Everyone is really the best. This trip is really worthwhile!

However, ye yubai's heart has not yet returned to normal. These women made another scene that left ye yubai stunned, but their blood was boiling. They went directly to ye yubai's side, and then grasped both sides of the kimono with both hands, and then slowly stepped down. In front of all the people and in front of everyone, they even collectively withdrew their clothes

With ye yubai's eyes shining, more than ten women went into the water one by one

Surrounded by the women, ye yubai almost forgot where he was and what to do!

"Hum!" Until I heard a cold hum coming from ye Xiao's mouth, it was the cold hum of disdain!

In sasoda's and Bazhi's eyes, aomu Okada uttered a disdainful cold hum, and then all his eyes fell on Fujiwara Jizi, completely turning a blind eye to these beauties. It is enough to see his love for Fujiwara and his disdain for Lin Changbai's bones. However, ye yubai, who is in the flowers, knows that this is Xiaoge's reminding himself not Get carried away!

He enjoys the happiness of the people here, but he continues to pretend to be forced by the shore. It's normal that his mind is unbalanced!

"Xiaoqingmu, you must have been tired after so many days of sailing. Why don't you come down and have a hot spring? I'll share half of the beauties here. Don't worry, Miss Jizi won't be angry!" Seeing the cold face of Ye Xiao, ye yubai couldn't help joking!

"Lin Changbai, do you believe me so that you can't touch a woman all your life?" Ye Xiao was not happy at all. Everyone was in the hot spring. In order to play his role, he could only be loyal to fujihara. However, ye yubai, the son of a bitch, called so many women in public. Even if he called a woman, he knew that he could not really come down to enjoy the service of beautiful women like him, but he also deliberately teased himself. Isn't this looking for smoking?

Being swept by Ye Xiao's knife like eyes, Lin Changbai did not dare to say anything more, and directly enjoyed the service of those women!

Why are they so bold? However, with Ye Xiao's reminder, ye yubai dare not really forget himself!

Seeing Lin Changbai at this moment, SATA and Bazhi look at each other's eyes and see the smile in each other's eyes. Such an impatient guy really has no threat, and Fujiwara JIKO is also a plain look. It seems that he understands all this very well!

It took half an hour to soak in the hot spring, but ye yubai was still in the mood when he left. However, he was surrounded by so many beautiful women that no man wanted to leave. However, after Fujiwara said that he would arrange more women for him in the evening, he stood up from the hot spring pool decisively!

After lunch together, ye yubai and his party came to the backyard of the villa. A group of people brought by fujihara JIKO and the people sent by satada had carried the goods off the ship. However, without the permission of several big people, no one dared to open those heavy wooden boxes without authorization!

When satada and others came to the warehouse of the villa and saw the wooden boxes piled up like a mountain, Bazhi and SATA's eyes were full of surprise. Obviously, they didn't expect Fujiwara to bring them so many goods this time?

"Uncle SATA, uncle Bazhi, now almost all the drugs in China are monopolized by tianyaomen. It's hard to get the goods. I spent a lot of time to get 100kg. Please don't blame me!" Fujiwara Jizi said, while walking to the front of a big box, and ye Xiao also followed her to the past, saw a flash of knife, the wooden box has been cut open!

Fujihara opened the box himself!

Sasoda and Bazhi looked at each other again, full of horror in their eyes. Obviously, they didn't expect Aoki Okada's speed of knife making would be so fast, but the stronger his strength, the more happy they were!

"Ha ha, it's OK. It's good to get 100 kilos!" Sasoda gently shook his head, as if he didn't care at all!

To tell you the truth, one hundred kilograms of drugs is an astronomical sum for ordinary drug dealers, but it is less for the whole Yamaguchi group. However, they are not for drugs this time. They don't care about the amount of drugs. Anyway, Yamaguchi group is also looking for other sources of goods!

On the contrary, some other things aroused their curiosity!

"This batch of goods are some handicrafts produced in China. I think they will sell at a good price in Japan. That batch is a good one from elder brother Lin. let elder brother Lin introduce himself to the two uncles!" Fujiwara JIKO pointed to other piles of goods and said to them!

Lin Changbai gets Fujiwara's eye sign and goes to the front of another pile of goods. Then he smashes the lid of the wooden box with a violent blow. This scene makes SATA and Bazhi surprised. The boy seems to have some skills. But think about it, he is so lecherous and has so many weaknesses, and his IQ is obviously not high enough. If he is strong enough, he is not good enough If not, how can you become the leader of a gang?

No matter what they thought, ye yubai threw the sawdust away roughly, and finally revealed a box of straw. Without looking at the straw, he reached down and pulled out a painted black gun!At the sight of this gun, satada and Bazhi's eyes are bright!

"The latest model of the Russian army's serial rifles, with an effective firing distance of one kilometer, can fire 20 bullets at a time, a total of 10 boxes, each box of five!" After that, he threw the rifle, which made SATDA and Bazhi excited, into the wooden box, and then went to another slightly bigger box!

This time, he did not use violence to break the wooden box, but had his subordinates open it. Ye yubai took out a painted black metal cylinder and some parts. Some people came forward to help him take out the parts and began to assemble them at the fastest speed. Within a few minutes, a huge sniper gun had been assembled!

"Fengying sniper gun, the seventh generation heavy weapon product of tsarist Russia, has a range of 2500 meters and an effective attack range of 15 meters in diameter. Would you like to have a try After introducing the sniper gun, ye yubai grinned and revealed two golden dentures

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