The palms of the four members of the dragon clan are sweating, but they can't retreat. They have been trained to obey orders since they were young. Since long Yusheng sent them here, they should protect Zhao Wuchang's safety even if they are dead!

At the same time, the four people took a step forward and surrounded Ye Xiao from four directions. At the same time, they had a military dagger in their hands. Facing Ye Xiao, a top strong man, they didn't have any confidence or even confidence to hurt him!

Seeing four Dragon soldiers surround Ye Xiao, Zhao Wuchang's heart is a little relaxed. How to say that they are all the elite of the dragon clan, the most mysterious department of China, and their strength is not too bad. He was afraid just now. What he was most afraid of was that long Yusheng regarded him as an abandoned son. These four people would not fight at all!

Now it seems that he is worried too much. Long Shao will certainly appear and he will not give up his own!

With such an idea, Zhao Changchang was a little relieved!

But his eyes are constantly sweeping around, seems to be looking for something, when can long Shao come? How long can these soldiers last?

Zhao Wuchang's heart has no bottom at all. As for the other traitors of tianyaomen, after seeing ye Xiao almost killed six Zhao Wuchang's bodyguards, they were scared to death. Two of them even fainted. Now, they are full of regret, but what's the use of regret!

I just pray in my heart, praying that ye Xiao doesn't pay attention to them at all, which may bypass their lives. As for returning to tianyaomen, they have never thought about it!

Seeing four members of the dragon clan who stopped him, ye Xiao sighed softly. Although none of them was once a member of the dragon family, even though they were all elite soldiers prepared by the dragon family for long Yusheng, after all, they were soldiers. After all, they were soldiers of China. They did not have so many intrigues in their hearts. They simply carried out orders, but they did not Damn it!

However, seeing Zhao Wuchang behind them, and seeing this guy who killed Xiao fei'er, ye Xiao knows that if they don't knock down these soldiers, they will fight to protect Zhao Wuchang!

"You It's not my match Ye Xiao murmured to finish a sentence, very indifferent, but such a sentence is with endless domineering, there is no one to doubt the authenticity of this sentence!

"If you're not an opponent, you have to do it. You're offended!" The Dragon member on the left side of Ye Xiao snorted, and then his body took the lead towards Ye Xiao. His speed was also extremely fast. Almost in an instant, he had come to Ye Xiao's front, and the dagger in his hand was like a tusk, which stabbed Ye Xiao's heart!

As soon as he moved, a member of the dragon clan in the rear of Ye Xiao also quickly swept over. The dagger in his hand was not a thorn, but directly cleaved into Ye Xiao's head. There was a sign that ye Xiao's head would be chopped with a knife!

In the face of the two men's attack, ye Xiao's body stopped at the same place and did not move. He knew that the two men's attack was just a cover, and the real killing move was still in the hands of the remaining two!

Of course, if he doesn't move all the time, then these two people's empty moves will become real killing moves!

Just when the man's dagger was about to scratch the clothes of Ye Xiao's heart, ye Xiao's body suddenly moved. He saw his left foot kick, and his body began to move to the right. Seeing ye Xiao move, the other two people stepped forward at the same time, and then the dagger in his hand swung and cut Ye Xiao!

They are waiting for the opportunity, waiting for ye Xiao to show his flaws. Their daggers are rowing toward Ye Xiao with the sound of the wind. Although they don't have full confidence to hurt Ye Xiao, once Ye Xiao moves to the right, he will be surrounded by four people with bare hands. Even if they can block the attack of two people, the first two people can still attack To give him the most deadly blow!

Seeing ye Xiao's left foot exerting a burst of force, his body began to tilt towards the right. The two people who first took the shot have begun to pull back. Their purpose is to force Ye Xiao to move to the right. Now that ye Xiao's body has moved, they naturally have to start preparing for the second round of fierce attack!

However, just as the two men had just recovered their strength and the two daggers stopped in the air, ye Xiao's body, which had begun to move to the right, suddenly shook, and completely violated the laws of physics. Instead, he moved to the left!

Such a scene, see a few people gape, how is this possible? Everyone felt his left foot push hard, and his right foot had been lifted up, and his body began to tilt towards the right. How could he still bounce to the left in such a situation?

Ye Xiao naturally won't give them a chance to understand. He completely broke away from the siege center of the four people. Before the Dragon member in front of him couldn't exert his strength, he quickly stepped forward and turned over with one hand, and a knife appeared in his hand, which directly inserted into the Dragon member's neck!

The member of the dragon clan was shocked and quickly took back his right hand holding the dagger. However, due to the reason just now, he couldn't do it freely in such a short period of time. His body also quickly retreated back, but his speed was fast, and ye Xiao's speed was faster!When he just raised his feet, ye Xiao's knife had been inserted into his neck!

With a knife, a stream of blood gushed out. The eyes of the dragon clan member were full of horror. It seemed hard to imagine how ye Xiao did it!

However, the other members of the dragon clan have come back to their senses at this time, especially the two people behind them. When ye Xiao strides forward and kills his partner, they have changed their direction and want to stop in front of Ye Xiao!

And the dragon clan member who cut a knife from the back also took a big step forward, holding the dagger in one hand and thrusting it at full speed towards Ye Xiao's back waist!

Although his partner was killed by Ye Xiao, he was still calm enough. He knew that any anger against a strong man like Shangye Xiao would show flaws, and any flaws would be fatal ones!

All his attention fell on Ye Xiao when he took out the knife. His feet were still clinging to the ground. If there was any abnormality, he could react in the first time. At the same time, there was no flaw in his whole body, unless ye Xiao could appear behind him in an instant!

But no flaws, does not mean that can not create flaws!

Although the three people's reaction has been fast enough, ye Xiao's speed is still greatly ahead of them. Before the three people form a encirclement again, his body has already rotated, thus avoiding the knife stabbing at his back!

Then he grabbed the Dragon member's shoulder with one hand. The Dragon member was surprised, but there was no panic. In the face of Ye Xiao's grasp, he also fell to the other side without wanting to be pinned on his shoulder!

This fall, it is to avoid Ye Xiao's grasp, but his footwall is no longer able to maintain calm, take advantage of this opportunity, ye Xiao suddenly out of the leg, did not turn, no spin kick, so a positive kick to his abdomen, the dragon family members were once again shocked, obviously did not expect that ye Xiao could kick out this positive one while his body was still rotating Feet, but he still took back his hands with all his strength and protected his abdomen!

And then it's "bang!" A big bang of

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