Seeing Yi bao'er's proud appearance, ye Xiao suddenly has a feeling of being kidnapped and blackmailed!

While Yi bao'er and ye Xiao are in love, Lu Yijun in a white dress is standing respectfully behind Lu Heng on the castle not far away, and Lu Heng's eyes are on Ye Xiao in the distance!

"Jun'er, you are responsible for the parts in the future." After a long time, Lu Heng took back his eyes and said to Yijun when he landed!

"Ah?" Lu Yijun was surprised, obviously did not expect his father will be such an important thing to his own care!

"You are all young people. You can communicate better, but that girl, you should stop thinking about it!" Seeing his son's surprised eyes, Lu Heng said faintly!

"I understand that. It's just father. Are you really going to sell that batch to him? Don't worry... "

"Even if all the people betrayed the motherland, he would not betray it. So, don't say it in the future!" Lu Heng naturally understood what his son was going to say. Without waiting for him to finish, he had directly interrupted!

"I see, father!" Lu Yijun is very clever nod!

Seeing that his son didn't ask more questions, Lu Heng nodded with satisfaction. His son may have many shortcomings, but one of them is the most precious. He can control his curiosity and know what to ask and what not to ask. This is also a necessary condition for a great man!

In fact, he did not say that the whole southern military region was ambiguous on the Black Double Ninth Festival recently, which shows that there are many people who support Ye Xiao in the Chinese government. Let alone others, Lin zhengdai, the first hand in southern Guangdong Province, is not ye Xiao's most powerful supporter!

Most of the industry of Weiyuan group is in south Guangdong Province. Under such circumstances, it is not necessary to have a bad relationship with Ye Xiao. To sell him a favor, it is only good but not bad for the whole Weiyuan group!

As for the matter of treason, if ye Xiao really wants to betray his country, he only needs to start tianyaomen to break out civil strife, which is enough to make the Chinese government headache, and even cause the civil strife of the whole country. Why go around such a circle?

Therefore, Lu Heng is not worried at all!

"By the way, Dad, Noda Zhenjun died on the way to the hospital. How can we explain to the Noda family?" After a while, Lu Yijun seemed to think of something, and said quickly!

"Account? What do you need to account for? We didn't kill people. What does it have to do with me, jun'er. From now on, we don't need to deal with the Noda family. How long can the prey that he is targeting support? " Hearing such news, Lu Heng's mouth appeared a sneer, while Lu Yijun waited, he nodded heavily!

The sun moved slowly in the sky, and soon fell to the western horizon. After dinner in the castle, ye Xiao and Yi bao'er bid farewell to Lu Heng and his son. Audi drove at a very fast speed on the road back to Jinghai city. Just as the car was about to get off the highway and head for Shuiying villa, yibao'er in the co driver's seat suddenly said, "I Let's go shopping! "

Shopping mall Ye Xiaoyi Leng, what time is it now, go shopping?

"Yes, you promised me to go shopping with me today, but you didn't go shopping with me for one day. Do you want to break your promise?"

“……” Ye Xiao is completely speechless. Today, it is clearly that he was taken to Kunshan by yibao'er. He finally understands a problem. Women's words should never be believed!

Because of yibao'er's last temporary proposal, it was almost 12 o'clock when ye Xiao returned to Shuiying villa. Murong Mingyan and Yilin had already gone to bed. Early sleep was also the key to their skin care. However, situ Haoyue was still waiting for ye Xiao!

Looking at the light on the master bedroom, ye Xiao's heart was moved!

"Boo!" When ye Xiao is moved in her heart, yibao'er suddenly takes advantage of her face and kisses Ye Xiao on her cheek. Before waiting for ye Xiao's reaction, she has already opened the door and jumped down!

"Brother Ye Xiao, thank you for shopping with me today. There is a bunch of flowers in the car. Remember to give it to my sister-in-law. Today is Valentine's day." She said, skipping into the room, as for her purchase of a lot of things, naturally someone helped her twist!

Ye Xiao's heart was still full of flesh jumping, but at home, the girl even dared to kiss him. He was afraid that situ Haoyue would see him. Suddenly, he heard the last word from yibao'er. Today is Valentine's day?

Nima, she said that all the way is romantic, but also met so many lovers, love today is Valentine's day?

But one day, I didn't accompany situ Haoyue. In addition, I didn't send a message to others? At the thought of this, I felt more guilty. I quickly took out the phone and sent a group SMS to Hua YUEWU and others. On Valentine's day, SMS can also be sent in groups. I have to say that ye Xiao's charm index has reached a peak!

Holding the flowers picked from the theme park, ye Xiao carefully walked upstairs and gently came to the master bedroom. He was about to gently open the door of the room. The door of the room suddenly opened. Then he saw situ Haoyue, who was only wearing a suspender nightdress, standing at the door, looking at himself with a smile on his face!"Back?" It is a gentle greeting, but it brings endless warmth to Ye Xiao!

"Well, this is for you. Happy Valentine's Day!" Ye xiaolue squeezed out a smile on his embarrassed face and handed the flowers to situ Haoyue!

"Thank you husband!" A bright smile appeared on situ Haoyue's face!

Then, without waiting for ye Xiao to reply, he has already pulled Ye Xiao's hand and dragged it into the master bedroom. He closed the door with his backhand!

"The water has been put away. Let me help you change clothes." As he said this, he put the flowers beside him and began to undress Ye Xiao. He did not mention that ye Xiao was not at home today!

Seeing such a gentle situ Haoyue and hearing her soft voice, ye Xiao has some doubts in her heart. Is this still the situ Haoyue he knows?

"What's the matter?" Seeing ye Xiao staring at himself, situ Haoyue asked curiously!

"No, nothing!" Ye Xiao shook his head, indicating that he was OK!

"Then come and take a bath. I'll help you!" Si Tu Haoyue smiles again and pulls Ye Xiao to the bathroom

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