Seeing these policemen gathering together, seeing those who take out guns one by one and aim their muzzle at this side, ye Xiao's mouth shows a sneering smile!

Let Zhao Wuchang lead himself and some activists of tianyaomen to come here to form a gathering of big gangsters. Then these policemen come down from the sky and destroy the minds of these gangsters at one stroke. Those who dare to resist will naturally be killed. They will certainly belong to the category of killing. In this way, even if Cai Mingxuan finally knows, he can't say anything Well, even reward those who are in charge of this operation!

After all, Liao Bin and Zhao Wuchang have a lot of real cases on their bodies. They destroyed the largest gangster group in Kyoto and Northeast China at one stroke. This is a great credit, and no one can erase it!

It's a pity to have a good method, a good mind and a good plan. What a pity!

If ye Xiao was the former one, he might have something to worry about. Since he was 12 years old, he joined the dragon clan. At that time, the Dragon Emperor was out all the year round. Seduction was the best person for him, but it was very difficult to affect him. In the days of the dragon clan, he often met with the old chief executive, and his words and deeds had always affected him Later, for him, the old head personally disrupted Tan Xiaoxiao's marriage. It can be said that the old chief is the person who affects him most deeply, and his feelings are also difficult for ordinary people to understand!

Under the influence of the old chief executive, ye Xiao has always had an idea that he should not fight against the government. The whole Chinese government is the old chief's painstaking efforts and the prosperity of the whole country, which is his greatest wish. Therefore, he never thought of fighting against the Chinese government!

No matter how many people in the government hate him in his heart, no matter how many people persecuted him and designed him, he only removed the first evil, never pointed the spearhead at the Chinese government, and was not willing to tear his cheek with the Chinese government!

That is the government that the old chief executive has devoted his whole life to. He has never thought about destroying it in the past!

Even if Yue Buxiu was killed at the beginning, he also reduced the loss to the minimum. For ordinary soldiers, ordinary police and ordinary citizens, he tried not to kill, he could kill as little as possible!

He did not want to fight against the government, nor did he want to bring too much influence and harm to the society. But now, his own child died, and his first child died. The child who had never had time to look at the world died in the calculation of some government personnel!

Ye Xiao was angry, completely angry, especially when he saw these policemen coming one by one, he was really angry!

He has paid too much for the country and the government. But why did he get such a result in the end?

Some of you are dissatisfied with yourself, and some of you want to kill yourself. You can just go for yourself. Everyone enters with a white knife and comes out with a red knife. But why do you want to hit your relatives!

Hit your unborn child? He is innocent. He is the most innocent!

Ye Xiao's scale is deeply touched, so ye Xiao at this moment has no scruples. Since you want to die, I'll give you a ride!

Ye Xiao, who was no longer afraid of anyone, pushed Xiao fei'er out of the gate, ignoring the dark muzzle of the gun and the police car that kept gathering here, so he came to the middle of the two sides!

After dealing with those traitors, Xie Chen closely follows Ye Xiao. Although he knows that there are countless guns against him in the dark, and even sniper guns are aimed at him, he doesn't have any fear in his eyes. There are only the most firm beliefs, and he can fight with the people he adores most. This is a kind of happiness in itself!

Not only did Xie Chen think so, but also several members of the dragon soul team thought so. They followed Ye Xiao out and went to the police!

In addition to them, many men in black appeared inside and outside Tianzhuang restaurant. They also held the most advanced submachine guns in their hands. Perhaps their number was not as high as that of the police, but their weapons and equipment far exceeded those of the criminal police. Their fighting spirit and their fighting spirit reached the peak of their life inspired by Ye Xiao's cold and murderous spirit!

At this time, don't say that they are facing a group of police. Even the most elite army in the world, as long as ye Xiao orders them, they will rush forward without hesitation to tear up the other party mercilessly or be brutally killed by the other party!

"Ye Xiao, you gathered illegally and carried firearms. You violated the laws of the Republic. You have been surrounded. Let your people put down their guns immediately. We can deal with them with a lighter one." The middle-aged man walked up the shoulder to see ye Xiaozhuang!

His name is Ma Liang. He is the deputy director of a sub Bureau in Kyoto. This time, the director of his Branch Bureau and the directors of the other three districts are in joint action. These people are from the Lin family. However, at this time, several directors can hide in the car behind. Who will really run to the front! Naturally, Ma Liang is the unfortunate man who has the worst relationship with him in the Public Security Bureau. Otherwise, he would not be a man in his forties, or he would be a deputy director of a sub Bureau!You know, in Kyoto this place, but section chief, director everywhere run, a small deputy bureau director, really nothing!

Even some big family children are born with a higher grade than him!

"Light treatment? Ha ha, go back to tell your head, if you don't want to see a river of blood in Kyoto, you will stop immediately! " Seeing the guy who was obviously pushed out to replace the dead ghost, ye Xiao laughs with boredom!

He has killed four Dragon soldiers just now. He has no great interest in killing this innocent man!

However, ye Xiao's words stunned all the police present, including Ma Liang. They had seen a lot of arrogant bandits. Some of them were full of bombs and threatened the police to withdraw. Otherwise, they would blow up a building. Some took hostages and threatened the police to prepare vehicles immediately. Otherwise, they killed the hostages, and some arrogant ones hijacked a leader of a public security bureau Madam, ask the leader to release his brother immediately, or let the wife of the director go to see Yan Luo!

But compared with Ye Xiao, these fierce thugs are nothing!

He didn't have any weapons, no hostage, and even took care of an injured woman in a wheelchair, but he said such a arrogant and incomparable word!

Let the head stop immediately, or let the blood flow from Kyoto?

Ha ha, Ma Liang wants to laugh, want to laugh aloud, but I don't know why, when he saw Ye Xiao's expressionless face, he couldn't laugh out!

"Ye Xiao, don't be stubborn and ask your men to put down their weapons immediately!" Ma Liang couldn't laugh and didn't know how to respond to Ye Xiao's words. As for running back to convey Ye Xiao's words, it was even more impossible. He could only continue to scold him!

"Ah..." I thought Ye Xiao would say something more, but he just sighed softly, which made Ma Liang stunned!

"You..." I was about to say something, but there was a gunshot in the air, and then Ma Liang's head burst open

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