On the flight from Jinghai city to Kyoto, ye Xiao, sitting in the first class cabin of the city, frowns tightly together. After watching the sunrise with enchantment in the morning, he got the news of Xiao fei'er's accident from Xie Chen. At the moment, he arrived at Jinghai city by speedboat from Taohua Island, and then caught the flight to Kyoto at the fastest speed!

Recently, it is the day when Xiao fei'er is about to give birth. Xiao fei'er has been training in the sanatorium these days to prepare for the birth of a baby. If not for her charming physical condition, ye Xiao will always accompany her. However, although Ye Xiao is not with Xiao fei'er, how can she be with her now Can anyone take care of it?

How can an accident happen in such a situation?

Ye Xiao is so anxious that he wants to give himself a pair of wings and fly directly to Kyoto. But after all, he is only a person. Fortunately, Jinghai city is not too far from Kyoto. Ye Xiao's flight is also the fastest. It takes only a few minutes to arrive at the Kyoto airport!

Just after getting off the plane, a silver BMW 730 quietly stopped not far away. When ye Xiao stepped off the plane, the door of the BMW opened, and then a beautiful woman in black leather coat, big black sunglasses and gloves came down and waved to Ye Xiao!

As soon as such a beautiful and elegant beauty appeared on the runway of the airport, it immediately aroused the astonishment of many passengers. They did not expect that they would see such beauty just after getting off the plane!

In particular, women's cars are not high-end. BMW's 730.1 million cars are nothing in a metropolis like Kyoto. They can only drive directly into the Capital International Airport, which proves that the identity of the visitors is not simple!

It's Hua YUEWU who happens to work in Kyoto. As the president of star entertainment company, she has a fortune of over 100 million. However, she doesn't have such noble cars as Rolls Royce and Bentley like Yi Guyun and situ Haoyue. She still likes to drive by herself, and she also likes to drive this BMW 730, which is the earliest purchase for her The meaning of.

Seeing Hua YUEWU come to meet her in person, ye Xiao's heart surges a warm current. However, when he thinks of Xiao fei'er, who is still lying in the hospital, his mood doesn't get better!

She went straight to Huayue's body, opened her arms and hugged her tightly. She felt the softness of Huayue's chest, and ye Xiao's heart was a little more steady!

"How's Phil?" Lips close to the charming side of the moon, ye Xiao directly asked!

It's a man's taboo to ask a woman another woman's question. If it was any other woman, ye Xiao would never ask this question. However, the other party is YUEWU, but ye Xiao doesn't have these scruples. She is a very gentle, kind and considerate woman. Although she has already known her relationship with Xiao fei'er, she knows that Xiao fei'er is pregnant with a child for herself, But she can still touch herself with her tenderness!

Once again, ye Xiao never feels tired. No matter what kind of things he is willing to tell her. Only when she is together with Huayue is Ye Xiao's most relaxed time!

"Get in the car and say it!" Flower Moon charm that soft lips in leaf Xiao's face gently point, and then said!

"Good!" Ye Xiao nodded, opened the door of the driver's seat and got into the car. Hua YUEWU wanted to drive by herself and let Ye Xiao have more rest. But thinking of Ye Xiao's mood, she just quickly went to the co driver's seat and sat down!

After waiting for Huayue charm to sit steadily, ye Xiao started the BMW and went straight away!

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but the people below said that fei'er received an extremely urgent call at that time, saying that it was an extremely important matter for her to take care of it in person. Fei'er rushed from the sanatorium to the company with her secretary, but shortly after leaving, she was hit by a large truck, and the first vehicle was hit by it Although Xiao fei'er's car didn't get a direct impact, it was also shaken off the runway and turned over to the side of the road. The driver of the truck died on the spot. The bodyguards responded quickly and sent Xiao fei'er back to the sanatorium at the first time. Now it is still under rescue. As for the truck, it belongs to a logistics company, but the driver is not them The people of Hua YUEWU tells Ye Xiao the information she has got in the shortest words. She doesn't mix her senses during this period. She doesn't want to affect Ye Xiao's judgment!

"Who called Xiao fei'er?" Ye Xiao frowned and didn't continue to discuss with the truck driver. It was obvious that someone had stolen the truck of that company, and the driver was obviously a dead man who was bribed!

"Phil's personal secretary, Wen Xiaoqin!" Flower Moon Charm is also a leap of eyelids, they will focus on the truck driver's body, how did not think of who called?

These days, Xiao fei'er has entrusted the affairs of the company to the people below to manage. Normally speaking, she doesn't need to appear in person for general affairs?

What did the Secretary say to her so that she could go there in person?

"Wen Xiaoqin?" Ye Xiao's eyebrows are tight, and he doesn't know this person at all. He remembers that Xiao fei'er has a beautiful secretary beside him. When Xiao Feng was hanging out in Tianmen building, he used to tease people. How could he change into a Wen Xiaoqin?"She is Xiao Zhentian's hand left to fei'er before her death. She has been working hard in Tianmen building and won her trust. Last year, she became Xiao fei'er's personal housekeeper. After fei'er was hospitalized, she was entrusted with almost all matters of the company." Seeing ye Xiao's doubts, Hua Yue's charming horse says Wen Xiaoqin's brief introduction!

She and Xiao fei'er were good friends. They would visit Xiao fei'er every time they went to Kyoto. They were very clear about the people around her. On the contrary, it was Ye Xiao. Because she was away all year round, she didn't really meet Xiao fei'er very much, and it was impossible to know that everyone around her had changed!

Now it's the underground world that makes him worried, not to mention every place!

"Have you called her yet?" Ye Xiao continued to ask, relying on his intuition, the breakthrough point should be in Wen Xiaoqin!

"I didn't, but when Phil had an accident, the people below should have called. At that time, she said she would rush to the sanatorium But I didn't see her when I came out to pick you up from the sanatorium... " Flower Moon Charm also faintly aware of the bad things!

"Try calling her again!"

"Good!" Hua YUEWU said, and immediately took out her own phone, as Xiao Fei Er's best friend, she also has wenxiaoqin's phone, but after dialing the number, there was a voice that couldn't be connected at the other end of the phone. She dialed several times in a row, all of which were blind tones. Xiao fei'er's face changed!

Has Wen Xiaoqin been bought?

"Forget it, don't fight for the time being!" Although there has not been too much investigation, ye Xiao has already inferred that someone has set up such a thing, but the other party actually made a move to a pregnant woman

At the thought of this, his heart was infuriated, which was beyond his limit!

Generally speaking, people living in the underground world will not harm their families. The more powerful the characters are, the less likely they will do such things. After all, no one can guarantee that their families will not be found by their enemies. But now, they are

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