Despite the sound of the alarm around, but in the night sky, the sound of the gunshot is still so loud, so crisp, so harsh, all the police, all staring at deputy director Ma Liang whose head burst into a paste, watching him fall down so slowly!

What's going on? How did you suddenly burst your head? Is it the sniper who was arranged to aim at the wrong target? But the other side has so much ordnance that no sniper dares to shoot until the last minute? Is this going to lead to a huge conflict?

Or did the sniper gun go off? But should not, this kind of probability is really too small, even if the fire really, should not hit their own people? Is it the sniper? But how could that be possible? This time, all three sub bureaus and some armed police transferred from other places have more than 1000 policemen in total. How many people on the other side, even though they all have weapons, are at most more than 100 people. Now the situation is stalemate. What they have to do is to negotiate. How dare they shoot? It's impossible. They can't shoot. It's suicide!

But seeing the bloody Ma Liang and the headless corpse, everyone felt a chill sweeping his back!

In the dark, countless police lights flicker, and the neon lights of Tianzhuang restaurant also shine on the sky. More than 100 policemen on the scene looked at Ye Xiao in the center and the man in white Zhongshan suit. He was so dazzling in this dark night!

Even though he knew that the death of his deputy director had a great relationship with the man in front of him, in the face of Ye Xiaona's pressure like a mountain, no one dared to shoot at him, and even those who had turned away from him seemed afraid that he would become the next target of the sniper!

"Go Seeing hundreds of stunned policemen, ye Xiao said faintly. He pushed Xiao fei'er's wheelchair to a lengthened black Lincoln not far away. Xie Chen and others followed closely. However, compared with Ye Xiao's calm, their looks were more or less nervous. They were not afraid of death, but worried that these policemen might actually shoot and hurt Ye What about Xiao?

However, in the face of Ye Xiao's powerful atmosphere, there were more than 100 policemen on the scene, and all of them were armed with guns. No one dared to shoot. Even the snipers in the dark were hesitating whether to shoot or not! Of course, it is more likely that the police sniper is looking for the sniper who shot just now. There is also a sniper on the other side. If it is not removed, it will bring great threat to the whole police team!

Behind the police, in a bulletproof RV, three bureau directors Song Fei, Li Ke, and Huang Wei are gathering together. Everyone's face is tense. In tension, there is a slight excitement!

This time, they were asked to come here by Lin wuhui, the son of the Lin family. They also knew who they were going to deal with. Because of this, they felt nervous, but at the same time, they were excited. As long as this was done, their positions could be promoted by at least two levels. Even if they could not jump directly, Lin wuhui promised them, It will be mobilized to other more important departments to act as real power figures!

All three of you are of the same age. They are from the Lin family. They have been working in the public security organs for nearly 20 years. Now they are just the directors of a Branch Bureau. If they are in other cities, the director of a branch bureau is a good post. But this is in Beijing, not to mention the director of the Branch Bureau. Even the director of the Public Security Bureau has no status, After all, the Minister of the Ministry of public security lives in Kyoto, where can you be the director of the day!

But as long as this is done, they will be sent out. With their qualifications and abilities, can their level be lowered?

At the thought of Mr. Lin's promise to them, they were all excited!

Of course, there must be danger in such a task, but this danger belongs to the police below. As the branch directors of the sub Bureau, they can't go to the front line to fight, right?

What's more, in the eyes of the three people, so many policemen have been mobilized this time, even the armed police have been mobilized, but they have to deal with more than 100 people of each other. This is not easy. In the face of such a powerful armed force, those criminals may have been scared to urinate for a long time. Where can they resist!

The most important thing is that the leaders dare to resist. No matter how strong the leaders are, can they escape from the thousands of troops?

If it wasn't for the impression that he didn't do his duty, several sub bureau directors really didn't want to come here. When the three people discussed where to play after killing Ye Xiao for a while, another deputy director came in a hurry!

"Director, it's bad..." The deputy director looked flustered and called to several directors sitting in the business car!

"What's wrong?" Song Fei, sitting beside the bed, shakes down the bulletproof glass window and asks in displeasure!

"Ma Liang Deputy director Ma Liang was shot and killed! " That deputy director is very flustered to say!

"What? Shot? What's going on? " Song Fei and the other three directors were all in a daze. They all hid in the bulletproof car just now. With the sound of the alarm around them, they really didn't hear any gunfire. How could they be killed now?The deputy director didn't dare to hide it. He quickly said what happened at the front line. Although he was far away from each other, he was also oppressed by the cold breath of Ye Xiao. He had never thought that a person could still have such an aura when facing hundreds of guns. At that time, don't mention the ordinary police, even him No courage to shoot at Xiaoye?

"What about ye Xiaoren?" Song Fei almost burst into a curse. Ma Liang is a deputy director of his Branch Bureau. He sent this son of a bitch to deal with the matter in front of him, but he was killed?

It's a big thing that a deputy director is killed. Of course, it doesn't matter. This time, it's on the way to arrest the gangsters. At most, it's a hero's sacrifice. But the problem is, the other side has started. How can it sound like there's no sign of war? Are there other variables?

The death of a Ma Liang is not a big deal, but if ye Xiao leaves here, it is really a big deal!

At that time, without the help of the Lin family, it would be enough for them to go out in private!

"He He's pushing a woman to a car and seems to want to leave! " The deputy director Leng Leng Leng, quickly will ye Xiao's whereabouts said again?

"Want to leave? Waste, you are a group of rubbish, his people killed deputy director Ma Liang, you also let him so swagger on the car, safely leave? Don't you know how to take enforcement measures Song Fei is completely angry at this moment. He slaps the deputy director in the past. If he is in normal times, he can't do this, but at this moment he is completely angry!

They sent out so many people to watch the target task get on the bus so helplessly. Is that too much talk?

"But He said He said that if he didn't want to see a river of blood in Kyoto, he would ask us to stop immediately! " At this time, the deputy director did not care about the pain on his face, nor did he care about the slap of Song Fei. He directly carried out the words of Ye Xiao, and then did not dare to look at Director Song Fei, who was completely angry in front of him

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