Eh? Why are you here?

Situ Haoyue almost fainted by this sentence. He is Ye Xiao's wife. Where is he not here? However, it is understandable that Yi bao'er had been unconscious for a long time because she had drunk too much happily last night. It is understandable that she did not know that she finally stayed here. However, it is hard for situ Haoyue to forgive or understand how she came in? They locked the rooms last night!

Ye Xiao is also caught off guard by Yi bao'er's move. He is still naked now, even in the past. Anyway, the ambiguity between him and yibao'er is not small. Even the baby has been eaten by her, and it is nothing to be seen naked by her. But now there is situ Haoyue beside him. In this way, she is in such a hurry What do you think of when you rush in?

As for what she can open the door to come in, ye Xiao has always been very strange. It seems that no matter whether she locks the door or not, the girl can come in whenever she wants to come in!

"Baby, get out of here In the face of the blushing situ Haoyue, ye Xiao had to yell at yibao'er. The girl, now so big, is becoming more and more unruly!

"Oh, get up quickly. You promised to go shopping with me!" If yibao'er used to be, he would never go out. But after all, he has grown up in many aspects. Although he is very reluctant in his heart, he still goes out in a proper way, but before going out, he turns around and says to Ye Xiao!

"Good, good, you go out first, I'll get up in a minute!" Ye Xiao has a big head. Where and where is this!

Ebol pulled the door and went out!

"Haoyue, Baoer, she is not sensible, you..." When yibao'er just went out, ye Xiao immediately explained to situ Haoyue, but he was interrupted by situ Haoyue before he finished explaining!

"Ha ha, I don't care, but how does she open the door?" Situ Haoyue shakes her head. Since she knew Ye Xiao, Yi Baoer has been sitting with Ye Xiao. She knows that she naturally understands her position in Ye Xiao's heart. Although she is not happy, she doesn't want Ye Xiao to be embarrassed by these things!

He is a man who does great things. There are too many things waiting for him to do. Situ Haoyue doesn't want to give him any trouble on these things!

"Well, I'm not sure about this. The door of this room is locked from inside. Even if there is a key, it can't be opened, and she doesn't have a key!" Ye Xiao scratched his head. He really didn't know how yibao'er came in!

"Did she often run in like this before?" Seeing ye Xiao's face at a loss, situ Haoyue continued to ask!

"This..." Ye Xiao was a little tongue tied for a moment. Yi bao'er didn't just run in often. As long as she was sleeping at home, she would run in almost every morning. In the past, she was a little girl, but now she is a big girl. Men and women are different. How can I tell situ Haoyue about this?

"Ha ha, baby, she's so cute. Didn't you promise to go shopping with her? Don't you get up soon?" Ye Xiao's pause has told situ Haoyue the answer, and situ Haoyue does not continue to ask, but instead opens his mouth and laughs!

"But what about you? Not together? " Ye Xiao breathed a sigh of relief!

"No, it's still so early. I want to sleep more!" Situ Haoyue shook his head and said it very amiably!

"Well, you have a good rest!" Ye Xiao has some guilt in her heart. She promised her to accompany her well just now. Now she goes to accompany another girl!

"Well, you go quickly. If you don't come back for lunch, make a phone call!" Situ Haoyue smiles slightly and raises his head to kiss Ye Xiao gently on the cheek, indicating that he does not need to put it in his heart!

Ye Xiao nodded, got up directly and went to the bathroom. After washing, he put on his clothes and gave a kiss on situ Haoyue's forehead. Then he walked out!

"Ye Xiao..." Just as ye Xiao came to the door, situ Haoyue suddenly called out!

"Well!" Ye Xiao turned and looked at situ Haoyue with deep eyes!

"You're my husband. No matter what happens, you're my husband, always!" Looking at Ye Xiao's deep eyes, situ Haoyue's bright eyes are also affectionate, and her mouth is saying such a thing, which makes Ye Xiao's whole person stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that situ Haoyue's temperament would say such numb words!

"Well, you are my wife, no matter what happens, you will always be!" Xiao Ye said that he couldn't tell from the moment he opened his mouth to the woman!

"Well, come on, baby may have been waiting for you outside!" Hearing Ye Xiao's words from the heart, all the dissatisfaction and grievances of situ Haoyue disappeared. Just like YUEWU said, to love a person, as long as you can stay by his side, as long as he has you in his heart, is enough!

What else is worth! Even if it's Valentine's day, so what? I had the happiest Valentine's day in my life last night, even if I didn't have his company during the day?I can be his wife, to be his real wife, what else can I ask for?

"Well, you have a good rest!" Ye Xiao smiles and nods, then goes out and closes the door!

It's only after six o'clock. Murong Mingyan, Yilin and other women who are good at maintenance will not wake up so early. For them, beauty sleeps out, so the whole villa looks quiet. When you walk down the stairs, you can see that yibao'er is already standing at the door. When you see yourself coming, you turn around in the same place and smile all over your face Facing Ye Xiao, she said, "brother Ye Xiao, am I beautiful today?"

Then ye Xiao looked at yibao'er in front of her, looking at this completely different baby!

Just now, yibao'er came in wearing a thick Nightgown, and his hair was Dishevelled. This is what yibao'er has always given Ye Xiao!

But at this time, she wore a tight pink V-Neck Sweater, and the deep jade ditch was exposed. It was a tight gully that could hold a bank card. A platinum necklace was hanging on the top of the gully naturally. She was wearing a high waist blue leather coat without zipper, and the neckline was upright. Such a red and blue match would be timely Still two words deduce to the extreme!

Her lower body is a pair of tight black jeans, which wrap up her not so thick but absolutely round jade legs. I don't know if it is an illusion, or if she has grown taller in recent years, she looks so tall. Under her feet is a pair of high-heeled black boots, which make her look even more tall!

And her hair is also in the back of her head, there is no painting on her face, just brush the long eyelashes, in this way, the original watery eyes will be more bright, like a magic mirror, to hook the soul of the people, even on her earlobe, there are two glittering crystal pendants, the whole person exudes a mature fashion The woman breath, where or in weekdays follow Ye Xiao to call ye Xiao elder brother's little girl film?

Seeing such a beautiful baby girl, Rao is unable to help but swallow her mouth with Ye Xiao's mind. NIMA's, it's really a girl's 18th change. But what's wrong with the little girl's film today? Dressed like this?

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