Because of his identity, Liao Bin had only seen Ye Xiao in a long distance. At that time, ye Xiaofeng was like a sword without sheath. His sword spirit soared to the sky, giving people an extremely strong feeling. However, ye Xiao restrained all the breath and could not feel it at his level!

Even if it wasn't for ye Xiao's grief, even Zhao Wuchang couldn't feel it, let alone Liao Bin?

With the light, he didn't recognize Ye Xiao as the real owner of TIANYAO. He thought he was a bodyguard of Xiao fei'er! After all, many people think ye Xiao is dead. Otherwise, how could he not show up for half a year?

"Liao Bin, traitor is you!" In the face of Liao Bin's reprimand, Xiao fei'er is just a cold word. With such a simple sentence, she blocked all Liao Bin's words. She got the news from Lin Xiang that Liao Bin and Zhao Wuchang, the leader of the Northeast underworld, met secretly here!

So directly rushed over, did not expect their so-called secret meeting, unexpectedly in such an occasion!

It's a secret that no one else knows about it?

"Hey, young lady, I can't blame me. The so-called people go up and water flows down. Over the years, I've been conscientious to tianyaomen. But after all these years, what am I? Helmsman? The helmsman of Nancheng branch? Hehe, it sounds very imposing, but when did you really hand over the power to us? I'll take my brothers, have a drink, and find some girls to play with. If you want to say, if you want to have some powder, you should also scold me. Please, we are your brothers, not your slaves. Don't think of yourself like a queen. To tell you the truth, I have discussed with Zhao Sanye. From then on, he will be in charge of Beicheng and I will be in charge of Nancheng. After that, Feilong rudder will be separated from tianyaomen and independent The door, Cheng Feilong Gang Liao Bin bumped into the courage and said to Xiao fei'er!

"Half a month ago, did Phil's car accident have anything to do with you?" As soon as Liao Bin talks about this, Xiao fei'er's heart goes up and down. Liao Bin's so-called "looking for some younger sisters to play with is not the women in the romantic places, but often uses strong means to rob people. Xiao fei'er persuades them, but also doesn't want them to get into trouble. Even when they taste powder, they don't want them to get addicted to drugs and degenerate. Fei'er is devoted to them However, they even said that Xiao fei'er had too much discipline, so they wanted to say something. Ye Xiao already asked directly!

"Who are you, this..." Liao Bin originally wanted to say who you are, where there is your share of speaking, but when he looked up to see ye Xiao's face clearly, all the words in the back were swallowed back to the neck!

Master? Isn't he missing? Didn't you just disappear half a year ago? How could it be here? Just now I didn't find him. Damn it, can't my eyes be eaten by the dog?

"Master, I I don't have anything to do with the accident half a month ago! "

It's better if ye Xiao doesn't speak. Once he talks, it's like a volcano that has been dead for many years and suddenly erupts. In the face of such great pressure, where does Liao Bin dare to resist? The reason why he has no hesitation to join long Yusheng is that he has not heard from ye Xiao for a long time and thinks he has disappeared How can I think that ye Xiao and Xiao fei'er will appear together at this critical moment!

He didn't know what happened half a month ago. He didn't know it until Xiao fei'er had a car accident. Now, facing Ye Xiao, he won't admit that he knows!

"Well, you can die!" When ye Xiao finished, he saw a flash of wrist, and then heard a gunshot. A blood hole appeared on Liao Bin's forehead. His eyes were wide open, and he fell down in terror!

No one on the scene can see ye Xiao's action of drawing a gun clearly. Everyone looks at Ye Xiao in horror. How can he shoot so fast?

Zhao Wuchang is even more frightened. He grabs Wen Xiaoqin's shoulder with both hands and blocks her in front of him. Although long Yusheng has sent four super first-class experts to protect himself, he has no confidence in those super first-class masters in the face of such quick shooting methods!

As for the others, they have already sat down on the ground, ye Xiao, this demon like guy, has come back, and he is still alive? How could that be possible?

According to the information they got, isn't Ye Xiao missing? And there's a rumor that he's dead? Otherwise, if you lend them a hundred courage, they will not dare to betray tianyaomen!

They have witnessed Ye Xiao's terror. The man who broke through so many mountains and rivers with his own strength, especially when he thought of the world-famous attack and killing case a few years ago, the vice president of China was killed by him. What kind of terror is this? No one on the scene felt that the security force around him could be more strict than the vice chairman!

If he can attack and kill the vice chairman, is it not easy to kill them?

These people want to plead, but when ye Xiao began to wantonly release that strong breath, they could not even speak!

All of us are sitting in the same place, dare not move, even breathe too carelessly, that kind of feeling is like facing an archaic beast!Without one more look at these people, ye Xiao turned his eyes to Zhao Changchang, who is still sitting on the chair, and then said coldly, "northeast Zhao Wuchang?"

"Yes, I am!" At this time, four Dragon soldiers arranged by long Yusheng have appeared beside Zhao Wuchang, including his own bodyguards. A total of more than ten people surrounded Zhao Wuchang. With these people guarding him, Zhao Wuchang's courage was enough, and then he slowly stood up!

"You arranged the half month event?" Ye Xiao continued to ask, a pair of eyes staring at Zhao Wuchang!

"Yes, I arranged it. What can you do?" Different from other people, Zhao Wuchang has long heard from long Yusheng that ye Xiao is still alive. He also understands that the main goal of long Yusheng and others this time is Ye Xiao. Now he finally leads Ye Xiao out, and with the protection of the elite of the Dragon nationality, he forcibly suppresses his fear and says coldly!

He knows that maybe his every move is under the surveillance of long Yusheng and others. If he behaves too badly, what will they think of himself?

If you want to be the head of the underground world of China, you don't even have the courage to face Ye Xiao. How can you do that?

"Good!" Ye Xiao spits out two words coldly in his mouth, but his hands are pressed hard. Xiao fei'er is excited because he hears the other party's recognition!

Being pacified by Ye Xiao, Xiao fei'er can resist her anger and stare at Zhao Wuchang. If her eyes can kill people, Zhao Wuchang has been cut by her sharp eyes.

"Good? Ha ha, is that a car accident didn't kill this woman, so it's very good? " Hearing Ye Xiao's icy voice, Zhao Changchang, though he was cool in his heart, still ventured to say that he knew that the better he performed now, the more abundant his future returns would be

Ye Xiao didn't pay attention to him. Instead, he looked up at the four Dragon soldiers around Zhao Wuchang and said faintly, "I don't want my hands stained with the blood of dragon soldiers. You go..."

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