"Bang!" Ye Xiao kicked his foot directly on the two hands of the dragon warrior. The Dragon Warrior immediately felt a huge force pounding on his palm. He felt his palm numb and spread out towards both sides. His body was also shaken back by this force. However, he could never bear it By such a force, and his comrades in arms have already rushed over, it is impossible to give ye Xiao a chance to launch a second attack!

However, the Dragon Warrior didn't have time to celebrate. Ye Xiao's swift and violent foot still continued to kick forward, and it hit his abdomen like this. According to the law, the strength of this foot has been blocked by his hands. This is just an aftershock, and it is impossible to cause any harm to himself. However, when the foot is kicked in his abdomen, the dragon soldier immediately feels Feel a group of extremely strong gas force, the whole burst out, the feeling is like a bomb directly in their own abdomen like!

"Pa!" He felt his whole body fly up, but his abdomen was numb. He just saw a blood mist explode, see the blood mist all over the sky, and the visceral fragments mixed in the blood mist. The dragon warrior's eyes were full of fear. Yes, this is the first time full of fear, inch burst!

And it is the advanced stage of inch explosion, any part of the body can burst out inch force!

Is this a move that those experts in the legend can master? It's said that only the last dragon master, the Dragon Emperor, has such a skill in the whole dragon clan. How could he use such moves?

When his body was flying upside down, the dragon warrior had only one thought in his mind. He played by himself. Although he had no sense of his stomach, he knew that his abdomen had been smashed by the whole explosion, and his small intestine and large intestine must have been broken. He not only played by himself, but also played by his comrades. Facing such a situation, he realized the advanced stage of inch explosion Super strong, the four of them can't be rivals at all!

This dragon warrior is right. His body flies backward and blocks his companion's route and sight line. Facing his comrades' bodies, they can't stab their weapons in their hands. Instead, they put away their weapons and want to hold their comrades in arms. This is completely out of instinct, but it's this instinct that completely kills him Our lives!

While they want to help their companions, ye Xiao's body has quickly swept past, and then he can see two cold flashes in his hands. These two cold awns almost wipe the body of the soldier who was kicked by him. When the two dragon soldiers behind him respond and want to avoid, two flying knives have been directly inserted into their heads !

With Ye Xiao's current strength, the killing power of the Throwing Knife in a short distance is even more terrifying than that of bullets. Although these two dragon soldiers have high strength and can even avoid ordinary bullets within 100 meters, where can they avoid such a strike at this time!

"Hiss" a sound, two flying knives are very accurate into the heads of two soldiers, one shot in the temple, the other shot directly from the forehead, a knife, even through their skulls!

Their eyes were wide open, and then they were knocked down by their comrades' bodies, but where could they still get up? As for the soldier who was kicked by Ye Xiao, he witnessed the tragic death of his companion, and then watched Ye Xiao pass by, step by step towards the object that should have been protected by others, Zhao Changchang!

"Sorry, dragon master!" The soldier sighed in his heart, and then he lost his voice completely!

Four Dragon soldiers, four elite sent by long Yusheng, were killed by Ye Xiao in such a short period of time. Zhao Changchang opened his eyes and grew his mouth. He rubbed his face instinctively with his hands, as if he wanted to determine whether all this was a dream!

How could that be possible? They are all the strongest elite in China. Each of them has the strength to single out 100 people? How could they have only lasted so long?

How long do they insist on their own bodyguards? At the beginning, his bodyguard clearly told himself that all eight of them might not be able to deal with a dragon warrior?

Why is it the same dish now?

Zhao Changchang was full of surprise. After surprise, he was deeply afraid. It was a kind of desperate fear. If he had watched Ye Xiao walking towards him step by step 20 years ago, he would have summoned up the courage to die and fight with him. If he had known that he was defeated ten years ago, he might have pulled out his weapon and committed suicide at the first time, but today he is today After enjoying many years of love, he has forgotten the original fight, and the blood in his body has cooled down, but he has no courage to commit suicide!

"Mr. Zhao Xiaoye kowtowed to me at the same time, but he didn't want to do anything like this It's really not what I want to do. Please spare my life. As long as you let me die, no matter what you want me to doZhao impermanence cry that call a tear heart crack lung, that call a sad, really smell sad, see tears!

"You begged me not to kill you?" Ye Xiao stands in front of Zhao Wuchang's body and looks at him from a commanding position. The cold voice comes from his mouth!

"Yes, Mr. Ye, it's really none of my business. It's long Yusheng who led people to threaten me and force me to do this. I have to. Mr. Ye, please don't kill me!" Hearing Ye Xiao willing to talk to himself, Zhao Wuchang suddenly came to hope, and immediately pushed all the responsibility over long Yusheng!

Long Yusheng is a terror, but he has not appeared up to now. Zhao Wuchang doesn't care so much about his life!

"When did I say I was going to kill you?" Seeing Zhao Wuchang kowtow in front of him like a dog, ye Xiao sneered. Originally, he guessed that it was long Yusheng's Bureau. When he felt the breath of the four Dragon soldiers, he had already determined his guess in his heart. If it was not long Yusheng, how could Zhao Wuchang arrange such an expert!

So Zhao Wuchang's news to him is useless news!

"Ah?" Hearing Ye Xiao say not to kill himself, Zhao Wuchang is stunned. He almost killed his woman. He didn't intend to kill himself? Does he use himself?

"I will let you live, let you live more than death, let you live, beg me to kill you!" Ye Xiao suddenly roared, and then directly grasped Zhao Wuchang's head and hit his knee fiercely!

"Bang..." Zhao Wuchang, who was about to say something, hit Ye Xiao's knee with his nose, which was smashed on the spot. However, he had no time to scream. Ye Xiao had already clasped his wrist and twisted his whole right arm into a twist

"Ah..." A sad and incomparable cry suddenly rang through the night sky

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