"The spirit of humanity? Ha ha ha ha ha Now you tell me about the spirit of humanity, ha ha ha ha, long Yu Sheng, when you killed my unborn child, why didn't you think about it? Nanshan, be tough As soon as he heard that long Yusheng was telling himself about the spirit of humanity, ye Xiao burst out laughing. He was so crazy and so forgetful!

And his command is also extremely concise, is to start a little harder, rather than faster. Hearing such a command, Nanshan stabbed a knife into long Yusheng's face less than half a centimeter. Then he slowly pulled the machete, and the Sharp Machete gently crossed long Yusheng's face. From his left ear, he began to pull down, and the red blood flowed along the broken opening But long Yusheng made a miserable cry. His body wanted to struggle, but his limbs were broken. Even if his limbs were in good condition and were tied more like rice dumplings, he would never break free. Even his head was fixed on the stone pillar!

He can only slowly bear the pain of breaking his own flesh and blood with this knife. He can only clearly feel the cold blow of death in his ears, and even his teeth are broken one by one. Now he has no ability to commit suicide!

If you can choose, long Yusheng really wants to end his life when ye Xiao defeats him. Even if he knows that his father is likely to come down the mountain and bring someone to save him, he still thinks of death, and it is better to die immediately!

However, Nanshan Xiadao in front of him was very measured. When the blade made a large circle on his face and made a long cut, it still didn't hurt the vital part. He just wanted to die!

Nanshan doesn't pay attention to long Yusheng's struggle or his scream. He is like a dedicated sculptor who is working on his beloved art. The Sharp Machete flicks gently and cuts off one or two pieces of meat from time to time. In a short time, he even cuts off the whole face of long Yusheng!

Seeing his bloody face, Nanshan still looked cold and said to Ye Xiao: "the headmaster, his blood flow speed is too fast, so he needs to stop blood!"

"What is the best way to stop bleeding?" Ye Xiao is very cold smile way, at this time, even if long Yusheng and others are cut, it is difficult to vent his anger!


Lime? Long Yusheng is almost about to curse. The lime boils when it meets water. Can it stop bleeding?

But he did not have the strength to scold the exit, can only hear the leaf Xiao light said: "that uses the lime!"

As soon as the voice dropped, or even before it fell, someone rushed out of the woods with a large pot of lime powder, and then grabbed a handful of them with leather gloves and threw them on long Yusheng's face!

Long Yusheng had no way to avoid it. He could only close his eyes instinctively. However, the lime sprinkled on his completely skinned face immediately had chemical reaction with his own blood, making a crackling sound. The pain almost made long Yusheng faint. However, even if he really fainted, he would wake up immediately Where is to help stop bleeding, this is to help bloodletting!

Long Yusheng wants to roar, but when he opens his mouth, it is the blood and lime that excites bubbles to rush into his mouth, which makes him feel uncomfortable. At this moment, he finally understands what it means to live like death, and finally understands why Ye Xiao didn't kill them last night!

Not to threaten anyone with them, just to torture them!

The torture is just beginning. Long Yusheng can still keep from fainting, but Lin Wuren on the side has already fainted. Before long Yusheng can admire Lin wuhui, who can faint at this time, he sees a member of tianyaomen come over with a large pot of boiling oil, and then mercilessly pours on Lin wuhui, and suddenly falls into a coma Lin Wu regretted the whole wake up, his mouth is issued more miserable than his own cry, his skin is visible to the naked eye out of a blister, and then he in front of the executioner with his thin knife a knife stabbed at those blisters, is also cut off some meat, but for a while, Lin Wu regret whole Everyone has become a blood man!

Cruelty, bloodiness, violence, even the most mysterious law enforcement team in China, did not have such torture. This is only possible in the feudal society. In today's era when humanitarianism is on the lips, who will use such cruel torture?

Long Yusheng is almost crazy, but even if he is really crazy, the torture will continue. Nanshan in front of him still looks indifferent and begins to peel off his upper body skin. That feeling is like a butcher peeling a pig's skin. No, even the butcher will have emotional changes. However, the person in front of him has no emotional change at all. Just look at his concentrated expression It's like an artist is putting the finishing touches on his work!

Long Yusheng is completely desperate, he never thought his life would be such a miserable end!

But at this time, he even had no strength to struggle. He could only bear the pain that ordinary people couldn't think of in silence!At this time, the upper body of the four is almost bloody, and Nanshan and others have untied their pants, and the knife in their hands is gently stroking between their legs, as if to test the position of the knife. Rao is so painful that they almost lose consciousness, but they can feel the cold blade rubbing at the root of their thighs, which is also goose bumps all over the body Come up, this is to be broken!

Well, even if they can't survive today, they can keep this thing before they die. How can they say that they are also dead as men. But if they don't have them, what should they do?

When Yan Luo asked if it was a man or a woman, what should they say?

Just when several people's spirits almost completely collapsed, a group of fully armed soldiers quickly rushed to the top of the mountain, but they did not do anything out of the ordinary. They just monitored the people in black around them. Facing the guns in these soldiers' hands, the men in black did not move. At this time, the shadows of fighters and armed helicopters were all in the high air Hum is still ringing in the ear, if they really dare to shoot, they would have shot, where will wait until now!

With the appearance of these soldiers, many Chinese giants, including the No.1 chief, have climbed to the top of the mountain successively. They are surrounded by a group of men who are dressed in casual clothes but are extremely resolute. Each of these men seems ordinary, just like ordinary migrant workers and common people, but in the eyes of experts, this is the realm of restrained breath, These people, all are the most elite bodyguards in Zhongnanhai, everyone has the absolute strength of one hundred!

Even the general soldiers of the dragon clan may not have such skills!

As soon as the No.1 chief and others climbed the mountain top, they saw a scene that shocked them. Seeing such a scene, the No.1 chief immediately angrily said, "Ye Xiao, what are you going to do?"

With the rebuke of No.1 commander, those soldiers quickly point their guns at Ye Xiao, and their eyes are sharp. As long as ye Xiao changes a little, they will pull the trigger without hesitation

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