Song feizhen is very angry, and is completely in fury. If he can, he really wants to take out a gun and bang this guy. A bunch of waste, unexpectedly, he dare not do it because of the other party's words. Is this still a police officer? This is the police quality of their branch office. If such things go out, they will be laughed off by those colleagues. Thousands of police officers are deployed. There are more than 100 police officers on the scene. Because a word from a gang leader can not be moved lightly, so he can watch him leave. This is not waste!

"Waste, a group of wastes, you are the people's police. Your responsibility is to protect the people's property and fight against all illegal elements. Now, because of the other party's words, you dare not move lightly. Do you still deserve the name of the police? Pass on my order, at all costs, to seize the target! If the other party does not cooperate, kill others Songfei breathed deeply, and absorbed the anger in his heart, and said coldly.

The people's police? When did you think of yourself as a people's police officer? Eat, drink, and gamble, which one of you haven't played? Which one doesn't play often? And which time did you not use the public funds? Eat the people, use the people, you have, but which time you really did for the people? Deputy director wants to scold in his heart, but dare not say it, can only respond to a sound, then turn to the front line to run!

Although he was afraid of the breath of Ye Xiao, the director gave orders, and they must carry out it. Of course, he would not expose himself to the first front. The other party had hundreds of guns. Although he was wearing bulletproof clothes, his bulletproof clothes were not absolutely safe. There were still many parts of his body that he didn't want to be protected for Ji lightly on the heroic just, this glorious thing is still handed over to those who are younger than their own police comrades!

Ye Xiao did not know how many people came, and he did not know how many branch directors were staying in the business car behind. They watched by hundreds of police, pushing Xiao Fei Er to the long Lincoln. This is Xiao Fei's special driver. Xie Chen had already opened the door for him. Then ye Xiao picked up Xiao Fei Er from his wheelchair, which had not recovered. So this is why Xiao Fei Er was still in the chair Then, when I got into the car, I was going to close the door, but I heard a loud voice coming from the back of the police!

"Listen to the opposite people, you are all surrounded. Put down your weapons and surrender immediately. If we don't put down weapons again, we will kill others. Finally, we will emphasize that we will put down the weapons immediately. If we don't put down the weapons again, we will kill others! All the players listen to the orders, prepare for the fight! "

This is called out by radio. The voice is naturally heard by all the people present. With the sound, the members of TIANYAO gate just shrugged their shoulders and held the charge gun a little tighter. This time, ye Xiao brought all the members of the Dragon Spirit Corps. This is the most loyal to Ye Xiao. Only one leaf Xiao in their heart will only be able to hold the charge gun Obey Ye Xiao's order, even if ye Xiao asks them to die, they will go ahead without hesitation, and where will these police be put in their eyes!

A group of people who have long left life and death away from the world don't know what fear is!

They can ignore the police, but these police are a bit nervous, don't see they have so many people, have such a big situation, but each other has guns, and not oneortwo people have, is everyone has, enough to have hundreds of, such a situation they have never met before!

China is a place with extremely strict gun control, let alone the heavy ground like Kyoto. Any Gang dare not use hot weapons without hesitation. It will be hit by death. Over time, these police rarely see the real scene. In ordinary days, except bullying the common people and some small muddle, nothing has been done!

Now I want to fight with these thugs with the charge gun, and they are beating drums in their hearts, so nervous!

Especially, I thought of the scene of Ma Liang's death. I was afraid of it. What if the other party didn't put down his weapons? Is it really going to be a war? But if the war starts, it will be dead!

They are young, and they have come to the police school, or they have to pay a lot of money to enter the police force. Before they can enjoy the prestige of the police, they may sacrifice here. Where can they!

But facing the orders of the superior, they dare not to do it. Once they deal with it, the consequences will be enough for them. Therefore, most police officers are nervous. Just hope that these gangs don't make excessive actions, and better surrender with their arms!

"It seems that they don't die in the Yellow River. The scene is a bit chaotic later. You will stay in the car and wait for me to come back, will you?" Hearing the broadcast, ye Xiao frowned and said softly to Xiao fei'er!

"OK!" Xiao fei'er nodded gently, she knew her current situation, if the war really started, then it would only become a burden of Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao kissed Xiao fei'er's forehead gently, then turned and walked down Lincoln, closed the door, and the whole body was exposed to the eyes of the public!

Looking at the police in front of me, looking at the police who were trembling because of the tension, ye Xiao sighed: "I really don't want to, really don't want to do it to you, but why do you force me? Why? Why is thatAt the end of the day, ye Xiao has been trying to roar out. The huge roar resounds through the night sky, but with endless grief and indignation, which makes many police feel inexplicably sad. When they are affected by Ye Xiao's roar, ye Xiao's figure suddenly runs out. In the night, it looks like a phantom. In the blink of an eye, it has come to the front of a hiding place In front of the police behind the police car!

A distance of more than ten meters is just a breathing time. Many people's pupils suddenly contract together. Is this still the speed that people should have?

"I really don't want to kill you, really..." Ye Xiao put his hand on the policeman's neck. Unfortunately, his voice was desolate and full of grief. However, the policeman who was pinned around his neck was frightened, and his face was full of fear. However, before he could speak, ye Xiao's hand had been twisted, and then he heard a "click", his neck was broken!

One hand a loose, ye Xiao has come to another of his companions, directly a palm out, in the police has not returned to God, has been patted on his head, directly one palm will smash his head!

Then he quickly got to the third person. Looking at the young policeman who looked only in his early twenties, even smaller than himself, ye Xiao's eyes burst into tears of blood!

"I really don't want to, but why are you forcing me? Why are you forcing me? " At the same time, ye Xiao has hit out, hit his heart, his sternum smashed on the spot, but his body was smashed upside down, directly hit a police car in the back, the police car was hit by the whole depression, as for his body, but also the whole body collapsed!

In the blink of an eye, three people were killed in a second, and hundreds of police officers on the scene were moved. The deputy director, who was hiding in the crowd and gave orders, turned pale

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