Fengming mountain peak, sunny, especially in the sky that round of sunrise, has been high rise, the golden sun sprinkled down, it seems so warm, but the whole Fengming mountain is filled with a strong sense of your sadness, even if it is so warm autumn sun can not wash people's hearts of sadness!

Around the top of the mountain, there were people standing there. They stood quietly, quietly, with black coat, black trousers, black shoes, and black sunglasses. The whole piece looked black, as if it had been rendered by black!

On the top of the mountain, ye Xiao was dressed in the white Zhongshan suit of last night, and the black flower was on her chest. Xiao fei'er, dressed in black, stood quietly with him. She was still sitting on the wheel, letting Ye Xiao stand behind her and supporting the wheelchair. However, her eyes were looking forward to the small tomb like a small castle in front of her Is the home of his unborn child!

In front of the tomb, there are also four wooden pillars, which are deeply inserted into the ground. On the wooden pillars, there are four people bound. It is long Yusheng and others who have lost their hands and feet by Ye Xiao!

After several hours of treatment, except for Zhao Wuchang, who is still dying and may die at any time, other people have recovered their spirits, especially in long Yusheng. As the Dragon Master of the dragon clan, his physical quality has been improved by several other people. Although the injury is very serious, the foundation is still there. In addition to being unable to move his hands and feet, the whole person still looks very good God's, or panic!

Yes, the pain of the injury is still coming, but his brain has been numb. He is just surprised what ye Xiao is going to do and expose several of his own people here. What does he want to do?

In the sky, there are fighter planes flying by and armed helicopters approaching. However, no one dares to fire, no matter those fighters or armed helicopters hovering around. Even if only a few missiles are needed, the whole mountain top and ye Xiao and others will be smashed to pieces, but no one dares to shoot here!

Those are all from the military, which shows that the government has sent out troops, and even the area is surrounded by the military. But why don't they dare to open fire rashly? Or why are they afraid to attack? Just hovering above? Is it afraid to hurt a few people?

It's impossible. It's just an instant. Long Yusheng ruled out this possibility. Last night, he and others made decisions without authorization. He wanted to take this opportunity to kill Ye Xiao at one fell swoop. However, he didn't think that he finally caught him and caused so much loss. It is impossible for the government department to launch such a big battle for himself and others. In this case, it is even more impossible for the government to make such a big move You wait for someone and dare not attack!

It is obvious that ye Xiao has caused so much damage to the Chinese government. For the Chinese government, if it really makes up its mind to eliminate such a group of thugs, then even sacrificing oneself and others is the most normal thing!

The Lin family, the ancient family, including myself, are not the only ones in their own family. If they sacrifice themselves to bring greater benefits to the family, then those elders in the family will not hesitate to do so. There is no doubt about it!

But since it's not because of waiting for others, why not attack? Are you worried about something?

Ye Xiao is just the leader of a gang. Even if the gang is a little strong, it will not worry the Chinese government?

When all kinds of thoughts flashed through long Yusheng's mind, a man in black quickly came to Ye Xiao's side and said respectfully to Ye Xiao: "master, they are coming!"

The man's voice is not big, but the scene is too quiet, long Yusheng still clearly heard what the other side said, they? Who are they? When long Yusheng is puzzled, ye Xiao, who has never opened his mouth, finally opens his mouth!

"Let's get started."

Voice is very light, no emotion, as if from the sky, then start it? What do you want to start with? When long Yusheng was still surprised, four men in black had already carried a not very large but absolutely exquisite crystal coffin from the forest. Behind them, they were all coffins carried by people in black, but those were stone coffins!

A mouth of black Sarcophagus, do not know what material made of sarcophagus, long Yusheng Leng, this is how to return a responsibility? Holding a funeral, isn't it? On the contrary, Zhao Wuchang, who had just come to his senses, understood that it was several people who died in that traffic accident!

Did ye Xiao try his best to catch them here just to watch the funeral?

There is no mourning, no sacrifice, and there are not too many customs and etiquette, so quietly carrying nine coffins to the tomb has been dug, and then put it in silence!

Looking at the slight movements of those people and the crystal coffin slowly placed in the tomb, the tears in Xiao fei'er's eyes flowed out again, and a burst of unspeakable grief and indignation burst out!

"Nanshan, execute!" Feel the sadness in Xiao fei'er's heart, ye Xiao said faintly!

"Yes, master!" At this time, a man about 1.8 meters in stature stepped out of the crowd. His face was thin and pale. He looked like a zombie who had not seen the sun for thousands of years. Behind him, there were three people with different looks, but there was one thing in common, that is, their faces were extremely pale. Under the leadership of Nanshan, the four people were just like this Come to the front of the four people of long Yusheng!Looking at the man with pale face in front of him, long Yusheng and other people's faces also become pale and pale. Are they executed? What kind of punishment? It's a civilized age. It's the territory of the Republic. Is there any torture that can't be done?

In the eyes of the four people, Nanshan had one hand, a very thin one, but at least a foot long machete appeared in Nanshan's hands. Other people's hands also had their own weapons. The weapon styles are various, but there is also one thing in common, that is, it is quite thin, especially at the blade, which is even thinner than the ordinary razor One scene, the eyes of Long Yu Sheng and others are once again full of horror!

"Ye Xiao, give me a break?" Lin wuhui was the first one to exclaim. He was really scared. Damn it, this posture seems to be a long way to go. Who else would use this kind of torture these days? This is totally against democracy and against the spirit of humanism!

"Give you a break? Ha ha, I forgot to tell you that your old man is at the foot of the mountain now. It won't be long before you get here. Are you sure you'll be finished now? " Hearing Lin wuhui's startled voice, ye Xiao was cold!

As soon as he heard that the old man of his family was at the foot of the mountain, he was about to come. Lin Wu was stunned. Did he say that they were going to save himself? At the thought that it might be saved, Lin Wu regretted not to say anything again!

"Let's start from scratch." Don't give Lin Wuren the chance to speak again, ye Xiao directly gives the order!

"Yes Nanshan and others should at the same time, and then the knife light in their hands flashed, so neatly cut the four people's faces, and immediately cut off a thumb sized meat!

"Ah..." The sad cry suddenly rang through the whole Fengming mountain, and long Yusheng's mouth even gave out an angry roar: "Ye Xiao, this is against the spirit of humanity, you will suffer thousands of people's spit on you!"

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