"Beautiful, beautiful!" After a while, ye Xiao came back to her senses and gave her thumbs up to her. This is not to coax her, but a praise from the heart!

"Hee hee, let's go." Hearing Ye Xiao's praise, Yi bao'er wears a charming smile on her face, so she steps on her high-heeled shoes and comes to Ye Xiao's side. She takes Ye Xiao's arm and walks outside!

Ye Xiao was baffled, but she still walked out of the villa behind yibao'er!

When ye Xiao was pulled out early by yibao'er, Shangguan Wudao also got up early in another Villa District of Jinghai City, or he didn't sleep at all last night. The old man left at three o'clock in the morning. In the remaining hours, he had been dissipating the news that the old man had brought him!

However, if the old man of the month has reached an agreement with the elder, he has not made a plan for the old man to join the alliance It is impossible for him to enter the Presbyterian order in his present status!

But even so, he was not sure that he would become an elder. However, the old man gave him a picture of a beautiful woman. This is the most charming woman that Shangguan Wu Dao has ever seen. Although it is a picture, he can be sure that this is definitely the most charming woman he has ever seen. The beauty of this woman is no different from that of ancient rhyme, but what she shows Show that temperament, but more attractive than the ancient rhyme!

According to the ancient rhyme, people feel like fairies. They are free from dust and vulgarity. They can't only look at things from afar, but they can't be obscene. It's just like the goddess in a dream. Beauty is beautiful, but it's hard to touch. But the woman in the photo gives us a real existence. It's hard to describe that feeling in words!

Of course, Shangguan had no way to play with many women, and they were not the first brother. Moreover, they were far more intelligent than their peers. Naturally, they would not be fascinated by the beauty of this woman. The old man clearly told him that although this woman was only a hall leader in the dark moon League, she was extremely capable. I was supported by several Dharma protectors, She is likely to become the first general hall leader in the history of the dark moon League. She is fully responsible for the external affairs of the dark moon League. Her status is only under the Presbyterian group. As long as the Shangguan has no way and can have a good relationship with her, there should be no big problem in entering the Presbyterian group!

A beautiful woman, or a powerful woman, how can such a woman not let Shangguan have no way to heart!

However, Shangguan didn't immediately implement it. Now he doesn't even know where the woman is. Even if he wants to get close to him, he is thinking about how to kill Ye Xiao!

With the power of tianyaomen in the Black Double Ninth Festival, it has been enough to make the high-level big men tremble. In addition to Cai Mingxuan and Tian Zhengqi who are best friends with him, the other big men have their opinions on Ye Xiao. It can be said that the wood show will be destroyed by the wind in the forest. Although Ye Xiao has a light wind this time, he also has many enemies. He is only forced by the situation in China, which is not positive For him, once Ye Xiao's rebound is caused, it will be a disaster for the whole country of China. Those big men, including the old people, are not willing to bear such a disaster. We should know that the old man's high position in the dark moon alliance is entirely due to the national strength of China, which is also his biggest chip. If there is turmoil in China, it will seriously affect him In the dark moon alliance layout!

So even though the dark moon alliance wants to get rid of Ye Xiao, the old man still doesn't use the power of the Chinese government. He can only use the underground power. What Shangguan has no way to do is to create an opportunity for the dark moon alliance's experts to jointly kill Ye Xiao!

This is also the order given by the old man to Shangguan Wudao. As long as he can complete this task, it will be the biggest chip for him to enter the Presbyterian group. However, ye Xiao is now in Jinghai city. Although Shangguan Wudao has spent a lot of energy, this is the sphere of influence of tianyaomen. It is not easy to find a chance to kill Ye Xiao?

In the face of a master like Ye Xiao, ordinary assassination simply doesn't work!

"No rest, big or little?" At this time, Lin Sichao's voice came from behind Shangguan Wudao.

"Well!" Shangguan Wudao nodded and didn't think of a breakthrough. How could he sleep early!

"Still bothered by the old man's orders?" As Shangguan Wudao's most iron brother, Lin Sichao naturally knows the relationship between Shangguan Wudao and the old man!

"Yes, the whole city of Jinghai is under the supervision of Ye Xiao. It's really hard to set up a bureau!" Shangguan Wudao nodded. For Lin Sichao, he really didn't need to have any concealment!

"Why do you need to lay out in Jinghai city? Ye Xiao's exposed power is so amazing that it has attracted the attention of the above. The development of tianyaomen in China will definitely be greatly restricted. At this time, as long as he is a smart man, he will never continue to stay in China." Lin Sichao smiles when he sees the sad face of Shangguan Wudao!"Well? Do you mean he'll leave Jinghai? " Shangguan's eyes are bright. Yes, it's hard to find such an opportunity in Jinghai City, but it's different when you're abroad. In foreign countries, gun control is not as strict as that in China, and they can mobilize more forces!

"It's inevitable, but I'm not sure where his next goal will be! But it doesn't matter, even when he plans to leave Jinghai city. We can lead him out to where we want him to go Lin Sichao has a plan in mind. Obviously, he has an idea in mind!

"Oh?" Shangguan's ungrateful eyes brightened again. Lin Sichao was called xiaozhuge in the early days, and he has always been his military adviser. Even his father, the magnate, praised him a lot. Looking at him like this, he obviously has a good way!

Lin Sichao also smiles, and then whispers his own ideas. After listening to Lin Sichao's ideas, Shangguan's innocent eyes become more and more bright. Finally, he can't help but clap his hands!

"Large or small, we are not short of low-end combat power. Now the most important thing is the experts. How many experts can the organization send us? You know, now ye Xiao's personal combat power can only be stronger than in the dark meeting! " Seeing that Shangguan Wudao completely agrees with his plan, Lin Sichao raises his doubts again!

"Don't worry, he said, this time, when Tianyu and Tianbao come back, the" fighting God "will come with them Shangguan's innocent eyes twinkle with self-confidence!

As long as ye Xiao can be drawn out, there is no doubt that ye Xiao will die. However, the old man clearly tells him that the "God of war" can compete with the Dragon Emperor and is one of the most powerful forces hidden in the dark moon alliance. Such a terminal strategic master, the whole dark moon alliance is only three people!

Even the old man of his family paid a great price to invite that one out of the mountain. In order to let himself enter the Presbyterian group, he spared no effort

With such resources, if you can't kill Ye Xiao, you can really wipe your neck

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