The Lantern Festival, the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar, is a great day for Chinese people to get together with their families. No matter where they work, people are eager to return home to have a reunion with their families, eat dumplings and talk about their daily life. However, there are many people who can't go back home for various reasons, leaving a big regret!

Ye Xiao is undoubtedly one of these people!

In the East China Sea, on a cruise ship bound for Japan, ye Xiao, dressed in black, stands quietly on the deck, looking at the gradually emerging islands in front of him, and a sneering smile emerges from his mouth!

According to Ye Xiao's original plan, after the Chinese new year, he went to m country first to help Bai choufei further open up San Francisco and even the whole California sphere of influence. However, because of Lu Heng's relationship, he temporarily canceled the plan. These days, the Japanese devils are more and more unconventional. Ye Xiao also thinks that he should give the Japanese devils a bit of a look!

Today, I spent the Lantern Festival at home. However, some days ago, some news came from Japan. The elders of Yamaguchi group wanted to meet Fujiwara JIKO. Ye Xiao could only leave a few days in advance to go to Japan with them. He wanted to see the elders of Shankou group with his own eyes!

This cruise ship is only one of a fleet going to Japan. There are three cargo ships, one cruise ship and two frigates in the whole fleet. Of course, this frigate can't be compared with the military. This is a frigate refitted by the smuggling Department of tianyaomen. Such a fleet is just like this at a time of tense relations between Japan and China The emperor's coming to Japan from China is a miracle!

Of course, the more miraculous things are, the more they prove the value of Fujiwara?

Today, the name of the whole fleet is not tianyaomen, but the lily club. This is what Fujiwara said when she contacted those people in Yamaguchi group. In Fujiwara's speech, she had a good relationship with some high-level officials in China over the past few years. This is not nonsense. Under the introduction of long Yusheng, she did have a lot of high-level officials in China There are some senior customs officials among them!

Through such a relationship, Fujiwara Kiko secretly developed a smuggling team. Now, she leads this force back to Japan. Of course, the goods on these freighters are the things that Yamaguchi group has seriously lacked in recent years, such as arms, such as drugs. Since tianyaomen took control of the East China Sea, and then gradually controlled Southeast Asia and the northern ice sheet, she has been leading this force back to Japan In terms of ammunition, Shankou group is almost always on the verge of being out of stock. If tianyaomen hadn't caught all the time, and there were a small number of small smuggling fleets and Shankou combined, Shankou group would really look for the source of goods again!

What the Shankou group did not know was that the smuggling teams they had been working with were under the control of tianyaomen. Ye Xiao had been infiltrating the power of tianyaomen into Japan through such channels!

Today, fujihara led this one, is one of the smuggling team!

"Brother Xiao, what are you laughing at?" Ye yubai also stayed on the deck. As the leader of the Qinglong Hall of TIANYAO gate, he has been responsible for all the things in the East. Even according to Ye Xiao's idea, the sphere of influence of Qinglong hall will gradually move out of China. The Tangkou will be established in Japan to replace the Shankou group!

"There's Kyushu ahead, but don't you think it's too interesting?" Ye Xiao said sarcastically!

"Ah? Interesting? Where is it interesting? " Ye yubai's face is at a loss. He really can't see what's interesting!

"There has been a saying of Kyushu in China since ancient times. However, Kyushu is a vast land for demobilization. Any big state is bigger than the whole Japanese territory, but Japan has a Kyushu Island. What's interesting? It is said that Kyushu Island was nine countries in ancient times. Ha ha, there are nine countries in such a small area? Don't you think it's interesting, Xiaobai? "

"Yes, it's so damn interesting, but what's the fun?" Ye yubai nodded with approval, and then continued to ask with a blank face!

“……” Ye Xiao is completely speechless. Xiaobai is really white enough. Talking about this profound problem with such a little idiot is just a little too stupid!

"Does the master want to say that Japan is beyond its means and wants to compete with China in a small area?" At this time, Fujiwara, who was wearing a suit of floral kimono, came out of the cabin and said indifferently. However, although her tone was very light, she still spoke in a soft voice, which made people feel comfortable. Ye yubai's eyes fell on Fujiwara Jizi from the front.

"Yes, that's what I mean!" Although there are two beautiful Japanese women on the ship, ye Xiao still said impolitely!

Yufu island has been the territory of China since ancient times, but recently, the Japanese have been trying to occupy it. What is it?

"But did the headmaster forget that it was this tiny place that would occupy the land of China a hundred years ago?" Fujiwara Keiko still said lightly!

"Fujihara, what do you mean?" Ye yubai had a good feeling for this woman. After all, he was beautiful. Ye yubai was not a saint. Naturally, he was fond of beautiful women. But when she heard that she mentioned the war a hundred years ago, he was furious. The Qing government a hundred years ago was a disgrace and the greatest disgrace of China. This woman was still obedient and clever when she was in China If you want to go to Japan and dare to talk to brother Xiao like this, does she really think she dare not touch her here?"No matter how strong a lion is, there are times when he is sick and weak. Maybe the Jackal can sneak in when the lion is sick and weak. But as long as the lion does not die, no matter how strong the wolf is, it will not be the lion's opponent after all!" Ye Xiao is not angry, just light said!

"Do you mean Huaxia is a lion?" Fujiwara JIKO also did not answer ye yubai, did not even look at him, so asked Ye Xiao!

"No, he's a giant dragon, a dragon that's gradually waking up, and in a short time, he'll be above nine days, and all the people or forces who have dealt with him will tremble at his feet. Do you believe it or not?" Ye Xiao shook his head, then looked at Fujiwara JIKO, word by word, a strong confidence is from his body burst out!

Seeing ye Xiao's deep black eyes, and then feeling his powerful momentum, Fujiwara Jizi nodded forcefully: "I believe it!"

Any organization, any country, once the emergence of a person like Ye Xiao, this country will really rise, no one can resist his steps!

"Therefore, your choice is the most correct choice, cherish this choice well!" Ye Xiao said this lightly again, then turned and walked towards the cabin. From the beginning to the end, he never saw Fujiwara again!

However, Fujiwara's body trembled slightly. Naturally, she understood the meaning of Ye Xiao's words. She chose to submit to Ye Xiao. Therefore, ye Xiao gave her a chance to become the leader of Yamaguchi group, and then control Japan. If she could do it again, she would not mind letting Japan exist. If she did Without this, ye Xiao doesn't mind erasing Japan from the map directly!

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