The four Dragon soldiers looked at each other at the same time and all shook their heads. They were all new members of the dragon clan. They did not have much friendship with Ye Xiao. Moreover, since long Yusheng sent them here, they had a close relationship with them. How could they leave because of Ye Xiao's words!

Seeing that the four Dragon soldiers refused their good intentions, ye Xiao sighed softly!

"Wait for me a moment!" Ye Xiao's tone is very light, light without a bit of emotion, but the more so, the more difficult it is to think about the anger in his heart. Zhao Changchang, who killed his own flesh and blood, still curses fei'er like this. Ye Xiao has vowed in his heart to let him know what is the most painful thing in the world!

"Well!" Although Xiao fei'er is also angry in her heart, she still gently nods. She believes in Ye Xiao, just as she believes in herself!

Looking at Lin Xiang nearby, he almost sat down on the ground with such a simple look!

Then ignore the pale face of Lin Xiang, ye Xiao will be in the hands of the gun to the hands of sharna with him!

"Who dares to kill him with a gun!"

Sarna gently nodded, and ye Xiao is a step forward step out, so step by step towards Zhao Wuchang!

Seeing ye Xiao coming towards him so arrogantly, Zhao Wuchang's face has changed. Liao Bin is dead, so the people he arranged should be controlled by the people brought by Ye Xiao. Up to now, he doesn't know how many people Ye Xiao has brought. He just expects long Yusheng to come as soon as possible!

In Kyoto, in today's situation, if there is no dragon's intervention, no dark forces can shake the status of tianyaomen. Zhao Wuchang is deeply aware of this, so he did not bring too many people!

However, when his bodyguard saw Ye Xiao coming, two people immediately took out their pistols and wanted to shoot at Ye Xiao. The desert eagle in Sarna's hand turned and then heard two shots. The two bodyguards suddenly had a hole in their foreheads. They were unwilling to fall down and fell down from Zhao Wuchang's side!

Seeing that the woman's shooting method is still on the top of Ye Xiao, Zhao Changchang is startled by a cold sweat. How many experts are gathered around this guy? Such a beautiful, sexy and hot woman, how can she shoot so skillfully?

"I said, whoever dares to use a gun, who dies, wants to leave here alive, yes, that is to defeat me!" Ye Xiao overbearing full said, the body step by step toward the front, each step, as if in Zhao Changchang's heart to step on a foot, that kind of feeling don't mention how uncomfortable!

Not only does Zhao Wuchang feel Ye Xiao's pressure, but even the four dragon clan members also feel the oppression from ye Xiao. They are all the most elite soldiers in China. They have practiced Chinese martial arts since childhood, and they have been sent to various places for training. They all have been arranged by long Tian Dong to control the heart of the dragon clan Abdomen, everyone's strength can be ranked into the sky list, and no one has ever brought them such strong pressure!

Four people did not move, just quietly looking at Ye Xiao!

"Go, together, defeat him!" Hearing Ye Xiao's arrogant words and seeing that several dragon soldiers have not moved, Zhao Changchang can only give orders to his bodyguards, but can't watch ye Xiao come to his own!

Zhao impermanence brought eight bodyguards. These eight people are called the eight King Kong. They are the most powerful in his hands. One person is just like playing against a dozen ordinary gangsters. But before he can do anything, she solves two of them. Now the remaining six people see ye Xiao walking towards him step by step, and their hearts are filled with fear!

However, with Zhao Wuchang's order, the six people still summon up the courage to rush to Ye Xiao. As he said just now, if you want to leave here alive, you have to defeat him. Although he seems powerful, there is only one person. There are six people on his side. Isn't six people his opponent?

At the same time, several people have already taken out their daggers. Just now, he only said not to use guns, but not to use knives!

Six people present two groups, three in front and three in the back. The three in front of them hold daggers and attack Ye Xiao at the same time. One stabs him in the heart, one stabs in his stomach, one stabs him in the shoulder, and the three people in the back also take out their daggers at the same time, ready to meet their companions at any time!

At this moment, the potential of the six people was almost all inspired. They dare not have the slightest carelessness in the face of Ye Xiao, a top-ranking strong man!

Facing the attack of six people at the same time, ye Xiao seemed to have not seen it. He still walked towards the front step by step. Until the three daggers were about to pierce his body, he saw that his body suddenly moved, moving at a speed that ordinary people can't see. This move, like a cheetah, suddenly broke out!

One hand grabbed the wrist of the man who stabbed him in his chest. He twisted it hard. Suddenly, he heard the sound of fracture. The dagger in his hand could not hold it. He immediately fell from his hand and was caught by Ye Xiao's other hand. Then his body slightly deviated and avoided the other two people's knives. His left hand made a stroke in the air, and two bloodstains erupted. The neck of the two people sprayed at the same time Out of the blood, unexpectedly was Ye Xiao a knife cut throat!Then before the two men fall, ye Xiao has come to the back of the three, and the dagger in his hand is not sure when it was inserted into the heart of the man in the middle!

Then, before the three people in the back didn't fully react, they had already kicked the man in the middle of his crotch. With great strength, he kicked the man up in an instant. However, his body just flew up. Ye Xiao had already grasped the heads of the other two people. When he touched them hard in the middle, he heard a loud bang, and their heads looked like two It's like a light bulb and it's broken in an instant!

It's like throwing garbage and throwing them on both sides. Ye Xiao has come to Zhao Wuchang's body. Until this time, the two men whose throat was cut by him first fell to the ground, and their eyes were full of horror!

At this moment, not to mention the people who were killed, Zhao Changchang's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of fear. At this moment, he finally understood why the man in front of him had made such achievements in just a few years. This is not an ordinary person at all. The strongest people around him can't get a move in his hands, and he can't do anything from them The person falls, he unexpectedly did not see clearly Ye Xiao is how to make a move!

How strong is it?

Although his body is still protected in the center by four members of the dragon clan, Zhao Changchang has a feeling that he is naked and tied to a pillar, and a giant beast from the flood land is standing in front of him and opening his bloody mouth to himself. With a strong bite, he will be torn to pieces!

It's an irresistible fear!

Zhao Wuchang is shocked. The four members of the dragon clan are not surprised. Although they are the experts arranged by long Tiandong for long Yusheng, they have heard of Ye Xiao's deeds after entering the dragon clan. At first, they don't feel much about it. They just feel that he has been deified. Now that they have witnessed Ye Xiao's terrorist power, they know that the rumor is far from generalizing him Powerful

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