"Come on, kill him, shoot him!" The deputy director is really afraid. He is also a person in the body. Although his position is not high, he can be regarded as a person who has seen the world. He has accompanied the leaders to participate in some fighting competitions in special parts of China, and has also seen some experts. But he never thought that a person's speed would be so fast? Just a breath of time, has already rushed into the police group!

Is this still human speed? Even a cheetah can't do that, right? Shocked at the same time, the deputy director felt a deep fear, if he did not immediately kill him, once he rushed over, he would not be killed on the spot? At that time, no matter what happens, it has nothing to do with him. He is only 30 years old. He has a beautiful fiancee waiting for him at home. He doesn't want to die. He really doesn't want to die!

He didn't want to die, so the best way was to kill Ye Xiao. So the deputy director didn't care about anything else. He directly issued an order to the police around him, and he also forgot the most important thing!

If you shot Ye Xiao just now, before ye Xiao moved, facing hundreds of strong and hundreds of bullets, even if ye Xiao had three heads and six arms, he could only drink hatred on the spot or hide in the bulletproof car. But now he has rushed in. In order to protect himself, these police cars are parked regularly, which is also to prevent the thugs from shooting The problem is, now ye Xiaochong comes in, and the wall has become a hindrance to many policemen. When they turn the gun head, their sight is completely blocked by these police cars, and there are not many people who can actually shoot!

And there are his own companions around, if this shot, it is easy to hurt their own companions!

But I don't know if it was because of the order of the deputy director, or he was afraid that ye Xiao would rush to his face and end his life. These police officers did not hesitate to pull the trigger in the direction of Ye Xiao. It was better for his companion to die than for himself to die!

Moreover, this is the order given by the officer. Even if it is accidental injury, you don't have to bear the responsibility. Why not shoot? Don't it be too late to shoot when ye Xiao pours on himself?

When a person shoots a gun, a second person immediately follows him. Then almost all the policemen who are close to Ye Xiao shoot in the direction where ye Xiao is. Ye Xiao is between them. This shot, immediately there are stray bullets flying around!

At the moment, many policemen were shot, and they were all wearing bulletproof clothing, so no one died on the spot! As for the police, they were all smashed by the glass!

However, ye Xiao's figure accelerates again, and the whole person seems to be in the herd, rushing to the direction of the deputy director at full speed. If the deputy director doesn't speak, it's better. This speech completely exposes his position!

Relying on the cover of the police car, relying on the cover of the police, ye Xiao's speed shuttles quickly. How can these policemen who have not received too much professional training be able to hit him? After all, there are police cars around this area, and there are police officers to resist. It's not in an open area. There are too many places for him to dodge!

Even in the eyes of outsiders, he is not dodging, but walking in the rain of bullets!

A few steps later, another policeman appeared in front of him with one hand. A knife appeared in his hand and cut his neck in his frightened eyes. Then his figure leaped to the other side. Suddenly, the policeman's body was riddled by countless bullets!

At this time, the police group was in chaos. Xie Chen and others would not miss such an opportunity. They found the shields one by one and pulled the trigger at those policemen. They had powerful submachine guns in their hands. No matter the range or the shooting speed, they were far more than these policemen. With the flames lighting up, there were police falling down constantly In a pool of blood!

Even Kanu directly resisted the rocket launcher and pulled the trigger at the place where there were many people. Suddenly, huge shells flew out, and the whole explosion broke out. Several police cars were lifted up directly. The huge firelight soared into the sky, and more than ten policemen were completely swallowed up in an instant!

This is not a shooting film between police and bandits, nor is it a police fight against bandits. This is a massacre, a unilateral massacre, but the police who were supposed to be hunters have become the target of massacre. When the equipment is inferior to the opponent, the quality is inferior to the opponent, and the strength is inferior to the opponent, there are many people. That's just a joke!

When ye Xiao's figure dashed in the police crowd, completely disrupted the police deployment, when Xie Chen led the dragon soul team members who could fight with the special forces to attack the police camp with the posture of the most powerful one, these policemen who bullied the little gangsters completely collapsed, yes, completely collapsed. Before those armed police soldiers arrived, they were It's completely broken down.

One by one, crying dad ran around, one by one, hiding under the police car, one by one panicked, looking at a chaotic scene, looking at the massacre of the police, the deputy director was stunned there. At this moment, he personally felt the chill of Ye Xiao's words, if not want Kyoto Blood flow into a river, immediately close the team!

Isn't this just a river of blood? Hundreds of police officers, even though they did not have professional training, although they did not have much experience in gunfight, but it is not so miserable?There were only a hundred or so people on the other side, and they crushed all the police officers in the three major sub bureaus with the momentum of destroying the enemy. Looking at the police officers who fell down everywhere and the sparks exploding everywhere, the deputy director knew that he was finished. No matter what the final result was, this time was over!

So many policemen have been killed and injured. No matter what achievements they have made in the end, he is finished. Who let him be the person in charge of this operation? That order was also given by him. Several directors were supported by big people behind them. As long as they could defeat the target task, they might still be rewarded. But the responsibility of killing and injuring so many police officers must be left to their own back!

At the thought of this, he wanted to cry without tears, but before he had time to cry, a figure had come to him. As soon as he saw this figure, the deputy director was almost sitting on the ground with weak legs! The reason why he didn't sit down was that ye Xiao had already put a clasp around his neck!

When he saw Ye Xiao who was close at hand and saw this man who looked like a demon, the heart of the deputy director had already been raised to his throat. However, what made him even more astonished was that, up to now, ye Xiao's snow-white clothes did not have any blood stains. In addition to some blood stains on the soles of his shoes, his whole body was spotless!

How much strength does it take to kill several police officers without bloodstain?

The deputy director was full of chagrin in his heart. He knew that this man was so powerful that he would not come even if he was resisting. However, it was late. He clearly saw that ye Xiaogang had just crushed the neck of a policeman. His neck was not much thicker than that man. It was not easy to crush it!

"Where are your heads?" Ye Xiao naturally doesn't think that a guy with only a second grade inspector will transfer so many people. He doesn't have that power!

"In In There it is The deputy director pointed to a business car behind him with difficulty and said in a trembling voice. His eyes were full of begging, begging Ye Xiao to let him live. As long as he was alive, it was better than anything!

Thank you Ye Xiao didn't pay attention to his begging color. He said a light voice, then directly crushed his neck and threw it on the ground. He walked towards the business car not far away!

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