When they saw Ye Xiao, Song Fei, Li Ke and Huang Wei, who came like a demon, their faces were full of fear. The situation happened too quickly. When they got the news and fought with Ye Xiao's hands, the scene had already been in chaos. The first reaction of the three was to escape from here. However, for their own safety, they were in a group of police cars Yang, even if they want to escape at this time, their way is blocked by chaotic police cars. As for letting them get out of the car to escape, there are all kinds of stray bullets outside. Even if they are given ten courage, they dare not!

Now it's good. All the police around are in danger. Except for the driver in the business car, there is no police around them. Seeing ye Xiao walking step by step, the three people's bodies are constantly shaking!

Just a moment later, ye Xiao has come to the front of the business car. Seeing several directors sitting in it, a faint smile emerges from the corners of his mouth!

"How long are you going to stay in it?" Ye Xiao said lightly!

"Ye Xiao, you devil, have wasted so much glory from the country. At the beginning, the old chief executive paid more attention to you. But you are very kind. You not only don't know how to repay the motherland and the government, but also openly associate with such underworld figures as Zhao Wuchang. Now you are even more openly attacking the police. Do you want to rebel?" Seeing ye Xiao in front of himself and others, there is a layer of bulletproof glass. Although Song Fei is afraid, he still has the courage to drink and curse. How to say that, he can't weaken his prestige!

Hearing Song Fei still cursing Ye Xiao at this time, director Huang Wei and director Li Ke turned their eyes directly. This idiot, when is the time to say such cruel words? Isn't it intended to provoke Ye Xiao?

Although they also know that there are armed police soldiers to help, but so far no armed police have appeared, and ye Xiao is in front of them. No one knows how long the bulletproof car can withstand. At this time, we can not make ye Xiao angry!

"Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha ha... " As soon as he heard Song Fei's scolding, ye Xiao didn't get angry but laughed. He was so indulgent, so arrogant, so unscrupulous, and his eyes were full of sarcasm!

Return to the motherland, return to the government? Is he doing little? But what about the result of taking the lead?

His opponents have repeatedly used the power of the government to deal with him, even if he has killed his soon to be born children. What else should he do?

"Ye Xiao, if you are wise, you'd better surrender immediately and let your people put down their weapons and surrender immediately. But I tell you, don't be complacent. This time, not only the police but also the armed police soldiers have been sent out. If you don't surrender, you will regret it at that time." See ye Xiao completely ignore themselves, just in that unbridled roar, a burst of anger in the heart, directly open mouth yell way!

"Surrender? Ha ha ha, if you want me to surrender, why don't you come down and catch me Hearing the other party still calling for surrender at this time, ye Xiao's sarcastic look on his face!

"Well..." A word from ye Xiao will make Song Fei and others speechless, go down? Who will believe you? Did you tear it up when you went down?

"You don't even have the courage to make me surrender. What qualifications do you have to be a policeman? Tell me, who sent you, I can spare you from death Ye Xiao is really too lazy to talk nonsense with these guys and directly hums!

Song Fei and others look at each other. Who sent them? Can you say that? Besides, he is waiting in the car now. He can break the car, isn't he?

Of course, if the three knew that ye Xiao had smashed Yue Buxiu's super bulletproof car with bare hands, they would not have such an idea!

"Ye Xiao, you have a big tone. This is China and Kyoto. Are you really lawless?" Song Fei snorted coldly again. Anyway, he is hiding in the bulletproof car, and he is not afraid of Ye Xiao. In a moment, as long as the armed police soldiers arrive, the boy will die. He doesn't believe that the people around Ye Xiao can really fight against the national machines!

Ye Xiao ignored the director, but looked at the other two people, his heart has announced the death of this man!

"We have received reports from informants that you and Zhao Wuchang are gathering here. As policemen, we will naturally send someone over!" Staring at Ye Xiao's cold eyes, Li Ke and Huang Wei are both stiff. However, director Li Ke said directly that he was really afraid of Ye Xiao's eyes!

"Ha ha..." Ye Xiao smiles faintly, and then places her eyes on the only silent Huang Wei. As a policeman, she naturally wants to send someone over? Who believes such a lie? Even if it's a gang leader gathering, you can't send out so many policemen at one time if you want to crack down on gangsters? Even if we really want to send out so many police officers, they must be led by the Beijing Metropolitan Public Security Bureau, or even directly by the Ministry of public security. How can the team be led by several bureau directors?

Who would believe that?

Seeing ye Xiao's eyes and his two colleagues' eyes, Huang Wei's heart was pumping hard again. He saw the killing intention in Ye Xiao's eyes. If he didn't say it, who knew how he would deal with himself and others. But if he did, in case the armed police arrived in time, Gongzi Lin and others would bring people to defeat Ye Xiao Don't you think you will be hated by Mr. Lin?I can go to today can be all the cultivation of the forest family, if Lin family wants to deal with their own such a branch director, it is not light matter.

"Ye Xiao, you still surrender. As long as you surrender, the government will certainly handle it leniently in terms of your previous merits!" Finally, Huang Wei is helpless, only can try to Euphemism to Ye Xiao said!

He only hope Ye Xiao can understand his good intentions, he also has the bitterness!

"Ha ha..." But ye Xiao didn't care about his kindness and surrendered? Lenient? Ha ha, this kind of stupid will!

"Xie Chen..." At this time, the scene was almost controlled by members of TIANYAO gate. Some police officers had been surrendered with arms, crouched in a row with their heads, some of them were seriously injured and moaned on the ground. Some of them were cold bodies. In short, if someone saw such a scene, they would feel extremely funny. As a famous police officer, they were disarmed by a group of gang members Surrender, this is the whole police profession of the shame!

Xie Chen has sent someone to clean the battlefield. At this time, he heard the call of Ye Xiao. He immediately responded to a sound, and ran over in a small step!

"Yes, Xiaoge!"

"Bring me a barrel of petrol!" Ye Xiao said softly, the voice did not bring a little emotion!

"Yes!" Xie Chen also asked Ye Xiao what to do with gasoline. He immediately agreed to come down and then started to order the public to prepare gasoline. There are so many police cars. It is not easy to prepare a barrel of gasoline?

Hear ye Xiao to prepare gasoline, Songfei and other people thoroughly silly eyes, he is to do what?

In the eyes of three people, several dragon soul members have brought a bucket of oil, and then they heard Ye Xiao directly issued an order, "pour it on me!"

Pour it on me? Hearing these words, the three face suddenly changed greatly, he was actually trying to burn himself and others alive! Before these people respond, the members of the dragon soul corps have spilled the gasoline on the business car, and then they saw Ye Xiao personally lit the lighter and said to the three people: "forget to tell you, the armed police you are waiting for will not come!" After that, the finger shot, the lighter in hand in the air drawn a beautiful arc, fell to the commercial car full of petrol

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