a close relative.

Walking down the mountain, there was a black Audi car parked there. Just after seeing ye Xiao's figure, Xie Chen, who was in charge of driving, ran to Ye Xiao and said, "brother Xiao, something happened to Kyoto!"

"Well?" Ye Xiao's eyebrows stood up in an instant. What can happen to Kyoto now?

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